Birthday Reading – January 19 (Your yearly guidance)

Happy Birthday to all born on the 19th of January. I hope this post will be of help and offer you insights into the themes of the next 365 days.

Your birth number totals to 1 (1+9) which makes The Sun, your ruling planet. You are also influenced by the planet Mars. Both are bold and hot planets in astrology. You are bound to be someone with a lot of energy, determination, will power and a fiery temper. The combination of these two planets makes you courageous and determined.


The Sun is the King and Mars is the commander of the army. Together, they are more focused towards bettering and protecting the kingdom. Therefore, it will not be a surprise to find number 19’s take a natural liking towards roles that benefit the country or the government. You are known to do well in politics, army, as physicians or even a secret agent.

Let us look into the characteristics of someone born on the 19th of January. You are likely to be active, energetic, and full of enthusiasm. You may find yourself interested in various different sports and physical activities serve as the perfect outlet for you to release excess energy from your body. You are also likely to be a detail-oriented person and a good writer. You best express yourself though writing and not direct verbal communication.

You can be a bit impulsive in nature though you are also helpful and pay attention to others needs. You can be easily misunderstood and sometimes feel lonely even when surrounded by people.

So what do the cards have in store for you during the upcoming birthday year?

Your Birthday Guidance from the cards

January born 19’s, you have come a long way In life. You have fought some tough battles in the past and it is natural for you to feel unsettled because of the battle scars you are wearing. However, I also see that you are very close to finding victory and the stability you seek. Seek closure from your past and allow yourself to move on.

Spirit asks, what do you need to release? There are some elements from your past that you must shed in order to move forward. There are some beautiful opportunities presenting this year for you both in the areas of work and romance. Therefore, focus ahead and not behind.

A new project, interest or even a job opportunity may be presented to you this year. If you can be your jubilant self and pour your enthusiasm towards new things, you are sure to enjoy an adventurous ride. At the same time, it is important that you follow your inspirations. Something new is bound to captivate your attention and as long as you remain focused and determined, it can even yield some beautiful results in the long run. Spirit wants you to hold your vision and not be sidetracked by distractions.


Your throat chakra needs attention and work this year. You must also cut down on excessive indulgences such as uncontrolled alcohol consumption. Do not use food or other substances to numb down your feelings. If you do not express your feelings or find a way to let go of pent up emotions, it can manifest as a physical ailment. Your good health is very much connected to your emotional well-being.

Where your relationships come in, you have some peace to make with your past. Someone from your past may seek reconciliation or make a return this year. It is up to you to decide if you want to let them back in or not. New romantic prospects can flourish as well. Either someone familiar may come back into your life or you are very likely to meet someone new who brings a sense of familiarity.

Long standing relationships can benefit by adding back the missing spark into their connections. Gifts and sweet gestures will go a long way in cementing any bridges and improving the quality of your connection. Look back at your younger selves and notice what old, fun activities you can pump back into your life to make it more interesting. Visit places that are steeped in history or revisit old joints that you and your sweetheart once enjoyed.

As long as you bring love into any situation, you are bound to walk away winning. Let love in. Move and flow with the energy of Love.

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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