A Tarot Zodiac guide to Venus Retrograde

Venus went retrograde on the 19th of December 2021 and will remain so until the 29th of January, 2022. The planet Venus represents our relationships, luxury items, money, beauty, and the wife in astrology. When this planet goes retrograde, it is likely that we will face challenges in the above areas.


I pulled some cards to receive insights on what this Venus retrograde cycle can bring into our lives based on our zodiac signs. Read on to find out what your zodiac sign says. You may even want to read about the sign your Venus is in on your birth chart.

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].



Dear Ariens, this Venus retrograde can make you emotionally unstable where you may struggle to handle your emotions and emotional responses. If you were wearing rose-tinted glasses to view life or a relationship, chances are that those glasses may come off during this phase. Many of you may display lack of emotional maturity or come across people who will do the same. You may feel overly sensitive and moody during this phase. Too much time could be spent brooding on past events and it may seem difficult to forgive and let go. Careful what you promise to others. If you cannot live up to your words, better not commit. Although there could be a new opportunity of love coming your way, many Ariens may not be in a position to identify or accept it. You may even face some confusion when choosing a path that is more aligned with your heart’s desire. The lesson that this phase will bring up for you has to do with your spiritual awakening. Make time and put the effort to partake in your spiritual well-being and recognise the growth lessons that life wants you to learn. Your advice is to confront what is confusing you and find ways to overcome the conflict in your heart. Raise your confidence whether you receive the support you are looking for or not and build your self-image. Stay more focused towards personal goals than overly involving yourself with other people’s drama and circumstances. If you have just entered a new partnership or are about to, then take care as these upcoming days can be a bit challenging.



Dear Taureans, this Venus retrograde phase seems a bit chaotic for you. Many Taureans may feel restless and impatient. You may experience a sense of rush or your environment could create a feeling of urgency in everything you do. Impulsive actions are best avoided during this period as the results can lead to disappointing results. Do not make decisions based on incomplete information. Seek the complete truth before you jump the gun. You may tend to be argumentative or come across people who can display a blunt and unpleasant manner of communicating. Do not be aggressive in your demeanour. Travel plans can take a backseat right now. In relationships, some Taureans may face issues related to distance or travel. For instance, the trip you had longed for may not happen or may bring less desirable results. Long-distance relationships may face communication issues and misunderstandings. It is best to not proceed with important decision-making right now or that you put careful thought into your decisions before proceeding. Some Taureans may feel an obsessive need to consume alcohol or enter a state of high. Dulling your senses or reacting when under the influence of any mind-altering substance can aggravate your situation further, so make wise calls. Like Ariens, you too must focus on having right and logical personal goals and spend time charting a map on how you can go about achieving them. If you have not worked hard for something, do not expect pleasing results. Avoid situations that can lead to public embarrassment.




Dear Geminis, this Venus retrograde requires you to be bold and speak your truth. It is time to call someone on their BS. You posses the uncanny quality to pick on someone’s lies and deceitful situations. Now is the time to put those sharp instincts to good use. Past experiences have taught you a thing or two about trust and making the right calls. Use those lessons and learning now to rid yourself of dramatic and unhelpful situations. I sense that there are people in your environment who are not being their true self. They come with masked intentions. Beware and take caution when it comes to believing someone blindly and putting your faith. A lot can be revealed during this phase and you can avert a foul play, if you rely on facts, logic, and those razor sharp instincts. Many Geminis may fall victim to regretful thinking. Don’t be too critical on yourself for past mistakes and wrong decisions. Nobody is perfect and you must temper your need for perfection and see to it that you don’t become overly controlling and critical on others. Do not put up with situations or people who are trying to bully you or are throwing you under the bus for their selfish needs. You must be very observant now and stand up for the truth.



Dear Cancerians, this Venus retrograde offers you the chance to do some soul searching. It will play a pivotal role in helping you identify what you truly desire and where your passion lies. It is important to take some time off for yourself and from difficult situations to reassess your priorities and inclinations. It is possible that there are aspects in your life that no longer make you feel happy and content. You may feel as though you are missing out on something more fulfilling. Do not be afraid to walk away from all those things that are not nourishing your soul anymore. It is time to walk away from an emotionally unfulfilling situation in your life. Many Cancerians are in need of an emotional recharge. Your own cup is empty and you know that you cannot offer to another or to others from an empty place. Make this phase all about filling your cup and nourishing yourself first so that you can give to other areas of your life. This is an ideal phase for you to go on retreats or take a break and even embark on a solo trip somewhere. You have some unfinished business at this time, Cancerians. Before completing this, you cannot move towards new things or welcome new relationships. Make sure you have the closure you need and that you have tied all loose ends before you make way for new things into your life. Your intuition is trying to lay out plenty of signs and nudges in front of you. Do not discount it. Trust your inner voice and know that you already know better.



