Weekly Tarot Guidance 26th June to 2nd July, 2023

My dear Ariens, this week asks you to display courage and bravery. You may feel you are trapped in a situation, but the truth is, there is an exit door available to you. You may not be seeing things clearly or limiting your own vision because of the fear talks that go on in our heads sometimes. If you want to be free and see a change, then it is up to you to take the steps to your freedom. I also sense that many Ariens may feel exhausted with a situation going on in their lives. Take action now instead of continuing to be where you are, feeling like a victim. Here’s a good bit about this week – Life is offering you a gift. This could be an actual physical gift that will make you happy or this could be an opportunity or a situation that feels like a gift. Welcome it with open arms and make use of it carefully. A male figure will play a crucial role in your life this week and may possibly be a Leo or embody the characteristics of the Leo zodiac.


Taureans, the end of a situation is close at hand. This week may bring up some difficult emotions and mental pain for you to deal with, but it is also marking the end of a bad phase. There may be very little you can do to stop that which has to go but this experience also brings a powerful shift and the opportunity for you to grow. Reflect on the lesson you have learnt and what you have gained from this loss. Despite the mental pain that some Taureans may have to undergo, your hard work is also about to pay off. If you have put your sincere effort towards a goal, then this week will bring you the fruits of your labor. Your material needs will be met and you stand to gain materially as well. Count your blessings!

Geminis, a situation or aspect of your life is getting from bad to worse. If you think time will heal or improve the situation, you could be fooling yourself. Moving on is the solution. A transformative week lies ahead of you where the Universe is guiding you to let go of the past and avoid wasting your energy resuscitating a dead situation. You may have to meet with some unsuccessful plans and difficult situations, but the key is to let go of all that which is not working out for you and choose a new direction. This is where your happiness lies. A new territory will bring fresh perspective and the chance for you to start anew. Some Geminis will come across a very arrogant and boastful person this week. Deal with this individual carefully or avoid your engagements with such a person, if you can.

Cancerians, this week is about connecting with your heart’s desires and to trust your heart more than your head. The power of love can heal and transform. You are guided to connect deeply with your heart chakra. This is a good week for strengthening existing relationships and also a positive week for those who are looking for love. This is a time to do more of those things that you love and show your affection and care to people and things that matter to you. An opportunity to heal pain, trauma, and relationship challenges is possible now. This is a time to forgive and move past old narratives. I am sensing the presence of an older person (an older man mostly) in many of your life who will play a very important role this week. Either this person is a going to help or hinder you. It is up to you to figure this out. Challenges will come up here and there, but I also see victory in the end. This old person may assist some of you in emerging victorious whereas in some cases, an old man will be the cause of problems as well. As long as you have your heart in the right place, everything is possible, and your chances of success look great.

Leos, there is a certain charm and magnetism to you this week. Your creative spark is shining bright and you have the power to persuade others and to influence the outcome of situations in your favor. Remember though that your success quotient will also depend on the confidence you display. You are in control of things. You are ripe with ideas and the vision to not only create something new this week but to also make existing situations better. You’ve got to believe in yourself. Some Leos may come across a person this week who can inspire and lead you in the right direction. This could be a man or even a woman (dark hair or dark complexion). There is one thing you need to be careful of though and that is Greed. The desire to have more can ruin your chances of success or can lead to difficult situations now or later. Don’t be greedy! I am also seeing some good times coming to pass in your life this week. Parties, get-togethers, celebrations, and memorable events will make this week worth remembering and cherishing.


Virgos, being shrewd can sometimes pay off and this week, your guidance is to be smart and resourceful especially where business and work are concerned. There may be treacherous and strategic people around you so you must pull up your socks and adopt your own strategies. Be a step ahead! This is one of those weeks where your popularity meter can soar high. I see many of you getting attention, name and fame even. Keep that confidence going and you will attract all the goodness in the world. Social media is your main weapon, and it can help you excel. Use it wisely. Your social network can come in handy and prove to be useful as well. Do not shy away from putting yourself out in front of the world. I see a week where peace and harmony will prevail. Make sure you choose peace above everything. Many Virgos may be waiting for an important news which may be delayed but is just around the corner. Work on your Solar plexus chakra this week and raise your self-esteem. This is a time to feel empowered and inspire those around you.

