Weekly Zodiac Guidance – 22nd to 28th November, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].




Hope, positivity and new beginnings are seen for you, Aries. There is much to be happy and grateful for. The dark spell is lifting and you are about to witness clarity and almost a childlike energy. Romance is seen budding for many Ariens. A new person is entering your life this week. This person may have a stubborn streak to them or you may have to deal with a person who is obstinate and hard to change. You are also going to gain more awareness about a matter and feel more energized this week. Children could be of importance and a happy news involving a child is also possible now. Nurture your inner child and bring more playfulness into your life.



Taureans, this week you may witness the end of a situation. Whatever is meant to go will simply go, despite your efforts to keep it going. Accept change because you are stepping towards something new with this transformative happening. Life wants you to get back to basics and start afresh. The old ways and methods may no longer be working for you. Before you jump towards the next leg of your journey, take a break from things and enjoy some carefree times. Take a vacation, if possible or take some time to rest and recoup. Laze. Do nothing but just chill. Soon you will be busy welcoming a new shift.



Geminis, you may feel more emotionally driven this week, however, it is best that you seek out information before venturing into anything, especially when your emotions are running high. Some plans may bear unsuccessful results this week but don’t lose hope. A mistake brings you lessons and the opportunity to do things better the next time. A sweet offer could come your way from a young person as well but don’t get carried away. Words must be backed by actions. Be patient, dig deeper and only then proceed further. A new journey may meet with challenges. You may need to be more realistic and not dreamy to see positive results.



Cancerians, you may go through moments of indecisiveness and mood swings this week. There could be feelings of frustrations weighing you down and making you feel stuck. Life needs some stability and seriousness and therefore, seek help to find balance and work towards finding your center. Emotional maturity is needed. Do not get carried away by feelings. A female figure is seen to play an important role in your life this week. This could be dark skinned or dark haired and may even act as your therapist or guide. Whatever the case, life wants you to stop being aimless and get more focused at this phase. Work towards this now.




Leos, this can turn out to be an exciting week for you. An event or announcement is seen taking place. You are at your finest when it comes to your energy and ambitions. You may feel quite driven, too. However, too much distraction and focus towards the future could make you overlook the tasks at hand. This could impact your work life, mostly. This week, you must pay attention to your work and all the intrinsic details involved. Do not take things carelessly. I also see you enjoying a deep friendship with someone. This is a confident and charismatic person and may end up inspiring you. Do make time for your social life but do not overlook important matters.



Virgos, try not to worry too much this week as you could be stressing over something that may simply be a projection of your fears. More strength and courage is required of you this week. You could witness a temporary phase that is challenging in nature, but know that you have what it takes to overcome this bumpy patch. Turn to your higher self for guidance. Be bold and patient. Do not dispense your energy in the wrong places and try not to give too much of yourself away to others. You need yourself more than others now. Situations related to money or job could also stress you out this week. Know that this is a passing phase and soon, the situation will improve, as long as you don’t give up and remain strong.



Librans, matters related to partnerships may pose challenges this week. Someone you are relying on may not be dependable and could turn insincere. Be wary of promises that may go unkept or results that may be met with delays. You may also face challenges from someone or something that will make you do things against your will. You may feel like you are losing your power or do not have control over situations. You need a change of scenery! Do not rely on future prospects but work with what you already have, be it your skills or opportunities. Lower your expectations. Put your faith in yourself than others. Sexual matters could become prominent now. Travel may also be met with delays this week.



Scorpios, the decisions you make this week or the actions you take are going to have a chain effect in your life. So act prudently. Avoid being too greedy and impulsive. Wanting too much of something can lead to unpleasant consequences. Something may capture your curiosity but you still need to learn a lot about this matter. Do not act on limited information or take immature steps. Your intelligence and wit will serve you well now and lead to new discoveries. Stay alert, observant, and keen. Dealings with a woman will also be significant. Be careful what you say. Others around you may find you to be blunt and disrespectful, at times. Deal with important matters with utmost care and maturity.




Archers, you may go through changes, mood swings, and a few ups and downs this week. Situations could be quickly shifting and yet, your guidance is to remain stable, dedicated and disciplined. Hard work is required off of you. You are also likely to face situations involving authority figures. This could be your boss or someone in a commanding position. Be on the right side of the law and rules. Do not be in conflict with legal matters. If important contracts or negotiations are to be looked into this week, chances are that you may face some inconsistencies from the other party. Be stern and focused. Control your temper and display the finest of professionalism for others to take you seriously. Headaches could be frequent.



Capricorns, this week, do not force things to happen but let things take their natural course. There is much wisdom to be found in your waiting and it will be best to spend most time nurturing your spiritual side. Wisdom comes at a great price so push yourself beyond your limits and make the necessary sacrifices that will lead to your inner and outer growth. You are susceptible to worries, anxieties, and even a hint of depression. Fight the battles of the mind through spiritual pursuits. When you don’t run after things, you will see things coming to you. An opportunity or a windfall is coming your way. Do what you are passionate about and surrender. When you let go is when you will draw your desires closer. You may feel stuck or situations may not move at the pace you are hoping, but remember, all in good time.



Aquarians, keep your life in balance and do not hit extremes. Love, deep affection and caring are on your cards but perhaps you are to give this love to yourself before you can receive it from another. Be careful of those who could be manipulative or play mind games with you. You could meet with some unsuccessful plans as well. Do not use words to wound. You must be reasonable and use logic as opposed to being critical on yourself or others. If you are dealing with an unfair situation, find the right person to represent you for justice. You may even have to deal with a difficult and hostile person this week. There could be too much pressure on you to deliver or to get the results. You can surmount challenges through compassion, care, and love. First of self and then of others. Use your communication and analytical skills in the right manner. Be reasonable and adopt clear thinking.



There are many challenges lined up ahead for you this week, Pisceans. The good news is that you got what it takes to overcome them through sheer will and strength of character. Yes, you will have to be on your toes and deal with several frustrating matters, perhaps, but as long as you keep at things, you can stay on top of things. Matters will require urgency and you must be quick to act. You may also be forgetful of many things. The only way to assure your success in the coming days is to work hard and set a solid foundation to your ambitions. There are forces working against you and the battle is lost first in your mind. Strengthen yourself. Eat healthy and do not be afraid of putting in the right effort. Also, don’t let situations go beyond repair or become worse. Nip the problems at the bud.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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