Birthday Reading – January 18 (Your yearly guidance)

Hello Gorgeous People!


I turned 33 recently and was inspired by an idea that I could align with my Tarot work. For sometime now, I have been wanting to do something different with my Tarot posts as I feel I am nearly transitioning out of writing daily posts. I still love sharing messages with you all whenever I can but after 24 hrs, the validity of the daily post dies down. This is where I would like to apply my skills to a project that I would like to start and call – Daily Birthday Posts. These will be in addition to my guidance posts which I will continue sharing with you however, a birthday post will narrow the message down to a particular birthday along with brief insights and guidance about the year ahead. One can always come back to these posts and derive insights and guidance at any point of time during the year as well.

We have 365 days to cover and that is what sharing these posts on a daily basis will make them challenging while keeping it unique and fresh. It will also give me a focal point to do something more for the community with my Tarot practice.

Today being the 18th of January which is a Full Moon night (and also my late mother’s death anniversary), I feel motivated to start something while dedicating this post series to my mother’s memories.

Shall we begin? I will require your all your love and support in making this project a success. Please share the website link and tag those you know on the posts along with sharing these wherever applicable.


Born on the 18th of January

January is ruled by the planet Saturn and the number 18 by the planets Sun, Saturn, and Mars.

People born on this date possess courage, are fearless, and have the will power to overcome any obstacle in life. They are wise souls with a good sense of judgment. They can be dominating in nature and dislike it when others try to control them.

Saturn is a hard taskmaster and with the dual impact of Saturn on a January born number 18, they must possess a spiritual outlook towards life. You bode well in the political arena or any career that puts you in direct contact with the public as you have a good understanding of people.

You may have several love affairs and it is only later in life that you settle with the right partner. As a lover, you are generous and shower your object of love interest with gifts. You must guard against wasting too much nervous energy which you expend seeking new adventures and varied interests. Usually, you are well-suited for running your own business and being self-employed.


Being a Capricorn and a number 18 makes you highly ambitious and capable of accomplishing your ambitions. Being a number 9 makes you humanitarian. Consider donating something to a charitable cause today.

You must ensure that in your drive to accomplish the tasks that are set in front of you, you don’t end up ignoring your personal needs.

The diseases that you can be prone to are related to blood, head, bone marrow and genitals. Due to an excess of fire element in your chart, you may suffer from digestive issues such as acidity. You must watch out against accidents specially related to fire.

Now that you have a brief ideas about what your birthday personality has to say about you, let’s get a little specific.

Your Birthday Guidance from the cards

Saturn-ruled 18’s, you have a natural ability to display courage in the toughest of situations and the Universe is asking that you put this trait to good use. Situations will demand that you act bravely and continue moving forward. You must pay heed that you don’t turn too selfish and self-obsessed this year. Do not forget that you are a born humanitarian and it is through being of service to others that you receive more. Do not glorify your accomplishments and gifts to a narcissistic level nor get self-absorbed in your own world to the point that you give less care and importance to those who make up your personal world.


Your card of the year is the 7 of Swords in reverse. You must act cleverly and apply tact where necessary. Whatever you do, do it with honesty, genuineness and fairness. Any underhanded action puts you at the risk of getting caught. You may be exposed to environments that can feel foreign. You may battle with the feeling that you don’t belong. Do not make enemies or burn your bridges with people who you may have to rely on at some point later. Try not to find shortcuts to situations that need elaborate work and thinking.

Relationships are likely to pose a challenge this year. Too much focus on your personal needs and ambitions while ignoring those of people around you could partly be a reason for this. The family or relationship goals you have this year may need extra hard work. Finances need careful handling else you may end up spending more than you earn. Marriage plans could be met with delays and you must put more effort in sustaining harmony, peace and stability in your home environment.

In career and businesses, financial dissatisfaction is foreseen. Search for better opportunities that can end this struggle and effectively cover your monetary needs. You may be overwhelmed with a lot on your plate and must learn to get organised and manage your work efficiently. The Universe is guiding you to start afresh this year so take note of what needs to go so that you can start anew. Do not linger on projects or past but keep your focus on what you must and can do further.

I also sense emotional distancing in relationships. It is important to put the effort to bridge the gap and introduce a fresh approach towards your relationships or call it quits. Chances are that some of you number 18’s may feel excluded and unsupported from the people around you. Question is, did you play a fair role in pushing your loved ones away or is it time to reassess your relationships?

Your health shows positive signs of improvement this year, 18’s. However, do take care while travelling. If one form of treatment is failing to show positive signs, then it is recommended that you explore your options. Adding additional therapeutic practices and treatments to an ongoing one can also show good results. A change in location or a new location can also aid in your recovery and healing. Some of you are bound to find solutions to your health outside of your usual geography.


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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