How You can make space for Abundance this week!

Hello Gorgeous Souls!


I am back with some insights on how we can raise our vibration this week to make space for a life in alignment with Abundance.

We all want an abundance of things that make us happy, don’t we? What small steps can we take this week to accomplish that?

Archangel Michael has made his presence felt in today’s reading. Where Michael shows up, he gives us a nudge to clear and shield our energies and also brings us a sweet reminder that obstacles are lifted.

We all could use some cleansing this week. Think not just of cleansing your energy but also any objects and imprints from your life that represent the opposite of abundance such as old bills and receipts in your purse, too much clutter, making misinformed financial decisions, etc.


You can also sit down for a simple Archangel Michael or any cleansing meditation and purify yourself first. This energetic process works and it will clear the path for you to attract what you set your mind at.

Secondly, I would like you to pay close attention to all the wonderful ideas that grace you after this process that have to do with money, job, and your well-being. You may already have some brilliant ideas bubbling in your mind but how seriously have you thought about them this far? Throughout this week, notice the ideas and advice that can come your way on how you can improve your financial situation or lead a life that is much more in alignment with all that you want.

Couple all of this with a gratitude list. From time to time, we must keep reminding ourselves of all those beautiful, precious things that we are grateful for because… we forget! We get so caught up in the busy-ness of life that it takes us reality checks to remember what we had, sometimes. From the simplest to the most priceless of things, make a note of all the things you are grateful for on a paper, notebook or your mind. Cherish these privileges and allow the feeling of humbleness and peace to pervade you.

By doing the above, you are opening yourself up to welcoming positive energy and super charge your manifesting abilities.


I am also being shown that the obstacles from the paths of many are clearing this week. Some of you have also ignored your truth and have landed on wrong turf. Perhaps you have lost faith in yourself or have taken detours that are not suited for you. Your inner self knows what it wants yet you have ignored the calling and fallen prey to your own fears or others’ influences. Whatever the case, spirit is reminding us that it is never too late to turn back and get back in alignment with your soul’s true path.

With this, I wish that we all have a wonderful week of miracles and positive manifestations.

Thank you for being here! I’ll see you soon!


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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