Weekly Zodiac Guidance – 29th November to 5th December, 2021

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].



Ariens, get ready for a week that will demand a lot out of you! This week, you are required to muster all the strength and stamina that you have in order to not only get the work done but to also stay on top of things. Your guidance is to persevere, Aries. Only through perseverance and courage will you be able to overcome all the obstacles. Don’t give up and give your focus to all the tasks at hand in order to achieve the end goal. Also, channel your aggression properly and stand up for yourself. You may be an awful lot forgetful this week so try not to ignore the details when you are in a rush. Nip the situation at the bud before matters get out of hands. Gossip energy is around you. Careful who you spill your secrets to. Most possibly a man could spread rumours about you or share your trusted details with others. Therefore, take caution when sharing intimate details with others and stay away from the gossip mongers.


Taureans, your patience and sacrifice is about to pay off this week. Situations that seemed stuck will regain momentum and start moving forward. If you have been feeling stuck, this could be a time when you will be hit with the A-ha moment. Your guidance this week is to invest in spiritual growth and to go within. Your faith needs restoration to equip you to battle out and surmount life’s circumstances. Make time for meditation. Spirit is also giving you the message that you are on the right path. An increase in your material wealth is seen this week so expect to receive money or gains. You could even be part of an exciting event. Bask in the opportunity. An important news or announcement can also come your way. Some of you have learned the tough lessons of life and are now going to come out of testing times. Kudos!


Gemstars, I hate to put it so bluntly but this week can bring some chaotic energy into your life. I see some personal sorrow that can engulf you or weaken your spirit. Tears could be shed. Some plans may not go in your favour and you must be prepared to meet with delays and uncertainties. You must embody the spirit of a warrior and take action. Sitting and brooding will not help. Do what you must and do it swiftly. With some things going haywire, also know that you are making way for a new experience and a fresh start. Many of you Gemstars are fighters and won’t be bogged down by setbacks. Instead, move in a new direction and embrace the new offerings that life is wanting to give to you. Your cerebral powers need to be put to good use now. You may feel restless this week and even angry. Though you must act quickly, don’t act in haste and carry out impulsive actions.


Cancerians, this is a week of emotional fulfillment. You are going to receive a happy news and are guided to nurture your emotional needs. Do things that make you happy and feed your emotions. Emotional eating also allowed now (of course, within limits). Surround yourself with and meet people who lift you up. You could gain a lot of clarity and enlightenment now. Invest yourself in spiritual pursuits. Expand your awareness and gain understanding. The happy news that you may receive could come in the form of a new job or a raise. Money matters will be important and your material security will be further strengthened. Family matters are also coming in the spotlight. You gorgeous Cancerians are known to be homebodies and family people. Give more time and attention to your loved ones and home and resolve any matters that need your immediate attention.



Brave Leos, health matters are in the spotlight this week and your guidance is to look after your well-being. Avoid unhygienic places and food as you could be susceptible to picking up illnesses. I am also sensing some of you jovial Leos going under a depressive spell. You must tend to your bodily and holistic needs and stop procrastinating healthy alternatives. Visit the doctor and get medical help without ignoring the symptoms. Talk to a counsellor, a psychologist or meet a qualified healer to do your energy work, if it is getting hard to see things objectively and heal from emotional pain. An important meeting can perk you up this week. This meeting or coming together will emotionally fulfill you. A younger woman could be involved. This is a great week to repair your relationships and work towards reconciliation. If you are already working on your physical or emotional healing, you will begin seeing the results. I also see positive results for business meetings, deals and negotiations this week as long as both parties are willing to be flexible.


Virgos, this is a week to pause and re-think. You need a break, either physically or mentally, so take the time to rejuvenate your energy. Eat well and healthy. Nourish yourself. Prayers are a powerful way to surrender to the divine, so if you are stuck in a murky situation and have tried everything that has led to failure, it is time to let go in faith and spend moments in prayer and meditation. This week, you must also display shrewdness especially in business matters and stop being indecisive. Do not go with the flow or take lofty risks and chances. Take charge of your life as opposed to aimlessly moving forward. Have goals and then pause and plan your action-steps. I also see some Virgos receiving rewards and recognition this week. Shine on!


