Weekly Tarot Guidance for 14th to 20th June, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].


Aries, this is a week when you must reflect on your truth. Do not be dissuaded or discouraged if the voices around you do not support your vision. What you want is more important than what others want off of your expense. You may feel like diving in a completely new direction. You may feel inspired to do something new and take risks. Have faith that if your heart is in the right place, you will be supported by the Divine abundant Universe. If you are embarking on new ventures, know that hard work is ahead. Take a leap of faith.


Taurus, this week is about reevaluating your priorities. Some recent distractions may have taken your focus away from important things. Or, it may even be that you are expending too much energy or resources on unnecessary matters. Get focused and target your goals this week. Deviate, even if temporarily, from anything or anyone that is coming in the way of your priorities. Many of you may feel stuck this week in some area of life. You must stop narrowing down your options and see the world through a new lens. You could be your own worst enemy, limiting yourself from your realizing your full potential.


Geminis, this week could take you back memory lane or sentimentality could push you back, keeping you stuck on things that you should move away from. The Universe is saying, Move Forward. The answer does not lie in the past. It lies in your present and future. An offer that you receive may not be up to your expectations. A friendship or connection may not be worth your time. Do not let over-imagination blind you to the facts. Instead of continuing to give more to a situation that has no hope, make new pathways.


Cancerians, a powerful message is coming to you from the Universe this week – Accept what is dying. This week may test your mental strength and something could be coming to an end in your life. Whatever this is, be glad that it is about to fold for good. You must guard against negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. Even though an ending can bring up fearful and bitter feelings, this is how it is meant to be for your highest good. Accept, embrace, and prepare to relaunch yourself.



Leos, this week is about finding balance and practicing moderation. Avoid overdoing anything. Before you make any decisions, meditate on the pros and cons. Any impulsive decisions now can lead to severe consequences in the future. This is a good week for anyone who is battling or is involved in a legal situation. If you deserve the victory or progress, it shall be yours. Practice honesty and be as transparent as ever in all your dealings. Something that you deserve will be yours this week.


Virgos, before you commit to something this week, it is important that you think things through. This is not the best of times to get into partnerships, sign new contracts, or sign off on new deals. Patience is advised. If a reunion is taking place in your life, take the time to contemplate if having the person or people back is worth your time and effort. If you are hoping for healing or recovery, it may be delayed. If your health is troubling you, pay a visit to your doctor and get a second opinion, if need be. Something that is meant to come together this week will either not happen or take more time.


Librans, you may feel isolated or may voluntarily seek isolation this week. I see you alone, lost in your thoughts, trying to find answers or solutions to a predicament. I also see some of you feeling disconnected from everything around you. You do need time by yourself to reflect on what you want and what is the right way to go about things. Seek advice from an elderly, wise person in your life who comes with much wisdom. Some Librans are also being guided to take the lead in a matter. Do not wait and waste time. Do what you must.


Scorpios, this week is about celebrating, rejoicing, connecting with your soul family, and bonding. It is a time to let bygones be bygones. Forgiveness comes as an important theme for you this week. Put the past behind you and start a fresh chapter. Good things are indeed ahead of you. If you need someone to lean on, look for support around you. There are kindred souls available to offer support. Friendships, reunions, and get-togethers may be of importance this week.



Sagittarians, in order to succeed, some sacrifices will be required off of you. Be willing to make them for your own benefit. This week, victory may be in sight. Rewards, recognition, and appreciation may come your way. Your past efforts are likely to pay off earning you the respect and bounty that you deserve. You are also likely to attract a lot of envy from people around you. Protect your aura and energy. Travel opportunities may show up for some Sagittarians and it is also possible that someone new could enter your life.


Capricorns, work deeply on your heart chakra this week. The Universe is guiding you to be open to love in all its beautiful forms. Keep your heart receptive to accepting love and also share more love with those around you. You have resentments, grudges, and heavy burdens to release. A passionate person may come into your life this week, teaching you the importance of cheerfulness, adventure, and fun. You possess much energy and drive. If you don’t think you do, look within again and reignite the sparks. With your passion for what you seek, you will make progress and come up with new visions.


Aquarians, this week is about acting mature and taking carefully thought decisions. Chances are that you may say and do things on impulse and this can lead to regrets later on. Do not rush to conclusions with partial information. Dig for the facts and the truth. You must also avoid getting entangled in any unnecessary arguments this week. You must find clarity in matters and seek the hidden treasures as this could be a confusing time for you. Meditate, slow down and keep a tab on your impulses before making any big or important moves.


Pisceans, say ‘Yes’ this week only if you want to. Otherwise, you must learn to say ‘no’ to people and things that are not in alignment with your heart’s true desire. A tempting offer may come to you. Resist the temptation and stick to what is right for you. You must also make time for self-care this week. Spending some alone moments with yourself, replenishing your energy will do wonders to how you feel. Slow down, take a break from everything, and indulge your senses in a healthy way. An independent woman may be of importance and you are likely to receive the security you are looking for.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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