Hello my Beautiful Readers!


Thank you for being here! I was inspired to write a post on the topic of Love and Romance for all the zodiac signs. With the help of Tarot cards, I have shared some messages with you about love and relationships.

There are messages for those of you who are already in a relationship, marriage or are seeing someone and then, not to leave behind those who are seeking love and are single, I have also included a separate section of messages.

One month is a long time and therefore, the messages shared here are mostly divided into three parts – the starting of the month, the middle of the month and the end of the month. The idea behind sharing these messages is so that you can move through awareness. These events may or may not play out in your life. So don’t be moved by fear or negative thoughts if there are warning messages included in here. Just take what you must and revisit this post from time to time to see how things are going.

One last thing – I have poured a great deal of energy into writing these messages and it would really mean a lot to me if you can share this post, give it a like, or show your engagement in some manner.


Thank you again and be sure to check your Rising and Moon sign as well

If you want to book a personal reading, you can reach me at [email protected] or send me a DM on Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp.

Have a Blessed July 2023.

Existing Relationships: Ariens, the month starts off with some intense energies at play that could lead to conflicts, fights, arguments, and disagreements in your relationships. You and your partner may have the tendency to bicker about things and take a verbal swipe at each other. You may even experience some inner conflicts when it comes to your relationship and feelings. It is important to deal with situations in a mature way and not let ego get in between you. This energy will settle down by mid-month as you move forward from all the squabbling and seek peace. Some Ariens may go on a vacation with their partners around this time while some may change residences or plan a move. If you are planning a vacation specially towards the end of the month, look up a place that you two have visited in the past that you both cherished and enjoyed. Visiting a place you found special in the past will help rekindle and add magic to your relationship. This is also a time where the past seeks closure. If your relationship is struggling because of a blast from the past, it is time to put things to rest. Also look at your past in order to find the root of your current relationship problem.


Single Ariens: My dear Single Ariens, if you are seeking a serious relationship, then July will not disappoint. You, however, must get out of your comfort zones and be less predictable. Introduce some freshness and adventure into your life, especially if you have fallen into a slump. Be open to traveling, meeting new people, making new friends and being more playful. Your vibe will attract your tribe and I see many Ariens meeting someone special around mid-month when romance will be in the air. Make sure you bring in some healthy doses of flirtation, play, attractiveness, and even sex appeal. An important thing to keep in mind this month is to work on raising your self-esteem and to not settle for the second-best just because you feel what you truly want is getting delayed. Keep your standards high and believe in yourself.

Intimacy: Ariens, either your sex life has become dull and monotonous or work and other responsibilities are keeping you from enjoying intimacy. Whatever the case, create some time for play! Be more spontaneous and put in more effort to please your partner. Your intimacy factor certainly needs some sprucing up this month.

Existing relationships: My dear Taureans, the month of July can be challenging for you where love relationships are concerned. I see many Taureans feeling sadness and grief over something. Your relationship may or may not be the cause for this but something has got you worrying and in a tense mental place that can disrupt your relationship with your significant other. Even though you may feel like isolating yourself to deal with this issue internally, it is best to bank on a good support system and be more open and expressive in your communication. These feelings may intensify as you approach mid-month. There could be dissatisfaction and hurt over the loss of something. If you are feeling unhappy in your relationship, seek support to find the way forward or work things out with your partner. Some Taureans may resort to addictive and destructive habits which you must take caution against. If the situation can be salvaged, there is still hope. You may be dealing with a partner or an individual who could be quite rigid with their beliefs and unwilling to compromise or understand. Your patience could be tested where relationships are concerned and seeking help, finding a way to gain healing and closure from hurt, and moving past this intense phase is suggested. Gather all your resources and do not feel alone. This phase too shall pass.

Single Taureans: My dear Single Taureans, the cards show some intense moments for you in July. I see many of you feeling conflicted and dealing with anger issues. Is something from your past still left unresolved? Deal with it and get your closure. Mid-month can be a highly emotional time for you. If you are already on your healing journey, then this time of the month will be all about releasing pent up emotions and feelings. Have a good cry if it helps unburden your heart. To the Single Taurean, July will be a month of big transformations and shifts where love and feelings are concerned. You are truly ready to put your past behind and experience a rebirth. Life is calling you out to start afresh and while this can be challenging at times, use the opportunities life offers you to sit with your emotions and heal away old wounds. This will allow you to open yourself to new connections. Place yourself in supportive environments. Trust the timing! The love you seek and deserve will come at the right time when you are done closing old chapters.

