Weekly Tarot Guidance for 31st May to June 6th, 2021

Ariens, this week is about making some important decisions that are in alignment with your inner voice. Pay attention to what your soul is urging you to do and follow this path. It is a time to recycle the old and start anew. Closure is near but even if you don’t find it, don’t sweat it. Simply release and detach from what no longer serves you. This week is also about accepting yourself for who you are and giving yourself all the love that you deserve. Put your needs above all. Take time out for yourself. Cherish your beautiful self in every possible way because you are worth it. Important news is likely to reach you. A health situation is seen concluding for some.



Taureans, over-indulgence should be watched against this week. Anything in excess is bad, even if it seems to be a good thing at first glance. Weight gain can be an issue too if you do not watch your diet. You must make time to notice all the blessings in your life and practice gratitude, Taurus. That is the only thing you can do in excess without causing harm to self. Something that you were hoping for may not come to pass this week. A wish may not be granted. Don’t lose heart and hope if this is the case. Learn to be content with what is already present. Laziness and complacency are something to guard against as well. This week is also about practicing selflessness and doing the little things in life that can make a difference in your and others’ lives.


Geminis, this week you must practice patience and proceed softly and gently. This is not the time to go all-in or make a big noise about your plans. This is not the week to make a grand start but to think things through and only take action after careful thought and consideration have gone into a matter. Your energy levels may be low. You must take care of your health and work on increasing your vitality. Do not waste your energy pointlessly. Answers and clarity can be found in moments of peace and quiet. Some of those A-ha moments may happen when you are alone by yourself and not surrounded by a dozen influential voices. A new start that you were hoping for may be delayed.


Cancerians, this is a week where you must pay attention to the guidance that comes from trusted sources. Do not disrespect those with maturity, experience, and wisdom. Being rebellious can be liberating at times but sometimes, it can cost you a lot as well. Make decisions based on mature thinking. Do not disrespect your gurus or teachers, instead seek their blessings to strengthen your Jupiter. The answers you are seeking may not come easily and you may be denied access to knowledge of some kind. Despite this, miracles await. This week will show you some unexpected positive results that will come through faith. Stay optimistic and surrender to the power of prayer.


Leos, your sixth sense has a lot to throw at you this week so be prepared to listen to the whispers of your soul and trust what you strongly feel in your gut. Speaking of gut, you must work on strengthening your solar plexus chakra this week. Incorporate a lot of yellow foods in your diet and bring in the warm and refreshing energy of the Sun through early morning walks, sun salutations, or offering prayers to the Sun. This may not be the week to act carefree and success on a matter may be delayed. Your confidence could certainly use a boost as well. Digestive issues may trouble some of you. Place a bunch of fresh sunflowers around you to uplift your energy and dispel the spell of darkness. Try to be up bright and early and sleep on time.



Virgos, some travel plans may have to take a backseat this week. Opportunities that you are seeking may not fully manifest as well. Do not lose hope and use this time to clear out the clutter from your physical and emotional space. There are some things that need to be shed before new prospects can shine in your life. A saying goes that if you want to make space for new things, clear out the old. This is how you give the Universe a sign that you are ready to welcome new gifts and manifestations. Sometimes, easy does it and less is more. Keep it simple this week. Simplicity is beautiful.


Librans, you need a break! Some well-deserved rest, rejuvenation, and restoration are important this week. If life has been too stressful off-late, now is a time to throw down your weapons and find ways to fully de-stress before your health starts taking a beating. Catch up on all the missed sleep and nap frequently. Your sign is all about balance and you must live up to its motto fully. Some of you are harboring a lot of worries deep within as uncertainty looms over your head. Faith can move mountains. Both in self and in the creator. Surrender to the power of the divine, make time for prayers and meditation and strengthen your belief in self. Believe in magic and magical results will show themselves up.


Scorpios, the signs are crystals clear for you this week – Take action! If there ever was a time to act and be proactive, this is the week for it. Do not sit and wait for things to turn around or for resolutions to land up at your door. You have some moves to make in order to find what you are seeking. Procrastination must be put to an end. Also, learn to handle your anger and aggression in a better way. It is possible that your over-enthusiasm and unfiltered words may end up creating damages that can be hard to repair. Avoid argumentation of all kinds and find a better and uncontroversial way to put your points across.


Sagittarians, this week is pointing you towards fresh starts. However, this fresh start requires that you empty yourself of old emotions and expectations first. This can be an emotional week for you folks. Tears maybe shed by some and sentimental behavior can kick in. Do not let this startle or embarrass you. There are some murky waters hiding in your emotional closet that need to be drained out so that you can embrace a new beginning and experience rejuvenation. Some expectations may be dashed this week redirecting you towards starting all over again. Learn from past mistakes and do not be afraid to push the reset button. You must also keep a watch on your water intake this week. Hydrate yourself more and consume more water-rich fruits and veggies.



Capricorns, this week will test your strength and push you towards acquainting you with your own strength and power. If you play weak, you will end up feeling victimized, however, if you stand up against the odds, you will develop great inner strength which will aid you in moving past all obstacles. What’s it going to be? White light or golden light meditations will hugely benefit you now. Trust and believe in yourself more than anything or anyone. A disaster can be averted if you can keep a lid on your temper this week, Capris. Impulsive actions and crude words can cause a lot of damage, though I do feel many of you will diligently work towards containing rash behavior. The end you thought may not be the end after all.


Aquarians, this week asks that you be firm in your stand and decisions. Do not be swayed by fear, confusion, or lack of belief in self. Stand up for what you deem is right. Some of you may need to stop being a softy and start being more assertive. I see a proposal or a sweet message reaching you this week. Either someone may offer a proposal to you or you may prepare to do the same. Use your creative energy to aid you. Spend time with young people and be open to the message they have to share. If you have children, make time to bond with them more this week. Your instincts too may offer you helpful guidance. Do not dismiss it.


Pisceans, are you resisting change? If you are, then you must stop doing so and give the unknown a chance. Life must undergo transformations and transitory phases in order to aid our growth and help us evolve. Do not unwelcome change. Embrace it, instead. On the other hand, something you thought was over, done, and dusted may not be so this week. A second chance may be given in some area or matter to you. The Universe is also sending you a note asking that you get into the habit of sharing more this week. Be more generous with your time, resources, and love. Engage in charitable deeds this week to help the less fortunate in any way you can. Give more for it is the key to receiving!

I hope these messages will serve you well.

Sonniyaa Singh


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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