Dear Leos, this Venus retrograde, many fated meetings are likely to occur in your life. However, not all are to be trusted. There can be ulterior motives as to why people are trying to make way into your life and there could be selfish desires driving some people towards you. You must take caution in assessing who is genuine and who comes with an unpleasant motive. I see a lot of instances where emotional immaturity can be displayed either by you or by others in your environment. If you have children, this may be a particularly challenging time catering to their needs and wants. You could feel dreamy and out of touch with reality. You may glorify illusory thinking and if care is not taken, you could end up making wrong calls especially where purchases and huge investments are concerned. Try to avoid emotional spending as this can drill a hole in your pocket. Even in emotional situations, you must adopt a practical approach towards life. Do not build castles in the air or misread the signs. This may not be the right time to accept offers and it is possible that the offer or invitation you are awaiting may either not come through or face delays. On the other hand, try to be generous and charitable in your actions towards another. Venus is guiding you to donate to worthy causes during her retrograde phase. Help those in need and know that the Universe will mirror your generous deeds.



Dear Virgos, this Venus retrograde period calls for self-care activities in your life. However, make sure you don’t blur the lines between self-care and self-indulgence. Pay attention to your physical and bodily needs during this phase but also keep an eye on your diet. You can easily slip into wanting excess of something and this can lead to issues such as obesity, laziness, and expenditure mainly for gratifying purposes. I see this as a positive phase for those Virgos who desire to start a family or have kids. Pregnancy is possible during this period. You must guard against obsessing over things, Virgos. Obsession could lead to unpleasant consequences and rob you off of your peace of mind. It can deprive you of the space to focus on other important things in your life creating a sense of imbalance. A soul-mate connection will come into play quite intensely during this period for you. This is a relationship that is asking you to face your shadows and work on your growth. As advice, you must open yourself to new possibilities, Virgo. If you are unhappy being where you are, taking the steps towards where you want to be will ensure that you don’t feel stuck and find something worthwhile. Opportunities are seen on the horizon. Do not limit yourself. Travel is also possible during this period and one that is likely to go well.




Dear Librans, this Venus retrograde is a phase of healing for you folks. It is a time to let go of any bitter memories, some of which may even go back to your younger days, and emerge out with maturity. It is important to make logical and sensible decisions right now. If in doubt, look for the signs and synchronicities. Life will offer many co-incidences which will serve to guide and redirect you onto the right path. Just make sure that you take note of them and not dismiss them. Many Librans now have the opportunity to free themselves from any bondage and ties that are detrimental to your growth and well-being. You may have to go back to an old cycle and seek closure. Projects and plans require careful planning and execution. Although I sense some delays in the completion of projects during this time. Through clever thinking and carefully assessment of all sides of the situation, which you Librans are adept at, you will now be able to identify the core issues  that have led to delays, obstructions, and failures in different areas of your life. Do not lose hope if you feel you are not making progress in life, Librans. You are climbing one step of the ladder and each time you do, it is taking you closer to your goal. Most importantly, speak your truth and be clear about what you have to say without fearing the consequences. This phase may not support travel outside the country or projects and businesses coming from distant lands.



Dear Scorpios, this Venus retrograde can be an intense period for you. Some important and powerful endings are foreseen in your lives that will pave way for new things. Whatever is not meant to be in your life anymore will find it’s way out, no matter how hard you try to keep things from changing. There can be a sense of loss felt by many Scorpios as well. This retrograde cycle is marking the end of something and it is but natural for you to grieve the familiar. I encourage you to abandon the old, obsolete ways that are no longer working in your favour and adopt fresh perspectives and habits. This period brings both an internal and external spring clean in your life. Many Scorpios may experience an emotional roller coaster this retrograde season. There could be many highs and lows dotting your path and if you are not centered and prepared, you may struggle to move through this period. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time to heal and push out old emotions before you embark on something new. You are also being guided to trust your intuition, Scorpions. Many deep, intense, and spiritual experiences can occur in your life. The start of something new looks unlikely or delayed during this phase and therefore, I suggest that you take your time before signing up for something new. Patience and inner work are needed and necessary in the upcoming days. Also remember that only when you release yourself from the clutches of the old can you welcome something new.