Intimacy: Sexual healing is on the cards. I feel many Taureans will find that they are seeking something beyond physical intimacy. They are looking for the connect, the enchantment, and the reciprocation. Sadly, you may be the one giving away too much without getting the same reciprocation from your partner. Talk it out with your partner and do not burn your energy by only giving.


Existing Relationships: Dear Geminis, your energies may be low this month and you may be feeling distant and disconnected from emotions. In your relationship dynamics, either you or your partner may feel emotionally shut down. Is it possible that you are feeling taken for granted or unappreciated in your connection? Trust issues may also be a reason behind this. There is also a possibility that nothing may be pleasing you and the effort shown by your partner could be going in vain. Whatever the cause for this disconnect, do not be too fixed in your thoughts for a particular outcome. Be open to receiving love and care from your partner or from your guides and angels. You need to open your heart up to receiving love in all forms. Emotional intimacy is missing in your connection and it will help to plan a rejuvenating outing or plan something adventurous to revive your connection. This phase during the middle of the month asks you to deal with situations in a calm and composed manner. The end of July can be a little more challenging for Gemstars as differences and dissatisfaction may crop up. Financial matters could create some tense situations in partnerships as well. There is a need for Gemstars to recommit to their relationships with equal efforts from both sides and eliminate any energy draining factors that could be impacting romance.

Single Geminis: Unlike Geminis in an existing relationship, the Single Geminis may look forward to a sweet month with plenty of social action and new developments in the department of love. Opportunities to connect with others are present during the start of the month and you may find that creative hobbies could set the stage for these beautiful rendezvous. Expect to meet new people through art, music, or any creative ventures. Your own playfulness and creativity can make you attractive to others and create a magnetic appeal around you. Move through the middle of the month with patience and level-headedness. Do not be too hasty and restless. For some Gemstars, the presence of a mature and focused individual is seen on the cards. As you move through the end of the month, good times are in store. Socially, this can be a busy time for you as you take part in get-togethers, parties, group activities, etc. You may find yourself in a happy place connecting with like-minded people or have a good time going out and exploring the world with someone new you have met. If you are still single with zero prospects by now, then I strongly suggest stepping out and making the effort to connect with people. Love won’t come knocking on your door. It is time to be seen and who knows, your own friend circle or network can point you in the right direction?!

Intimacy: Stop being defensive, too critical or having lofty expectations when it comes to bedroom intimacy. It is possible that your attitude needs a little bit of tweaking to enjoy some pleasurable moments this month. Put your guard down and identify if something about your own behavior or body language is acting against welcoming intimate moments.

Existing Relationships: Dear Cancerians, fun and celebrations are a theme for this entire month. Social events and pleasurable pursuits are highlighted. I see you and your loved one having a good time. Some Cancerians may even make their relationships official by getting engaged or married. You may travel, party, host a get-together, etc. that allows you to shine as a couple. There is a great deal of sexual energy present in the cards as well. I see most Cancerians sharing good sexual chemistry with their partners but for those of you who could use some rekindling, this is the month to try new things and experiment. Your honesty and authenticity will make you attractive to your partner. Even if challenging situations test your relationships, I see that your connection will only grow stronger. You can expect support and stability in your relationships. Towards the end of the month, there is a possibility that one of you could be acting stubborn and wanting to have things your way. Do not play ego battles and mind games. Control issues need to be addressed and maturity and flexibility needs to be adopted in your relationship in order to see it thrive.

