Numerology and your Personal Year numbers – Personal Year number 1

Hello Gorgeous beings!


Today, I would like to introduce a new series in my blog post that has to do with Numerology. During my study of Numerology, I was fascinated by the concept of personal year numbers. Each year of your birthday cycle is influenced by a number from 1 to 9. Each of these numbers paint the entire year with their shades and hues where you go through experiences and themes related to those numbers.


In this blog post series, I will show you how you can calculate your personal year number and how each of the numbers can influence your life during that year. The best part is that you can apply this concept to past and future years as well. You can look back at the themes related to these numbers that have played out in your life in the past and make a fair assumption of what the upcoming years will bring in relation to the numbers and their trademark characteristics.


Calculating your personal year number is easy peasy. Add your date and month of birth to the current year or the year you want to calculate your personal year for. Reduce all the numbers to a single digit and voila, you have your personal year number.



For instance, let us take a random date of birth 21st of July and assume that you want to calculate the personal year number for 2022. You will now add 2 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2. The numbers will total to 16 which will further reduce to 7. In this case, the personal year for someone born on the 21st of July is number 7 which will commence during their birth date. This person will be influenced by the attributes of number 7 during their entire birthday year. You can apply the same concept to calculate past or future personal year numbers.



I will start this blog post series with the very first number ruled by the King of planets, The Sun. If you are looking at a personal year 1, this year is ruled by The Sun and here is what you can encounter during this auspicious time.



The Sun represents vitality, royalty, power, fame, authority, energy, and the Father. A number one year marks the beginning of a nine year cycle and therefore must be utilised properly as the choices you make this year can impact the upcoming eight years of your life.


This is a year to get more focused, define your goals and take action. Exciting adventures await. Put the past behind you and prepare for a fresh start.


In love, new relationships can blossom and existing relationships that may have gone through a dry spell may also spruce up. Some people tend to work harder during this year, giving less time to family and friends. It is important to strike a balance here and to avoid misunderstandings.



Thinking of a job change or a career shift? A number one personal year is positive for such changes. In existing career paths too, one must set new goals. Success follows when dealing with government officials and you can obtain favours from authority figures. One is able to rise and receive the recognition and fame that they deserve.



So how can you make the most of this year?

Persistence is the key. Do not give up too soon. Make sure that you at least try. Remain positive as it will be crucial for your success.


Pay attention to your physical health as you are likely to feel more energized, brimming with vitality. Joining the gym or taking up new health regimes can prove beneficial.


One must also avoid being greedy and taking hasty actions. Plant new seeds and let go of the past. Usually the past does not matter during this period.



Choose your words wisely. Just because it is a number one year does not mean success will fall into laps. Be prepared for hard work.


Soon I will be back with a new post talking about a two personal year and what it entails. Stay tuned and don’t forget to let me know if you found this post interesting and helpful.


Much love,

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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