Dear Sagittarians, this Venus retrograde brings partnerships of all kinds into focus. It is possible that you and the person you have partnered with may see things very differently that can create conflict in your chemistry. Maybe some of you Sagittarians are feeling very limited and restricted with where you are. I mainly see self-esteem issues needing to be worked on. You may be holding yourself back from exploring your full potential because you don’t believe in yourself and somewhere don’t trust that you can achieve a lot more in life. It is time to expand your vision and look at possibilities. Some partnerships and relationships may seem more limiting in nature and depending on how important this connection is to you, you can either choose to communicate and work on this relation or cut it loose. I also see deception in the cards in the lives of some Sagittarians. Secret meetings are showing up in the cards. This could be you secretly meeting someone or someone you know, who could be holding these secret meetings behind your back. Whatever the case, know that you either need to come clean and stop jeopardising your partnership, if it is worth saving or stay alert as there could be more than meets the eye to a situation. Spirit is encouraging you to continue to free yourself from the clutches of past disappointments. You have been working towards removing yourself from past narratives and this Venus retrograde season, continue to put in more effort so that you can accept and recognise the opportunities that your present has to offer. I also see many Sagittarians healing from depressive thoughts and a setback that had quite a big impact on your emotions. Even if you discover someone’s disloyalty towards you, I see you moving forward swiftly.



Dear Capricorn, this Venus retrograde brings the end of a cycle or a positive completion of something in your life. The part is played, the lesson is learnt. Now it’s time to move onto the next leg of your journey. This could mean a new job, the end of a partnership either in work, friendship or a relationship, or the completion of one phase and the start of something new. Like your fellow Sagittarians, you too need a boost when it comes to expanding your horizons. You seem to be limiting your growth and are stuck in a situation that is not letting you grow or has done all that it could. Some cycles are going to end during this retrograde period and you must embrace this shift so that you can move towards better and perhaps bigger things. I encourage you to expand your reach to distant places and look at opportunities for work and business overseas. This phase can prove fruitful for endeavours taking place in a foreign land. Travel can be healing. Single Capricorns, flirtatious vibes are in the air. I see you engaging in this flirtatiousness or someone else trying to flirt with you to get your attention. This phase does not bode well for starting new relationships so take caution before involving your heart. Matters related to home are coming into focus. Purchase of a new home or relocating to a new location are also on the cards for many Capricorns. Since it’s Venus retrograde, take care to see that you only make big purchases after thorough analysis and careful consideration. Make sure the fine print is read carefully before you formalise something. One last thought – You must work on feeling whole and complete within self dear Capricorns before you expect this from another. Don’t place your happiness in the hands of others when you don’t love yourself enough or accept yourself for who you are.



Dear Aquarians, this Venus retrograde, you are guided to pay attention to the red flags that are trying to get your attention. Whether in relationships or in other situations of your life, some warning signs are trying to alert you of something. Take note and put corrective action plans into place. This phase may seem dull and lethargic for many Aquarians. Your financial goals and progress may come to a halt and despite your best efforts, you may feel as though you are not moving forward. I also see many Aquarians wasting too much time living in regrets. The sorrow and loss of something that can never be can grip you in a cycle of hopelessness. It is important that you awaken your creative spark and motivate yourself to keep going, Aquarians. You need more energy and something that can rekindle the missing spark. Find it. Adopt an active lifestyle and don’t slip into the habit of becoming overly lazy. Financial goals and investment also need careful planning and maybe even reassessment. If you are out of all options, then get help from an expert. Someone highly motivated, energetic, clever, and charismatic can lend you support and show you the way. I suggest that you take part in rejuvenating and energising activities. Break out of the spell of boredom and stagnancy. Shake off the negative attitude and be inspired again.




Dear Pisceans, this Venus retrograde cycle will prove crucial in cutting your ties from all toxic relationships in your life. There are some connections in your life that no longer deserve the place and either need to be fixed or eliminated. I see imbalances where give and take are concerned. You may not be receiving equal reciprocation and could be pouring way more than necessary into this relationship or situation. You have a choice to stop being a player in this game and to clear such ties so that you can make room for healthy and balanced connections in your life. This can be a pretty intense and impactful phase for many Pisceans where work and finances are concerned. There is a possibility that a job may come to an end or a business may not get the funding it is looking for. There are chances that the money you have been counting on may either be delayed or dismissed. Your own emotions can bewilder you if you don’t view situations from a rational mind, Pisceans. Important choices await you this season and the choice you make now will determine your course and consequences, whether positive or negative. There is also a message in the cards that someone is toying with your trust, Pisceans. Some Pisceans are being kept as an option while someone is busy exploring other choices. Your advice this season is not let moodiness and sentimentality dull your senses. Don’t let your imagination carry you away but exercise logical thinking and base things on facts. Do not put up with toxic people and if your job or business are in jeopardy, work towards securing their position and avoid taking risks. This is not a favourable phase for job change or new opportunities.

I hope these messages will serve you well.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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