Librans, a rewarding week is in store for you. However, you are required to increase your efforts if you want to achieve your goals. Start off your week on an active note and don’t be laid back. Do the work! A windfall is coming, Librans. Property-related matters and inheritance are seen to bode well during this time. Make the most of this phase. You could be the recipient of compliments and respect coming from others. You must treat yourself well and invest more time in self-care. The energy is fertile and this could also mean well if you are planning a family. Make more time for sensual gratification and tend to your senses this week. Whether it is lovemaking or decadent desserts that you crave, give yourself the permission to enjoy life. Mother, grandmother, or wife could play an important role this week especially where material gains are concerned. Pregnancy is possible now for some of you Librans. Plan accordingly.


Scorpios, this week requires discipline where money and material assets are concerned. Use your finances with care and do not squander your resources. At the same time, you must also not allow your material goals and ambitions to come in between your feelings and emotions. Do not get so caught up in chasing and hoarding material things that you give less importance to your relationships. You must open your heart to deep love, care and affection. Share these emotions with the worthy people in your life. Some of you Scorpions have a secret admirer who could make their presence felt this week. If you have been too occupied with work and chasing your goals, this week, make time to get out and be in the open. Cherish and live life. Invest in other areas of your life besides work and money goals. Otherwise, frustrations can overwhelm you. Some important lessons are to be learned this week.



Archers, a new opportunity comes knocking on the door this week. Put in your effort and use this opportunity to make it both profitable and beneficial. The hardwork that you invest in now will surely lead to rewards. Excitement is also in the air and matters related to family will be of importance. Gather your strength and aim for peace as these are the ingredients to your success. If you are on the lookout for a job or a financial opportunity, this week’s energy is giving you a big Yes to it all. Grounding and taking care of your health is very important. Get physical and move your body. Eat more foods that are growth under the soil and root yourself to the earth. Walk barefoot on the soil and breathe fresh air. Consume your vitamins and make sure your digestive health is doing well.


Capricorns, temptations are around you and could put your willpower to test. Make your choices carefully. You must also protect your energy from external influences that can be draining and negative. Cocoon yourself in your shiny bright light and draw healthy boundaries where required. Someone will try to make you do something against your will. Do not sign up for something that you don’t support or something that your heart is not in alignment with. Emotional security will be of importance to you during this time so nurture yourself and your loved ones. Do not take risks that can jeopardise your sense of security. I also see a phase or a chapter coming to an end this week. This feels more like an upgradation than an ending. Celebrate the completion of these chapters and prepare for the next leg of your journey. You may look towards the past longingly but it is time to make peace with what was and embrace what is to come. Don’t let anything compromise the security that you have built so far.


Aquarians, things may move slowly this week but that does not mean progress is not being made. Remember the old adage that slow and steady wins the race? If things are moving slowly, make sure that you are steady and relentless. Despite this, some plans could be met with delays and failures. Do not let this disappoint you. Continue moving and modifying your plans where necessary. This week can bring confusion and stop you in your tracks, Aquarians. You must confront the reality instead of ignoring the facts and letting life make decisions for you. Trust your instincts and do not waste more time delaying the decision-making process. You may also feel emotionally blocked this week. If you don’t confront these pesky emotions, you could end up getting nowhere and still linger in the pain, nursing unhealed wounds. Don’t just think from your heart but also take in the practical considerations.


Pisceans, there are a few cautionary messages coming to you this week. One, is that you must avoid taking uncalculated risks especially when you are feeling high and overconfident. The risks you take right now may put you in trouble and lead to unpleasant consequences. Two, you must also be wary of getting into trouble. Accusations may be directed at you. Karma is at play pretty strongly in your world at this time. You are to reap what you have sowed and are guided to follow a righteous and ethical path now to avoid negative karmic repercussions in the future. If you are on the right, then rest assured that no matter what goes down against you, you will emerge victorious. On the flip side, you may have to face the brunt of your actions. I also see hardwork paying off for some of you Pisceans which will lead to rewards and recognition.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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