Virgos – What is Tarot telling you about March 2022?

Happy March 2022, dear Virgos. Welcome to my space! I am hoping that the Tarot insights mentioned below will be of help to you as you navigate through the month of March. There are loads of guidance included in this post for your sign ranging from the energy of this month, the opportunities being made available to you, the challenges that you may encounter, your self-care message and what the Universe wants you to surrender. There are also some insights included on relationships and career. Read on and leave me a feedback or a comment if you found this post helpful. Better yet, you can help me by sharing this post and recommending your friends or family members who may find these posts helpful as well. Let’s get started.


Virgos, March’s energy is pushing you towards new things. New ideas, new beginnings, new projects and opportunities await. You will have some important decisions to make during this month and give voice and form to your ideas. Although March brings this new wave of energy into your life, it is your job to identify and make use of these opportunities which I see many Virgos struggling to do so.

Emotionally, you may find yourself going through moodiness and some ups and downs. Your fears could make you imagine things that are not real and question your feelings. At the same time, I see a magnetic attraction on the cards between you and someone. Tread carefully because you may only be seeing what you want to see and can be easily lead on. Clarity is missing where relationships and personal affairs are concerned.

I also wonder if there are some friendships that you need to toss out of your life in order to make room for new connections, Virgos. If you feel the need to be less socially involved and spend more time by yourself enjoying your own solitude and doing some soul searching, then do not hesitate. This alone time will be beneficial and will help you make some important discoveries and decisions.

At work, I sense many Virgos feeling like they have hit a block or being totally swamped in by work. Something is restricting you and this could make you feel like you are blocked, out of ideas or are unable to think things straight. A short break or a getaway to clear your mind can be of help. Sometimes, walking away from a situation makes room for new ideas and solutions to emerge, Virgos, and you do have some problems to be resolved this month.

There may be a fair woman or a woman with white or blond hair in your life who may be associated with this problem that you must deal with. Someone in your life is not being sincere and honest with you and you may finally learn this truth in March. Do not rely on others but yourself.

When it comes to your work, some of you could be the beneficiary of good news or a raise. Something positive is taking place in your life as well. Be open to new offers and opportunities. Also, do some charity work and be of service to others and those you can help.

The Universe is asking you to surrender fear this month, Virgos. Fear of something is acting creating blockages in your life and instead of living life wondering what will happen, you must celebrate each baby step that you take away from What you fear.


As part of your self-care routine, many Virgos are being reminded to sing, hum, chant, or bring more melody into your life. Use music to express your feelings and listen to music that helps uplift you. Try karaoke if you haven’t and if there is a singing competition taking place and you have the voice, go for it.

With that dear Virgos, we come to the end of this post. I am hoping my insights from the cards will prove useful to you as you navigate through March.

I also offer personal Tarot readings as part of my services and if the Universe guides you to get a reading from me, hit me up with a message.

I will see you soon!

Have a blessed March.

Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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