Your Zodiac Guide to the Venus-Mars Conjunction

Mars recently moved into the sign of Sagittarius joining Venus which is currently in retrograde. Mars and Venus coming together is both exciting and explosive depending on which house these planets are placed in your birth chart and what other planets are aspecting them.


I pulled some cards to receive insights on what this Mars-Venus conjunction cycle which will last till the 29th of February.  Read on to find out what your zodiac sign says. You can also check your Moon sign.

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].



Aries, the incoming of your ruling planet Mars brings constructive and hard working energy into your life. I see you deeply engaged in some work. Focus and dedication will take the front seat and less time will be given or spent in leisurely pursuits. Your goals need attention and that is where your focus will and should be. This transit is likely to bring some conflict and clashes as well. For instance, it may subdue your freedom and limit your creativity. You may have to listen to your boss or follow orders and this can seem a bit restrictive in nature. Keep your fiery temper at bay dear Aries or your hot-headedness and rash behaviour can lead to regrettable consequences. Some of you are likely to feel the pinch of not having something in your life. You could spend moments craving for what you cannot have. This can be a love interest or a crush or even a forbidden fruit of some kind. A distant friend is thinking of you and may connect with you during this transit. The secret to your success is finding the strength within and balancing that with a peaceful attitude.

Someone in your life is saying – “I am tired. I care for you but I am not in love.”



Taureans, if you are on the look out for new opportunities or want to expand your horizons, this transit may have some new offerings lined up for you. To find something new, you must firstly have the courage to get out of your comfort zone and secondly, remain open to learning more about your options. Cut down the lazy, laid back attitude and start measuring your potential. Most importantly, do not judge a book by it’s cover. I do see many Taureans employed this season or picked for their talents and skills. I also sense growing popularity and many Taureans emerging victorious and winning the admiration of people and peers. A wise person in your life has something to share with you. Pay heed. You must also guard against indecisiveness and get more focused. There comes a divine reminder to Taureans this transit to cut a few toxic ties and get rid of some people who simply need to go. Say no to negativity and those who add it to your life. Therefore, be prepared to see some relationships go or grow distant during this transit.


Someone in your life is saying – “Stop with your questions. You are annoying me.” “I may be nice to you but I come with a hidden agenda”.


Gemini’s things are really moving for you during this Venus-Mars transit and I see some new opportunities coming your way. I see you busy and dedicated towards a task. If you are on the lookout for a new job or new projects, then this is going to be one busy and productive phase. Even though we just moved into Mercury retrograde, communication seems to be coming your way quickly and effortlessly. Expect some important news to come your way swiftly. Do you practice journaling? If yes, then it will be prove to be beneficial and if you don’t, then get into the habit of jotting down your thoughts, ideas, and plans. Writing things down will be of help. There are going to be some temporary moments of confusion in your life. However, they will be short-lived. Try to act wisely and seek guidance when you feel stuck. A journey is commencing and this can be a physical or a mental one. Be open to learning and mastering new topics and concepts.

Someone in your life is saying – “I don’t want to be told what to do.” ”I don’t like talking about my issues”.


Cancerians, this Venus-Mars transit is about cleansing negativity and welcoming fresh new energy into your lives. Engage in all acts of purification. If your space needs some saging, do it. If your energy needs some uplifting, then cleanse the bad vibes away. The good news is that this transit is bringing some money into your life. The worrisome news is that you could easily run into trouble or be a victim of deceit if you do not take careful steps. I sense the presence of some people who may not have your best interests at heart. You have to think smart and act clever. Use your spicy instinct to know who is your foe and who is an ally. Be open to accepting valid criticism and work on your weak areas. Do not trust people casually with your money or secrets. Get an advisor you can trust if you are feeling stuck in a decision-making process. I do see you finding solutions to problems and crossing the bridge from a bad to a positive situation with clever thinking.

Someone in your life is saying – “I changed my mind. I don’t think I am ready yet.”


Leos, one important thing to keep in mind during this Venus-Mars conjunction transit is to dig deeper into matters and seek out information that will help you. You need professional or wise advice in some matter of your life. Avoid taking action based on immature whims and incomplete data. I also sense matters related to pregnancy and children coming to the fore for many Leos this season. Seek expert opinion and don’t miss out on important appointments. Do everything by the book and follow the protocols especially when your doctor says so. Children may require special attention during this period and your relationship with your child is highlighted. You must also know that spiritual protection surrounds you and your situation, Leos. Your Angels and spirit helpers are working round the clock keeping your best interests in mind. Therefore, if any door slams shut on your face or if you are called to follow intuitive guidance, do so and trust what comes your way while releasing what you no longer need. Releasing is a big theme that will play out in your life now. What do you need to let go of to better your life? Do not hesitate. An important news is on the way and it will reach you soon.

Someone in your life is saying – “I don’t like to be lectured about what I should do.” “I am paying the price for the decisions I made.”


Virgos, this Venus-Mars transitory phase could bring in some confusion in your life. Multiple options are available to you but what is the best option to choose? You may find yourself spoilt with choices. Spirit is encouraging you to get into the habit of journaling. Writing and looking into the pros and cons of a situation can be really helpful. Penning your thoughts can also serve as a healing process allowing clarity to come in. Mars is trying to bring in some groundedness and clarity into your life. Your guidance is to think deeply and cleverly before you make any new decisions. Being practical will help your cause especially when your head is twirling in the skies. I also see a union taking place during this cycle. This can be the coming together of two people in love or business. Some kind of an agreement is being struck. Family matters require attention as well. Keeping your head in place is important in the coming days and so, do not give into pleasures that dull your senses especially when critical thinking is required.


