Tarot Zodiac Guide for the week ahead – 7th to 13th February, 2022 – Tarotscopes

I hope you will find these messages helpful. If you would like to get a personalized reading or a distant healing session from me, send me a DM or write to [email protected].



Ariens, this week is about owning your power and celebrating the fact that you do not fit in. Bring out the healthy rebel in you. Choose your own path and make choices that are unique to who you are. Many Ariens are likely to feel withdrawn and uninspired. Perhaps it’s boredom from the mundane. I also sense depression and ill-health taking some Ariens down this week so be more caring and protective of your energy as well as your physical self. Try to be more active and engage in physical exercise. You must also be open to receiving what is being offered to you, Ariens. Sometimes, surprises can come from the most unexpected of places. A friend is sharing some worthwhile advice with you this week. Pay attention. You are also going to receive some compliments from an admirer.



Taureans, a good news is about to reach you this week. I see many Taureans inspired and full of enthusiasm during this week. If a new direction is calling out to you or if you simply feel like acting on your passion, hobbies, and interests, go ahead. Pay attention to and take good care of your body, Taureans. It needs more nourishment and love. Pick the right diet and treat it with respect and care. Some matters require deep research before you can take action. Seek information that can be of help to you. I see some Taureans being in a position of authority this week. This may come in the form of a promotion or a leadership role. It is also possible that someone in a position of authority can be of help to you by offering you valuable wisdom and information. If you have the chance to lead, make sure you are prepared and have done your groundwork.



Gemstars, negative vibes are around you and you must take care and combat this energy in the upcoming week. A situation can make you feel stuck. There could be some anger flare ups as well. If this is you, then spirit is guiding you to control your anger before irreparable damages take place. You may have to step away or cut some toxic ties as well. I am seeing a young woman in your life and for some Geminis, this young person can be the source of a discord. More understanding and proper communication are needed to dodge any disagreements and friction that could arise between you and your family or friends. Rise above petty arguments and low vibrational situations, Gemstars. The best way to care for yourself this week is to focus on your security. It’s not just about saving the monies but also reserving and rightly expending your time, energy, and love. Choose what you give your attention and energy to.



Cancerians, stop trying to control your life or situations as you could be interfering with divine intervention. The key to sailing through this week is the act of surrendering to the higher power to take charge of your life. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to step out of our own way and let life unfold. I see many Cancerians engaging in overthinking and experiencing anxiety. You could be exaggerating your fears and blowing illusions out of proportions. Stop sweating it! Seek more information and logical facts to back you up. You are nearing the end of a worrisome cycle and preparing to step into a new experience soon. Have patience. Also pay attention to your sleep cycle. Unwanted stress may even give rise to nightmares and insomnia. On a positive note, honour and respect will come to many Cancerians this week.




Leos, this week augurs change in your life in some form and the more you resist change, the uncomfortable it is going to get. Embrace and accept change in all forms. This may seem like a week where most things can turn topsy-turvy for you, Leos. I see the end of a commitment or partnership for some either in personal or professional life. Something you had hoped for and wanted may not happen at this time and many Leos are bound to feel disappointed. Yet, you will receive support or protection from someone near and dear. This person has a strong link to your past and could even be an acquaintance you have not met in ages. Turn to your support system or helpful networks from your past to find solutions. Despite the uncomfortable changes that you may experience this week Leos, help, support and protection surround you. Count your blessings and welcome the unknown.



Virgos, a fresh start is in store for you this week. Creative ideas and inspiring thoughts can lead to new beginning and growth. There is an old saying, ‘Easy does it’. This week, put this practice into action. Do not struggle or try too hard. Be at ease and allow your life to be and feel easy. With ease you can move through any situation. This week, intimacy and sexual unions are highlighted for many Virgos. You have the chance to tend to your passion and some steamy moments could be in store for you. The energy is fertile this week so do take precautions if you don’t want to end up in an unexpected place later. You may also encounter a stubborn person this week who could test your patience, Virgos. Again, remember the reminder – be at ease. Either disengage with this person or deal with them in calm and with ease.



Librans, this week entails hard work. Spirit is showing me that many Librans may experience financial crunch or hardships this week. It is therefore advisable for you to be careful when dealing with money matters. There can be unforeseen expenses or losses for some Librans. Health also requires attention so do not put your well-being on the back burner. Librans, if there is a situation where you are feeling trapped, then this week liberate yourself. Your guidance is to put your needs above others’ and to make yourself your top priority. Practice oodles of self-care and love yourself enough to say ‘No’ to any situation that is disrespectful and not in alignment with your highest good. Relationships may also require some work this week. Be prepared to work hard for your future and stability.



Scorpios, this can be an emotionally intense week for you. Emotional healing is taking place for many Scorpios and this may entail a change of direction in your life. I see many Scorpios being re-routed to another path or guided to change course. There can dead-ends in your life redirecting you towards something different and better. Do not lower your standards or compromise your dreams and expectations to make do. The problems you encounter this week are only temporary in nature. They will pass. Move with clarity and patience and shed what no longer serves you along the process. A short journey is also foreseen for many Scorpios this week.




Archers, this week, you may feel extra emotional and sensitive. You may feel deeply connected to something. You may experience telepathy and other psychic connections as your intuition is super charged and you are in touch with your inner truth. Don’t get too attached to something as I also see that someone or something will be making an exit out of your life this week. An older male may involve this situation for some Archers. Job changes are also likely or you may go through some shifts at work. Some truth bombs can be dropped on you in the coming days and you are likely to discover information that can change your perspective and/or bring more insights to you.



Capricorns, look for the beauty in endings and closures this week because spirit is reminding you that all is well. A situation can reach it’s climax and some dead-ends are foreseen for many Capricorns. I say, good riddance! You are finally done with something and can now focus on starting anew. Pay attention to your back, Capricorns as back pains can trouble some of you and do not take on too much stress. You are likely to experience frequent mood swings as well and must control your anger which can lead you to regretful consequences later on. Some situations in your life are delicate in nature and require careful handling this week. Be gentle and tactical when dealing with these situations. Appreciate the beauty in everything including yourself.



Aquarians, get out of your comfort zone this week and put in more efforts to reap the rewards that you are seeking. Life wants you to take healthy risks and to put yourself out there. You must fight for what you want as things are not likely to come your way easily. If you do not increase your efforts now, others will get hold of what you want. This is a competitive time for you so do not back away from your competition. I also see some Aquarians battling ill-health this week. Depressive thoughts could also weaken you so take care of mental and physical well-being, Aquashines. Spirit brings you a comforting message that you will be taken care of in your difficult times. Trust that your needs will be met and the support you need will come your way. Still, put in your best efforts to make it all happen with ease. The truth about a situation will be revealed this week.



Pisceans, you may want to reassess what you are giving your time and energy to and if it is worth it. A course change is occurring in your life and you are being redirected to choose something different and better. Therefore, do not toil away doing or chasing something that may not truly be what you seek. A wise person is likely to give you some good advice this week. Pay heed. It will help to seek this wisdom voluntarily as well. Overconfidence and pride can lead to downfall, therefore take caution. Some situations looks confusing right now but soon the coast will be cleared and you will gain much clarity. Temporary problems are foreseen but take heart that things won’t remain this way for too long.

I hope these messages will serve you well.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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