The Chakra Series – Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra

Continuing the Chakra journey forward, we now come to Manipura (translated as the city of gems in Sanskrit). After meeting Earth and Water, we now greet Fire. This fire is responsible for both our vitality and purification.


The mantra for the Solar plexus chakra is RAM (pronounced RUM) and it is located around our navel region, just above the belly button. It is also the seat of our digestive fire and hence the liver and pancreas come under its governance. If your digestive system is weak, a dysfunctional solar plexus chakra could be the culprit.

A smooth functioning solar plexus chakra makes a person confident and motivated. What you experience as a gut instinct also emanates from this chakra. The Solar plexus can directly absorb the vibrations of the person you interact with or a situation you encounter. This is why when something is not right or if there are negative vibrations coming from the other side, your Solar plexus can create a knotted feeling, warning you of potential danger. The so-called ‘energy vampires’ that we often refer to, mainly latch on to and draw the energy out of this chakra.

A healthy Manipura chakra creates acceptance within self and leads to peace and inner harmony. You feel purposeful and possess a sense of direction. A lot of times, I encounter clients who are questioning their purpose in life and a weak Solar plexus chakra could be the reason for this.

Confidence comes from this fiery center. Not only are you proud of who you are but also accepting and tolerant of others. You accept your uniqueness while staying connected to others. You become reliable and take ownership of your responsibilities. You are organized and have good analytical skills.


You do not fear saying ‘No’ and turn aggression into assertiveness. Your self-esteem elevates and you learn to draw healthy boundaries, where necessary.

What happens when your solar plexus is out of balance?

When your Manipura chakra is out of alignment, you will pretty much experience the opposite of what is mentioned above. The dysfunctioning of this chakra can make one controlling and power-hungry.

It is possible that many with a weak Solar Plexus chakra faced a lack of acceptance as a child or during the growing up years which can make them constantly seek validation and acceptance from their external world. Such individuals lack self-worth.


People with a weak Solar plexus tend to fear life and its challenges. They constantly feel confused about making decisions and seek approval from others. Their drive to live life depletes and every small criticism can upset or anger them. Their memory power becomes weak and they have trouble concentrating.

Speaking of anger, suppressed emotions in such individuals can lead to rage. One wants to dominate and stubbornness takes hold.

The physical symptoms, as mentioned earlier, can manifest as digestive disorders such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, abdominal pain, bloating, gastritis, and loss of appetite. The stomach may bulge out or there could be an excess weight around the stomach area and constant fatigue can make it hard to find the motivation to do anything. Diabetes and eating disorders can also be linked to a weak solar plexus along with obesity, acne, and other skin-related conditions.

How do we balance this fiery center? 

Nature always has the cure, doesn’t it? It is hard to not think of the Sun when referring to the Solar plexus. Therefore, using Sun’s healing vibrations to revitalize this center is the most natural way of tending to your solar plexus chakra.


Absorb the early morning rays of the Sun for at least 15 minutes. Honor the energy of the Sun in your life. Do pranayama and sun salutations. Take a walk every day for at least 10-15 minutes absorbing the warming rays of the Sun. There are many Yoga poses that also render help.

To amp up your solar plexus center, listen to orchestral music. If you are feeling overly charged and have an overactive solar plexus chakra that is creating restlessness and agitation, listen to calm and soothing music.

The crystals and gemstones that aid in the harmonizing of this chakra are Tiger’s eye, Amber, Citrine, and Topaz.

If aromatherapy comes to mind, the supporting oils are Rosemary (for insufficiently functioning solar plexus), Lavender (to relax), and Bergamot (to increase our confidence and strengthen our life energies). Diffuse them to experience their healing benefits.

Meditating on the sunny yellow color or incorporating it into your daily life can add more zest to and strengthen your third chakra. This color also aids in digestion on both physical and spiritual levels.


In addition to this, practice being more assertive. Find a passion or a hobby that you enjoy and regularly partake in it. Keep your mind curious by indulging in mind puzzles and quizzes. Participate in sports and competitive activities. Study something.

Seek therapy, if need be. People who have had a difficult childhood and who encountered the wrong authoritative figures, or who dealt with abuse, bullying, or a strict environment often have a weak solar plexus chakra. Counseling or therapy can help peel the layers and get to the core of the matter to facilitate healing. This means you must work towards healing from past traumas.

Consume yellow-colored foods such as bananas, lemons, pineapple, corn, honey, etc. Avoid instant energy drinks and drink tea that helps aid your digestion. Notice what food gives you more energy and makes you feel fresh. Consume more of such foods.

I hope this information will help you understand and tend to your solar plexus chakra. In our next post, we will meet Anahata or the Heart chakra.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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