Someone in your life is saying – “I pray that you don’t leave me.” “Are you worth my time?”


Librans, it is super important to exercise good judgment during this Venus-Mars transit as clouded thinking and bad decision-making can land you in trouble. That being said, some important announcements and decisions have to be made soon. Take some time to contemplate all your options and only then make the best decision possible. Many Librans will reap the positive benefits of their hardwork during this phase. The fruits of your labour are sure to bring you the results you seek. I also see a new opportunity coming your way. There will be opportunities to make more money and choose a profitable path. I want you to listen to what your soul has been speaking to you, Librans. Pay heed to the voice inside and go where your soul is calling you to. There are some negative forces working against you but don’t let this intimidate you or lower your standards. Stick to what you believe. There will be a good news that will reach you soon. On a deeper level, you have finished an important lesson and are ready to move forward and embrace a whole new chapter. Forgiven yourself and others involved and do not remain stuck in old narratives. Free all the old skeletons from your closet.

Someone in your life is saying – “No one can do what you do.” “I am sexually attracted to you’’.



Scorpios, firstly, wedding bells are ringing for some of you during this Venus-Mars conjunct transit. I see a marriage proposal or the chance to deepen your commitment. Destiny can work in your favour and bring you some lovely projects and work opportunities as well. An advice I would like to leave you with is to get as much guidance and consultation possible when making decisions. There are some big shifts occurring in your lives and this can seem overwhelming at times. You may be prone to mood fluctuations and restlessness. Find a way to remain calm and balance your energy. There are important karmic lessons playing out in your life as well. Soul contracts could be fulfilled during this time. Some sorrow will be experience by many Scorpions at the loss of something. It looks like this is something that was meant to play out so be in a state of surrender and acceptance as much as possible. You must also exercise caution as there are people or a person working behind your back. Stay alert and try not to mess up.

Someone in your life is saying – “I wish I could let you go, but I can’t”. “Boundaries need to be respected”.


Archers, this Venus-Mars transit phase asks for patience, moderation, and balance. You will have two or more things to juggle with and strike a balance in your life. Situations involving a tough, sharp-tongued and critical member of your family or someone associated with your family may crop up now. It is possible that many Sagittarians may experience a sense of dissatisfaction with life. You could be living in a delusional world and therefore, being realistic and practical is imperative for your well-being this season. Health matters may come into play that involve a family member. Take special care of everyone’s well-being including yourself. Matters related to inheritance, real estate and finances could also come up now. Be prepared for unexpected surprises which can be both pleasant and unpleasant. I also see someone or something leaving your life during this time. Take good care of your mental health and invest time in healing. You must brighten up and stay optimistic during this passing phase, Archers.

Someone in your life is saying – “I am being dishonest with you.” “Run, run far away.”


Capricorns, the best way to live through this phase (and all of life, too) is to live in the moment. The Universe wants you to stay centered in your present and cherish the life that is happening in the here and now. You need to resolve an inner conflict during this phase that is keeping you from moving forward. An important decision is to be made. You must also tend to your emotional well-being as many Cappies may go through the blues. There is someone or some aspect in your life that you are being impervious to. You are not letting someone in and could be dampening the playful vibe with your stubborn and moody attitude. Conflict and arguments may crop up if you fail to act. I also see that a meeting with a stranger can turn significant for you. Be open to social and professional encounters as these can prove beneficial. Keeping your life in balance is important now, Cappies. There will be someone in your life who will try to make you do something against your wishes. Competition is around you and if you don’t give your best now, you may fall back. Therefore, give your best to things and be on your toes.


Someone in your life is saying – “I am coming back for more.” “You turn me on.”


Aquarians, this Venus-Mars conjunct brings a time of contemplation for you folks. You are being encouraged to pause and rethink your ideas, investments, and strategies so that you can learn from your mistakes and winnings and make better decisions in the future. Look back to learn. An investment you made in the past may not yield the results you are seeking. Money management is important as your expenses could be on the rise and you could easily be spending what you are making. Responsibilities may pile up and you could have a lot going on for you. Amidst all this, I also see separation on the cards. This parting could take place either in your personal or professional life. Though that sounds discouraging, take heart in knowing that no matter how adverse your situation, you will be shown the way. Ideas and realisations will open new doors. So put your thinking cap on. By the end of this phase, you will be prepared to move in a new direction or would have figured out the solution to your predicaments. Since a lot seems to be going on for you during this phase, it will do you a world of good to take a break and go on a vacation either on a physical or a mental level. Find peace, restoration and balance. Your Solar plexus needs continual work and confidence and belief in self is what you need to nurture your spirit and emerge victorious.

Someone in your life is saying – “I want to hear from you.” “No one can do what you do.”


Pisceans, you may be well aware of the old adage that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. This transit of Venus-Mars conjunct may turn you impulsive and restless. It is important to pace yourself and slow down. As opposed to being in a rush to get things done, be steady and slow which will ensure your progress. This phase can be a fruitful one for you if you put all your skills to good use and take charge of your life. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore your options. There is a lot more you can do and achieve in life from where you stand at present. An important news is about to reach you soon and this news may involve a woman. Balance and doing things in moderation is your guidance. Try to control your impulses and do not rush into things. If you have been running away from your problems and avoiding a situation that needs confrontation, then it is time you do this now. Running away from a situation will not fix it nor bring it to it’s right conclusive end. Be adaptable and do not think that only your way is the right way. Co-operation and understanding in life situations will bring you better results.

Someone in your life is saying – “I am sick of waiting.” “I am playing hard to get”

I hope these messages will serve you well.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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