Tarot Zodiac Guide for the week ahead – 24th to 30th of January, 2022 – Tarotscopes

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].




Ariens, sometimes life doesn’t pan out as per our expectations. We are met with disappointing events that dash our hopes and perhaps redirect us on our paths. This week, Spirit brings to you the reminder to pause and breathe. Situations in your life may bring change and dissatisfaction. Relax. Stay centered in gratitude for all that is happening and where it is leading you. Pray and instill your faith in divine intelligence knowing that nothing that is meant for you will bypass you. At times, failures and rejections are necessary to refine and strengthen us or to align us with something much better and well-suited for us.



Taureans, this week you may be faced with a situation that involves arguments, conflict, and disagreements. Your intuition knows better so trust your spidy senses. You may not have all the information about the actual reality of a situation. Bide your time and do not rush or be too trusting of anything at this time. People around you may display lack of co-operation and understanding. Yet, there is someone compassionate, gentle, and intelligent that you have access to who can guide you and help stabilise your emotions. Spirit also has a sweet message for you – Something bigger is on the way. Yup! Handle your emotions with care and trust that you are being led to a bright and optimistic future.



Gemstars, luck is on your side. However, in order for your luck to play out, some effort and hard work is needed from your side. There are going to be moments filled with burdensome responsibilities and duties that you will have to look into this week. Yet, at the end of the day, I see you in a grounded and stable place. You may even win some rewards for your hard work. That’s why they say, luck favors the brave. In order to get through this upcoming week, you must be in a good place with your energy. Do things that uplift and energise you. From tending to your physical body to your diet and emotional well-being, engage in activities that elevate your energy. Send out love to the world and love will find it’s way back to you.



Cancerians, the Universe wants you to bring more fun and play into your life this week. The happy you are, the happier you will feel and effortlessly attract happy situations. Get together with friends and do something fun or play with your pet. Create the vibe of joy around you. It feels like you are moving away from a dark and dismal phase. You are done with a chapter or an energetic phase and are entering a place of abundance and assistance. Your spirit guides are making their presence felt in this reading and want you to know that they are with you, helping you navigate to a better place. Gifts, rewards, financial assistance or some form of help is coming your way. Be charitable.




Leos, you may feel more sensitive this week and could experience a range of emotions. Instead of seeing this as a threat or a weakness, embrace it. Your sensitivity will help you understand yourself better and also allow you to heal in the areas that need healing. Someone’s reaction or anger could affect you. You may also feel a bit overly protective of what you have. This can make you act in miserly ways. Do not hold onto things too tightly whether that is your emotions or your resources. Drop the fear of losing something. Make better judgment calls and feel free and liberated. The path to your progress at this time involves letting go of miserly ways and fear-based thinking. When you do, new horizons will open up for you.



Confidence is the key to your success this week, Virgos. Some area of your life demands a bold attitude. Do not shy away from shining. I see you reaping the rewards of your labour in the coming days but just when you thought you could savour the sweets of your hard work and take a chill pill, life is already pushing you in a new direction. A new cycle is about to commence and it is important that you cut cords with being complacent and get out of your comfort zone. Some of these cords need to be cut with actual people and situations in your life as well. A new chapter is about to unfold so do away with the old and make room for new.



Librans, do not feel dejected over the small failures or rough patches you have encountered lately. Life has so much more to offer and the more you remain stuck to past events and happenings, the more elusive these new offerings will become. You must raise your vibration and energy this week and pull yourself out of low vibes. I see a profitable opportunity coming your way that allows you to make more money or strengthen your current situation. Something is about to happen that will fill your heart with joy. I also see the coming together of you and someone and deepening of commitments this week. Someone in your world can offer you the support and strength you need.



Scorpios, this week you may be exploring your options and looking at a new path or investment. Something has not turned out right in your recent past and I see you moving in a new direction. What’s over is done and dusted. You will find strength and power soon. Study the details carefully before embarking on your new path. Wherever you are in life, clarity is dawning upon you, ideas are coming through and you stand at the precipice of some beautiful ‘A-ha’ moments that will equip you with courage. Spirit also brings a gentle reminder to you to make amends in a situation where you were wrong. You can go out of your way or simply and genuinely say a sorry. Someone needs your apology this week.




Archers, a splendid week is in store for you. I see wishes being fulfilled, projects completed, appreciations coming your way along with some celebratory events. Your hard work is paying off and your positivity is attracting good things. Continue remaining optimistic. After a busy work day, do not forget to cleanse, clear, and let go of all the stress you have carried. This week’s positive and busy events could tire you so make some time for your healing in the form of a massage, a long, refreshing spiritual bath, or anything that can help you unwind and restore your balance. Your frequency of manifesting is in tune with the Universe so make use of this phase wisely. Stay focused on your goals. Property-related matters may also see progress this week.



Capricorns, faith can move mountains (figuratively) and the Universe guides you today to garner this faith in your life. Only when you believe can you make things happen and push past all the barriers, specially the ones you have erected in your head. A calm attitude along with a meditative lifestyle comes as a recommendation for you this week. If you have access to a guru or a teacher who you can connect with, then get in touch. Knowledge and guidance wants to reach you. I am being shown that meditation or an act of cleansing is required to remove the debris that has accumulated within you. Find a way to detox your mind, body, and soul. Post this cleansing or detox, you will effortlessly get back on track and make progress On your path. Believe.



Aquarians, you have an uphill sorta climb ahead of you this week. Too many things that you are duty-bound to can keep you on your toes. Amidst this hustle and bustle of daily life, spirit is asking you to make some time for contemplation, study, research, and meditation. Quiet activities focusing on your inner world will bring a lot of clarity and answers to the surface. Get a Tarot, psychic, rune, or astrology reading done, if you feel called to because something hidden wants to become clear. Also do not discount your own instincts. They can lead you to a place of joy, support, and love. Something bigger and brighter is on the horizon for you. This could be a possible union or support coming your way.



Pisceans, the theme of this week is to make a decision. Some wonderful opportunities and choices are showing up for you. Yet, there is a sense of confusion and you are not making a decision. This week asks that you don’t dilly and dally with your choices and make up your mind. It is also possible that you will have to end something or close a door in order to open a new one. Change is afoot and you must act both cleverly and swiftly. Acquaint yourself with facts and statistics. Do not act from a place of ignorance and if you lack knowledge on something, either seek guidance or find the answers first.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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