Leos – What is Tarot telling you about March 2022?

Happy March 2022, dear Leos. Welcome to my space! I am hoping that the Tarot insights mentioned below will be of help to you as you navigate through the month of March. There are loads of guidance included in this post for your sign ranging from the energy of this month, the opportunities being made available to you, the challenges that you may encounter, your self-care message and what the Universe wants you to surrender. There are also some insights included on relationships and career. Read on and leave me a feedback or a comment if you found this post helpful. Better yet, you can help me by sharing this post and recommending your friends or family members who may find these posts helpful as well. Let’s get started.


Leos, March will bring some important news and announcements. This is a period where your intuition is enhanced and magical and psychic experience could take place in your life. Trust those niggles! I see a proposal coming your way this month. Beautiful friendships will take place and existing ones can bring joy. Speaking of friendships, an important piece of advise can be shared by someone close to you. Pay heed.

You have access to creative energy and insights and I suggest that you allow yourself to day dream or engage in artistic ventures to further enhance this quality. Life wants you to have faith and optimism. You may be passing through a dark night and only hope and positivity will get you through such times alongside the knowledge that this is just a phase and it too shall pass.

Pay attention to new meetings that can take place during this month as it could turn out to be important. Be open to welcoming new connections. Someone you know could be behaving stupidly this month. Don’t let this person’s action determine your mood and behavior. March also offers you the chance to reconcile and mend a situation. Perhaps it is time for you to kiss and make up, apologise or accept someone’s apologies.

When it comes to relationships, there is a message for some of you to stop limiting yourself. You may be holding yourself back from exploring your options or from opening your heart and letting love in. Your sharpened instincts will help you navigate through any relationship issue. New proposals and offers are coming your way but are you even paying attention? Get out of your comfort zones and look at what life is offering. There is potential.

In existing relationships, open mindedness is recommended. This is also the time for many Leos to take back their power and free yourself from a situation that is holding you captive. There is a need for more love and emotional engagement in your love life, Leos. Do not overthink and become a victim to negative thoughts. Open yourself to new perspectives and know that sometimes, you could be wrong and the other person could be right as well.

I also sense that some Leos may close themselves off this month and could fall prey to misunderstandings. You may not be seeing situations for what they really are. Clarity of thought is important.

In career, an important shift is taking place within you. I also see big announcements taking place this month. You may finally hear something that you have been waiting for. Many Leos are going to have an epiphany in March about their career and jobs. Many of you may feel drawn towards a new path that could define your new purpose in life. You will simply feel a calling and the urge to do something different or do things differently. Listen to this calling. If you were waiting on some kind of decision-making to take place at work, this is the month.

Many Leos are in need of energy cleansing and you can engage in self-care by practicing cleansing techniques to clear your aura and energy field. Allow your energy to brim with positive and high vibrational thoughts and release the negative pent up tension that you are holding, perhaps for a long time now. If you are feeling slightly off or lethargic, and if you feel like you are out of tune with life, a quick energy cleanse can help you regain your balance. Cleansing is important this month, Leos. Period.


One way the Universe is asking you to engage in this cleansing process is by connecting with the natural world around you. Take a relaxing break and spend time in nature. Replenish your energy through a walk in the park and rejuvenate your senses by breathing in the fragrant air of a flowering path. Spend more time in your garden and learn gardening, if you fancy. Introduce fresh blooms into your living space to uplift the energy of both your space as well as your aura.

With that dear Leos, we come to the end of this post. I am hoping my insights from the cards will prove useful to you as you navigate through March.

I also offer personal Tarot readings as part of my services and if the Universe guides you to get a reading from me, hit me up with a message.

I will see you soon!

Have a blessed March.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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