Daily Horoscope for 26th June, 2021

Greetings Soul Fam!


Using the cards as a tool for guidance and insights, I am sharing some guidance messages for each zodiac sign for today. I hope these short and crisp messages will be of help.

If you wish to book a reading, send me a DM or an e-mail to [email protected]. Readings are available for as low as $ 8.88 for a single question for a limited time.

Aries, a day to tread carefully. Some dissatisfaction can be felt today which can bring sorrow. It is advised to avoid impulsive behavior and watch your actions and words. Someone may try to create a stormy situation in your life. Buckle up and stay strong.

Taureans, a day to rest and recuperate. Do not engage in any heavy-duty work today. Your mind and body both are in need of replenishment and rejuvenation. Someone new is entering your life who may offer excellent advice. Listen. The practice of surrendering will benefit you.


Geminis, time to put an old attitude or mindset to rest and adopt a fresh perspective. Endings are in sight, today. Let go of the old and prepare for the new. A friend you have not met or seen in a long time may connect with you today and add some spark to the day.

Cancerians, new opportunities and pathways are opening up for you. Put the right efforts now and set a solid foundation to build whatever it is your working towards. Follow your heart. A sweet message may reach you. A positive day to listen to your heart and feel joy.

Leos, pay attention to your sleep patterns. Good rest is important to you. Deal effectively with the stress you are undergoing. You must stop overthinking and imagining the worse possible outcome. Get some sunshine and wear and surround yourself with bright colors. Reconciliation is possible today. You will also receive honor and acknowledgment in some affairs.

Virgos, put your attention-to-details attitude to work today and do enough research before investing in anything especially money-related matters. An important announcement or news may reach you. Today is about rectifying past mistakes and grabbing a second chance at life. Release and forgive.


Librans, a day to watch your back as people with selfish agendas may be working against you. Pick your battles wisely and do not hurt someone just for the sake of winning your argument. A deal or partnership may bring dissatisfying results. You will have new responsibility or role to play, today.

Scorpios, karma is at play today and you will have to bear the good or bad consequences of something done in the past. Disappointing situations are in sight that can bring sadness. Take some time off today to be in your own company and self-relfect. A wise person may offer you wisdom.

Sagittarians, put your inquisitiveness to good use and be open to learning new things along the way. Make sure your words and actions are not coming from an immature place. Some events may create a sense of dissatisfaction today. Be ready to defend yourself.

Capricorns, this is not the day to take unwarranted risks. A partnership or deal is likely to come to an end. It is important that you use all your resources wisely, today and not overpromise anything. Be wary of smoke and mirror situations. All may not be what it seems.

Aquarians, a day full of ups and downs. Utilize your time wisely. You may feel burdened by many things. Perseverance will help you overcome all obstacles. Stay on course and you will be rewarded with honor, respect, and acknowledgment of your efforts.


Pisceans, remain practical and grounded. Focus on your goals and make the right efforts. A financial opportunity may present but it will require hard work and persistence to reach your goal. You may face disappointment from a lover or a friend. This could be a dark-haired or complexioned individual.

I hope these messages will serve you well.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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