Librans, this week is going to bring highs and lows and ups and downs. Nothing will remain constant and you may even experience mood swings and find it hard to stick to one thing for too long. This is not the time to gamble where important matters are concerned so be wise when making significant decisions. Try to find peace, balance and stability within self which is what your zodiac is prominently known for. A short travel is indicated, and some plans may turn out to be unsuccessful. A male figure is going to play an important role in your life, and I am given to believe that this person may present challenges in front of you. Trust the timing of things, Librans. If something you want is eluding you despite your best efforts, give it time. Like I was saying earlier, there will be successes and sometimes failures as well this week and you just need to learn to go with the flow.

Scorpios, the truth prevails this week and you can expect the smog to clear from all the situations that were shrouded in confusion. The cards indicate that good news will come your way. You will get to hear about something that will bring clarity and offer you a sense of relief and liberation. This is also a time where I see many Scorpios breaking free from some restricting situations and overcoming challenges mainly from the power of your mind and intellect. Obstacles and challenges will be overcome but you must use your wisdom and knowledge to find a way. Communication plays an important role and so will the presence of a Male figure who will play a pivotal role in your life. Sometimes, we must go through with a difficult decision or choice in order to do the right thing. This is one of those times where you may have to take a tough call and choose what is right.

Sagittarians, this week bodes really well for your business and work. An important announcement is on its way and for those seeking, a new job or career is indicated. Fresh possibilities are present around you and many of you are seeing doing well and excelling in your respective fields. Be open to taking help from others and working as a team. With the assisting of others, you stand a far better chance at succeeding and finding solutions. Foster a healthy relationship with your colleagues. If you were waiting for an important update or news, you will receive one this week. I see the darkness lifting and many Sagittarians feeling bright and energetic. Try to go to bed early and rise early. If your body clock is out of whack, now is the time to get things right. Keep a tab on your Vitamin D levels. Overall, this week promises happiness and an emergence out of difficult times for many Archers.


Capricorns, your inner child wants to feel happy and safe. What can you do to accomplish this in the coming days? This is a positive week for you with a few warnings in place. Success is yours for the taking but you are also encouraged to align yourself with things that raise your energy and truly make you happy. This means distancing yourself from people who deplete you and also saying ‘No’ to activities and habits that weaken your body and mind. I see a get-together with a close friend and some good times ahead. Make time to meet people you resonate with. The concerning bit this week is that there are some people or energies trying to work against you as well. Do not give others reasons to point fingers at you or take advantage of your position. There may be some people waiting for you to mess up so they can poke in. It is very important to shield your energy against negative thoughts and people and also to stand up for yourself when someone tries to falsely put you down. Keep your energy in a happy place and make your happiness and well-being your number one priority.

Aquarians, this week requires a great deal of mental strength out of you. I see many Aquarians developing a tendency to worry too much and overthink situations. You may be worrying about things that are not even real or have any logical basis. So, the first step is to quit thinking too negatively and getting yourself too worked up. This week also asks you to move forward in life, away from old, stale situations. Something is not working out and staying put in this situation for too long won’t make any difference. You must accept the loss of a situation and prepare to move forward and start afresh. Some Aquarians may even relocate, quit jobs, change residences, etc. There are some disappointing factors that may play out in your life this week but Aquashines, know that life is directing you towards a fresh start which is what you need right now. Breathe, relax, maintain your calm in the storm and soon you will be out of the chaos.

Pisceans, you better pick up the pace because this week’s energy is fast-moving. Sudden opportunities and gains can come to you. You may be required to make quick decisions that can lead to successful outcomes. There is no time to dilly-dally. Important travel could come up this week as well. Many Pisceans may receive compliments and admiration as well. In a way, recognition is yours this week. You are likely to succeed in some aspect of your life. Stay positive and make your decisions quickly and wisely. Amid all this happiness, there is one small message of disappointment as well. You may also have to face a loss that can upset you. However, this won’t be something that you will drag you down for too long. Focus on the blessings and be grateful for the lessons and tough experiences that will make you stronger.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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