Free Tarot Reading Giveaway – Part 2

Continuing with the free one question reading offer, here comes part 2.


Querent number 4

Querent 4’s date of birth is 6th February, 1991 and the question asked is – I want to start my business in the USA like women purses, cloths, jewelry and home decor, is it good for me? When to start?

Querent 4, let us begin with your numbers first. You have such a beautiful combination of number 6 and 1 which are your birth and destiny numbers. Lovers of beauty, such people are born to enjoy the pleasures of life. Money comes to them easily but they often get into trouble with the opposite sex. Connecting this to your question, your birth numbers bring success to those who deal with luxury items as well. Professions involving gems, Jewelleries, luxury items are suitable for you.

Such beautiful numbers yet there is one small issue that we must address. 6 is your ruling number and you have an excess of 6 in your chart, owing to both your first and full name also which add up to number 6. Excess of anything is bad and having so many 6’s in your number chart can make you a very vulnerable and emotional person. Almost everything has the power to affect you and you must learn to channelize your emotional and intuitive energies constructively at all points.


In addition to this, you have quite a few missing numbers in your chart as well, especially number 5 which can deprive you of the stability and balance you seek in life. Although money comes to you, it may as easily go as well as you also have a missing 4 which can impact the area of wealth. I strongly recommend a name correction for you.

Now getting to your Tarot question, the cards tell me that starting your business in the US is not a good option at this point as it may lead to disappointments and setbacks. You will do well and earn money in this industry, no doubt, but patience and planning are needed. This is your number 4 year and it can bring about obstacles in your life based on your number chart hence I suggest that you at least wait until next year, 2022 before you venture out into this field.

Wishing you luck! I hope this will help.

Querent number 5. 


Querent number 5 was born on 20th November, 1991 and asks – Which area of my life needs most attention/nourishment at this time?

You are a 2 – 6 combination, ruled by the glamourous and intuitive Moon and the sophisticated Venus. The Venusian presence makes such people rich and famous and endows them with luxuries in life. People from the opposite sex bring gains to you folks and your speech holds attraction power. The presence of Moon can make you dreamy so make sure you do not live in a bubble most often.

There are several numbers missing in your number chart as well and your name number is not powerful or favorable enough. Your first name especially is set at the vibration of number 13 which is considered an inauspicious number. This year holds the vibration of number 9 for you and asks you to look into matters that need closing. Focus on projects that you started and that require completion and also work on tying up all loose ends. This is not the year to start anything new but to focus on existing commitments.

Getting to your question now, you wanted to know what area of your life you should focus on at this point. The cards show me that it will help to focus on your finances, primarily, at this time and look into ways of increasing your earning potential and making the right investment choices. I wonder if you have faced a challenge in this area recently?! You must also work on bringing more balance into your life. Take caution when expending your energy and balance your give and take ratio. You must also engage in charitable deeds as often as you can as this will help you clear your karmic backlogs. I would also go on to add that you risk facing betrayal in material matters so take the right cautionary measures.

A small remedy for you that you must follow in this lifetime would be to meditate on a regular basis. Meditation is a must for you. Drink from a silver glass at least once a day.


I hope this will help.

Querent number 6

Querent number 6 was born on 14th January, 1983 and her question is – Am I on the right path?

You are a combination of numbers 5 and 9. Mercury and Mars together render you both mental and physical powers. Life is marked by struggles and hurdles for 5 – 9’s. Determination and willpower can help you achieve whatever you set your mind upon. 5 – 9’s are mostly seen in the realm of politics, real estate business, acting as lawyers, and also import/export businesses. A suggestion that I would like to leave you with that you must follow throughout your life is to surround your space with lots of greenery if you can, and plant trees often. Also, ensure that books and stationaries are kept in good condition at all times to strengthen your number’s vibration.

You have a pretty well-balanced Number chart, however, may face issues related to finances and sometimes in your personal relationships as well with the lack of number 6. Your name’s numerical value is unsuitable for you as both your first name and full name’s number value adds up to 8. Your full name totals to 44 which is the number of Saturn and an inauspicious number to have for a name, therefore, I strongly recommend a name correction service that involves making small tweaks to your name alphabets in order to experience balance, success, and harmony in life.


Moving to your question, your life path at this time is about wrapping up a lot of things and being more diligent and committed towards your responsibilities. You seem to have a lot going on your plate and you must find innovative solutions to overcome your life challenges. I also feel that sometimes you take on more than necessary upon your shoulders. You must learn to prioritize and shed any extra, distracting weight off of you.

You may have had a busy or intense last few years and this year is about slowing down and accepting help, suggestions, and guidance. Emotionally, this year can be a bit heavy on you from time to time. You seem to be looking in the right direction, as far as being on the right path is concerned. Look at the right opportunities and make the right choices. In simple words, the cards give me a Yes for you being on the right path yet there are choices that you will have to make which will determine the results.

I hope this will help.

I will be back tomorrow with the rest! Until then, thank you for participating and keep posting your questions with your name and date of birth.

Sonniyaa Singh 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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