Shalvik Mantra Rahasya – The Healing Process

You may have heard this term (Shalvik Mantra healing) being used quite frequently on my social media these days. I was blessed to be initiated as a Shalvik Mantra healer by Guru Maa Devyani Nanda, the direct disciple of Dr. S.K. Saini who was the founder and creator of this and many other healing modalities including Lama Fera. So in this post, I am going to share some details on how this beautiful healing is performed and what really happens when you sign up for it.



There are a few dozen healing modalities out there in the world, each with its unique speciality. I, for one, have felt deeply drawn towards ancient healing and energetic practices specially ones rooted in the Vedic culture of India for the past few years. What drew me to Shalvik Mantra healing modality was its connection to the Hindu deity, Shiva. I am a devotee and I have felt connected to Shiva as a concept, as a God, and as a Guru for many years now and Shalvik Mantra healing has a direct link to Shiva.


What is Shalvik Mantra Healing?

This healing modality consist of 300 symbols that are divided into three sets. So set A has 100 symbols, set B has 100 symbols and the same with set C. In these sets, you will find a treasure trove of symbols for any problem or challenge that can impact mankind. Simply having the symbols at your disposal is not enough. You must also know how to activate their powers and apply them to your body and energy field which is achieved by the chanting of Shiva’s Mahamrtyunjaya Mantra.


For those who don’t know, Mahamrtyunjay Mantra is a sacred Hindu mantra that appears in the Vedas (Sacred Hindu texts) chanted to promote mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. This mantra is believed to bring healing, longevity, prevent immature death and even bestow Moksha. It is considered a powerful Shiva mantra.



Preparation before the healing

This is an elaborate healing process and when one decides to go for a session, they are asked to choose three numbers between 1 to 100 using a simple procedure. These three numbers reveal what needs healing in your life at the time and point you towards the root cause problem. These three numbers correspond to the symbols in set A, B, and C, as we learned earlier.



For instance, two of my clients were shown that they have past life karmic issues contributing to their problematic current life situation. Some of my clients were shown that they have to take care of their liver and bones as there could be potential problems that can erupt in the future. Some of my clients were guided to give more to others and to conserve money. These guidance messages also show you where you need healing and help you heal the problems during the sessions. So for someone who has past karmic baggage impacting their current life, the symbols are applied to help them heal from this situation. It doesn’t matter where your faith lies, the healing works, as it should, for people of any religious background, sect or beliefs.


The Process

During a Shalvik Mantra healing session, the healer makes connection to the patient’s energy and opens their energy field using 4 powerful symbols with the help of the mantra. It is very similar to a surgical procedure where the surgeon cuts opens the flesh. Then, a maximum of 15 symbols are applied to the patient’s body. 9 symbols are chosen through the numbers provided and the rest can be chosen to target specific problems that the client has come to you with.


Once the symbols are applied, the Mahamrtyunjaya mantra is then chanted 114 times in different rhythm and pace. The mantra activates the symbols and helps bring healing to not just your physical body but also your ethereal body. There are different stages in the healing where the healer acts as a bridge to bring the healing to the patient’s physical, astral, and karmic bodies. Think of this as the actual procedure of surgery taking place.


Once this cycle is complete, it is then important to stitch back the aura of the patient similar to how a surgeon stitches back the cut made on a patient’s body post the objective of the surgery is accomplished. This is achieved in the healing by chanting the mantra in the same rhythm and pace in a backward cycle. And then, my dear readers, the Shalvik Mantra Healing is concluded. This process taken approximately 40 to 50 minutes.



It is recommended that one at least takes 21 sessions to eradicate a problem from root level, however, I offer  the healing service in 3 and 7 sessions for a few reasons. A, it can be easier on the pockets for many and B, the first few sessions can help a person decide if they want to go for more. These things cannot be predicted by should be surrendered to the Divine.


So there you go! That’s all that you need to know about how Shalvik Mantra Healing works in a nutshell. My favourite part about this healing technique is the fact that it heals both the patient as well as the healer which doesn’t come to me as a surprise because the Mahamrtyunjay Mantra is after all a powerful, sacred chant.


If you have any questions about this healing modality, leave a comment or feel free to reach me. If you feel drawn to trying this healing out, send me a DM.


In my next post, I will share some details on what kind of issues can be healed using Shalvik Mantra Healing.


See you!






Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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