The Chakra Series – Swadhishthana / Sacral Chakra





Moving further on the Chakra series, we now come to the second chakra called Swadhisthana or Sacral chakra. It is also very commonly called the ‘Sex chakra’ and for the right reasons as you will soon find out.

Sacral Chakra is located between your lower abdomen and navel. Its color is Orange and its element is Water. The Mantra for this chakra is VAM (pronounced VUM).

The Sacral Chakra has to do with our sexuality and sensuality but to limit it to just that would be overlooking its myriad power and inhibiting its full potential. It is also the seat of our emotions, passion, pleasure and creativity. This is also where Shakti (the female aspect of the Goddess resides).


In our physical bodies, the pelvic glands, reproductive organs, kidneys, and bladder come under the radar of the Sacral chakra. With water as its element, it also rules our bodily liquids such as blood, hormones, lymph glands, and sperm.


Astrologically, it is associated with the signs of Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio, and the planets Moon and Venus.

The energy of the Sacral chakra is characterized by flow, movement, and flexibility. Just like water nourishes, fertilizes, and continuously creates new life, the Sacral energy continuously plays part in supporting creation and birthing creativity.

It is the Sacral energy that dictates our relationship with the opposite sex and how we interact in a sexual and emotional union with our counterparts.

Being able to live life fully and engage in activities that bring you joy, happiness, and pleasure is also the energy of the Sacral center. Enjoying a delicious meal, tasting a decadent dessert, creating art, starting a new business, giving form to your dreams and visions, and having fun are all activities that a healthy Sacral chakra enables you to do.


So what happens when this Chakra goes out of whack? 

We fall victim to addictions. Our repressed emotions inhibit us from enjoying intimacy and partaking in the pleasures of life. We stop enjoying the food we eat which can result in under-eating or engage in overeating which can lead to weight gain.

Our sexual boundaries turn weak and we either become too obsessed with sex or fear intimacy. Inappropriate thoughts about sex may arise. While some people may get addicted to pornography or excessively crave sex with multiple partners, some may experience low libido.

On an emotional level, trauma, feelings of guilt, jealousy, and depression can kick in. Co-dependency comes into being. We cling to our past and find it hard to let go.



On a physical level, a disturbed Sacral chakra can give rise to urinary tract problems, kidney problems, sexual disorders, impotency, infertility, trouble with menstrual cycles, and other female reproductive challenges. It can also lead to chronic lower back pain and affect our intestines, spleen, and gall bladder.


How do we tend to this Chakra? 

Just like earth-based activities help strengthen our Root chakra, engaging in water-based activities can strengthen our Sacral Chakra. Taking a dip in freshwater, swimming, or bathing can stimulate and refresh your Sacral center.

Moon is associated with the Sacral chakra and this can be seen in its symbol of a six-petalled rose with a crescent. Therefore working with the energies of the Moon helps.

Moon bathing or immersing yourself in water under a full moon night is said to have a powerful cleansing effect on this chakra.

When given a chance, drinking fresh spring water can help cleanse this chakra center as well. Keeping your body sufficiently hydrated is not only good for your health but also for your Sacral chakra.


Express your sensuality in a healthy way. Make room for pleasure in life and do not view pleasure as a sin.

Socialize. Make more time for family, friends, and loved ones. Catch up for a cuppa coffee, a meal, or an outing. Technology has gifted us with ways to instantly reach out to anyone. Make good use of this.

Show love to yourself and pay attention to your needs. This may sound like a cliche but practice self-love. Do something that brings you joy and pleasure without feeling guilty.

The foods that support this chakra are Orange, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, and melon. As it is the center of pleasure, consuming chocolate, butter, honey, and wine in moderate quantities also helps. Milk and dairy products are also beneficial.

The crystals that can lend support are Carnelian and Moonstone. While Carnelian can help you get in touch with your creative self, Moonstone can help you get in touch with your own emotional richness.


The essential oils that support your Sacral chakra are Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, Orange, Mandarin, Neroli, and Jasmine. In the far east, Sandalwood oil was used to increase one’s sexual energy and turn the sexual union with a partner into a spiritual experience.

Music uplifts and heals and listening to the sound of rain or flowing water can help.

The color Orange is associated with this chakra. Orange activates, renews, and frees us from rigid emotional patterns. Using the color orange in your meditation or daily life can also promote and add to the well-being of this chakra center.

Do not feel guilty about partaking in healthy aspects of pleasure. Laugh, have fun, experience joy, release guilt, love yourself, and know that you are loved.

In the next post, we will move upwards towards Manipura also known as the Solar plexus chakra. Until then, I hope you are finding these posts informative and enjoyable.

Sonniyaa Singh



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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