Weekly Tarot Guidance for 21st to 27th June, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].


Ariens, I am sensing some anger, irritability, and harshness as the energy of this week for you. Either you may respond and react in this manner more often or you may even come across people who will display these traits. This week is about keeping it cool and using your words and behavior in a mature and wise manner. Do not hurt anyone intentionally. Do ponder on the consequences of your temporary reactions. It may be an unyielding week for some of you. Use your logical head to make wise moves and decisions. Music helps uplift our energy and shift our moods. Listen to some good beats that help you stay zen. Sometimes, it also helps to ignore the vicious words and actions of inconsiderate people and to simply focus on maintaining your peace and sanity. Choose peace above all.


Taureans, materially, this is a prosperous week for you as I see some incoming finances or opportunities to make money. Someone may even show up with opportunities that are worth seizing. A message related to finances or abundance may also come through. If you want to receive help, then lend help to those in need. For as you give, you also receive. If you are in a tricky situation, the Universe might just send someone to assist you in getting out of your fix. Support is made available to you in unimaginable and numerous ways. Be grateful.


Geminis, you have been harboring some heavy emotions and weight on your chest. This week, you are being encouraged to let it go, and let God (whatever your version of God is). Simply release what is beyond your control. Do not hold onto things, people, or emotions that are weighing you down. You are also advised to seek counsel from someone in a place to guide you. This can be a wise elder, an expert, a counselor or therapist, even, or anyone who holds the wisdom to show you the way forward. Pay attention to the people or sources that are here to illuminate the way this week. Give respect to your teachers and gurus and seek their blessings. Sharing your burden will help you feel lighter.


Cancerians, deep wisdom comes to you this week through a painful situation. The setbacks that are put in your path are here to teach you something and redirect you to a better path. Embrace the sunsets in your life now because they are paving the path to a brilliant sunrise as well. You are also guided to not sweat the small stuff this week. Small, inconsequential matters may lead to worry and unnecessary stress. Try not to get swayed or dissuaded by them.



Leos, do not get worked up by the magnanimity of the big goal or task in front of you. Just focus on taking the small, bite-sized steps this week. Do not let others’ progress demotivate you. Everyone’s path is different and you will make progress sooner than you know if you focus on the little steps and the smaller goals for now. This is also a week to open your heart to love and romance. Some of you may feel intoxicated by the feeling of love in its various hues. You may even cross paths with a dreamy, lovey-dovey individual as well. Some Leos will also find support, kindness, and help from a sweet individual.


Virgos, someone could be exiting your life this week. For some of you sweet Virgos, goodbyes are in order which can make this an emotionally difficult time for you. The Universe is saying, be Thankful for all those doors that are closing and for all the relationships that are folding. Share your gratitude for the time and experience that these situations and people introduced you to and take good care of yourself. In some cases, you are being encouraged to make the move and walk away, especially if your current environment is making you sad and unfulfilled. Whatever the case, share more gratitude this week. Say ‘Thank you’ more often and embody the spirit of gratitude.


Librans, endings are in sight so buckle up and strengthen your mind. Something that has offered you much grief and pain is about to come to a final close. I also see some Librans experiencing grief over something they no longer have. It may even be the memory of a lost loved one. On the other hand, it also seems like your attachment and addiction to some unnecessary things is what is blocking your progress, Librans. As you begin shedding all these redundant responsibilities, weight, emotions, and thoughts, you will not only feel lighter but also make way for progress in your life. Instead of clinging to things that are depleting you, both mentally and physically, just drop it so you can elevate higher.


Scorpios, you must manage and use your resources, especially your wealth, wisely this week. Else, you will end up feeling the pinch as this doesn’t seem to be the best of the weeks for material matters and concerns. A job opportunity may be delayed or denied. Some unwanted expenditures may crop up as well. Put your practical hat on. You are also being encouraged to take the time to replenish your energy. You cannot give from an empty place. Gather your energy, build yourself up, and cater to your well-being and health. Do not give in to demands that are beyond you. Many have taken a lot from you but it is now time for you to give to yourself.



Sagittarians, sometimes life gives you an opportunity to redo things in a better manner by stripping away the old and existing models. This week could bring such experiences to you where something will be demolished in order for you to rebuild and redo it more efficiently. Do not be discouraged and dissuaded by such sudden changes. Take it as an opportunity to learn from your past and get better. Some sudden shocking surprises or outbursts may also take you by storm this week. Keep your anger in check as well. On a lighter note, take this week to decorate and design things in your life. This can be your space, your home, or even your precious self. Experiment with your looks and go for a makeover to perk things up.


Capricorns, this week, feel free to disconnect and detach from all the extraneous noise and humdrum and carve out some time for YOU. This is a supportive week to undertake new studies and learn something. Research-based jobs will benefit from peace and quiet. Meditation and meditative acts can be your best friend now. Make time to connect with your higher self and the Divine. Seek wisdom and you will find it. Some of you may find a great deal of wisdom and guidance from a wise figure. Pay attention to the important teachings that come your way and turn your introversion button on. Some alone time with self is what you most need this week.

Aquarians, life can throw many unpleasant situations at us at times but that doesn’t mean we stop living or put a pause to our lives. This week may bring some unfruitful outcomes and disappointing situations in your life. Don’t let this dishearten you. Keep dancing in the dance of life. Do not waste too much time focusing on the losses or past mistakes. Don’t let hurt or regret take home in your hearts. There will be new opportunities, new vistas, and beginnings to celebrate. Embrace life for all it has to offer without getting fixated on one of its many chapters alone.


Pisceans, this week is encouraging you to polish an old skill or practice and get better at an existing one. Your gifts are meant to be used and celebrated. Do not shy away and keep them under wraps. Reclaim your power, your talents, your skills, and methods for you have much to offer to the world than you realize. Make room for your creativity to flow. You must also let go of your childish ways, Pisceans. Get more focused and determined. Someone could be jealous of you and may resort to spying on you. If you find yourself doing this to others, cut the habit and focus on your own betterment. Look in the right places and focus on the right things. Life will reward you in return. Beware of hidden enemies.


I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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