The Chakra Series – Mooladhara / Root Chakra


There are countless posts written on the seven main Chakras and their significance. Many of us are familiar with these Chakras and have gotten to hear so much about them in the past few years. In this Chakra series, I will make a humble attempt to share some information about each of the seven main chakras to help familiarize the novice with the ‘know-how’ as well as offer a refreshing read to the familiar.


Let us begin with the very first Chakra which powers up all others and without which, the foundation of the Chakra system itself can be affected – The Mooladhara Chakra. Located at the base of the spine, this Chakra is also known as the root or the base chakra. The Root chakra is associated with the element of Earth and is a fiery red in color. Its mantra is LAM (pronounced Lum).

The deity who governs the Root chakra is Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles. As per Ayurveda, the Sun is also assigned to the root chakra, as it is the primordial source of all life. The planets that govern this chakra are Mars and Saturn and the signs appointed are Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn.

The Root chakra stands for our sense of safety and security. It is the foundation chakra that powers up all other chakras and can be thought of as one of the main energy stations.

If your root chakra is in a harmonious state and is functioning properly, you will experience oneness with the earth, feel secure, do well on the material plane, experience a sense of stability, and possess inner strength.


On the contrary, if your root chakra is weak, you will experience the opposite. You will feel stuck, ungrounded, greedy, insecure, possessive, obsessive, and over-indulgent. You will frequently feel lethargic and depleted and lack motivation. You may even grow extremely selfish and ignore the needs of others as well as those of your body.

On a physical level, the Root chakra is related to the anus, rectum, spinal cord, colon, adrenal glands, bones, teeth, nails, and blood. A weak or imbalanced Root chakra can result in the following challenges in the physical body: Constipation, anal/rectal problems, lower back pain, diarrhea, varicose veins, problems with the hips and legs.

On a psychological level, one may experience loneliness, depression, anxiety, addictions, phobias, a sense of abandonment, insecurities, ungroundedness, and indecisiveness, to name a few. Worry and uncertainty loom over a person at all times. Your ability to manifest gets affected and one struggles to remain consistent and deliver results.

If your upper chakras are more active and developed than the lower ones, especially the root chakra, you may experience a feeling that you don’t belong. Many people in the spiritual community often feel this way – like they don’t belong on this earthly plane. This feeling does not go away until one fully accepts who they are and their role and responsibility towards this lifetime on this planet.


On the other hand, if your root chakra is in a harmonious state, you will begin trusting the process of life with gratitude. You will feel secure and easily achieve your goals. Your fears will be easily overcome and the earth will feel like a secure place to live. There will be more peace, harmony, inner strength and confidence within self.

So how can you work towards balancing and activating this important Chakra point?

One of the common methods is to connect with the element of earth and engage in grounding and earth-based activities (think gardening, hiking, cooking, Yoga, planting your feet on the ground, and so on).

The second is to consume food that nourishes your root chakra. Carrots, potatoes, beets, radishes, parsnips, onions, garlic, soy products, and protein-rich food such as eggs, meat, beans, and tofu are all supportive in nourishing the Mooladhara.

Who doesn’t enjoy music? You can listen to nature-based sounds either by physically experiencing them or through a tape or youtube.


Crystals and gemstones have grown in popularity and many use them for their healing benefits. Some of the crystals that can lend help are blood jasper, agate, hematite, garnet, red coral, and ruby.

As the root chakra is associated with the sensory function of smell, using aromatherapy is also an alternative. Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Patchouli, and Clove oils are beneficial for opening up the dammed-up energies of the Root chakra.

Want to do something fun? Dance. Something relaxing? Go for a pedicure.

Most importantly, learn to live in the present and embrace and trust life fully.

In our next post, we will learn a little bit about the second chakra called Swadhisthana. Until then, I hope you will find this post informative. Leave me a comment to share your thoughts.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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