Single Cancerian: Single Cancerians may find themselves occupied with work and responsibilities at the start of the month. You may even be craving security and nurturing around this time. Take good care of your body and engage in acts of self-care and self-love. As you approach the middle of the month, an adventurous time beckons. During this phase, you maybe seeking fun and newness. Your playful side may surface which will allow you to form new connections, meet new people, travel, and be less predictable. Casual flings and sexual encounters are very much possible around this time. I want you to make carefully thought-out decisions during the second half of the month, Cancerians. You may be susceptible to attracting toxic connections and people. If fun is all you seek, then by all means go ahead and enjoy yourself. If you are on the pursuit of something meaningful and lasting, then this period asks you to tread carefully. Be more mindful of destructive patterns, manipulative intentions, and people who could prey on your vulnerability. Be more aware of your triggers and do not repeat negative cycles from the past.


Intimacy: Be less predictable and more playful, Cancerians. Have a lighthearted and fun approach to love making. Take precautions against pregnancy if this is not something you desire right now. This is sexually a very fertile month for you.

Existing relationships: Dear Leos, two possibilities exist in your connection this month. One possibility is that your partner or you may be looking for more love, support, pampering and cherishing. If yours is a healthy relationship, then share your unconditional love with your beloved and assist them during their time of struggle or a quick ‘pick-me-up’. Another possibility is that some of my Leo friends may be caught up in an unequal dynamic with their partner where one person is a constant giver while the other is a taker. One person is acting needy and perhaps even begging for love and attention while the other is in control and gives their attention away like offering scraps to a beggar. You shouldn’t be begging for love and attention in a connection. If this is the case, then it may be time to become more assertive or reassess your relationship. During the middle of the month, I see some happy times and events coming to pass. Some Leo couples may tie the knot or make a life changing decision such as planning a family, buying a house, etc. A family get-together looks likely. However, to those of my Leo friends who are caught up in an unequal partnership, this may simply be a pretense situation where you want to believe everything is okay but it is not. Or maybe you are pretending just to show the world that everything is okay. The end of the month can be difficult for most Leos as this period marks sudden changes, disappointments, hurt, and even separation and endings. Weak and dishonest connections are likely to end around this time or you may feel crushed by the revelation of a bitter truth. This is life giving you the opportunity to run from a toxic connection, Leos. So choose wisely.

Single Leos: My dear Single Leos, the month starts off for you folks with some pleasurable pursuits. I see a period of indulgence for you whether that means enjoying sumptuous meals, shopping your heart out, seeking luxurious experiences or even overindulging yourself in sexual pleasure. This opens you up to chance meetings at social events, restaurants, clubs and pubs, etc. This is a social time for Leos and even if you do not have a date, invite some friends over and have a good time. During the middle of the month, many Leos may experience a sense of hopelessness and battle self-esteem issues. Maybe you are tired of waiting for love, or maybe a situation in your life is making you question your abilities and self-worth. Whatever the case, you must shift mental gears and not give into negative self-talk. Mental strength is needed around this time of the month. I do not want you to worry too much because this phase too shall pass, and the second half of the month will see you emerge out victorious with a good sense of confidence and belief in self. This period also marks a time when you would have accomplished a personal goal which will boost your self-esteem and make you shine. Some Leos may receive wedding proposals during this period. If love is what you seek, then do not shy away from being in the spotlight.

Intimacy: Leos, be vigilant against those who talk much but fail to live up to their words. You must guard against falling prey to sexual flatterers who may not have much to offer. Do not fall for promises of a forever-and-after and get into bed with someone. The chances of meeting sneaky people and sexual predators are high this month. You may come across experiences where your partner has promised you much but is unable to keep up their word.

Existing Relationships: Dear Virgos, this month is about being assertive in your personal relationships and having a clear communication with your partner. There is a need for you to speak up and be honest about your feelings. An important message or truth about a situation could be revealed around this time of the month. Words can both hurt and heal, so choose them wisely when interacting with your beloved. The middle of the month brings excitement into your life. This is a time where playfulness and fun will pay off. This is also an ideal time to make travel plans or do something creative with your partner. Sexual energies will be high this month so if your relationship is going through a lull phase, think of some creative, out-of-the-box ways to make it exciting. As you approach the end of the month, relationships may undergo a period of confusion. Some important choices need to be made but you may feel uncertain about what to pick. Also Virgos, get your facts and perspectives right. Do not believe in perceived fears and don’t let your imagination create conflict in your personal connection. Remember, as the cards have shown us earlier, this month is about speaking and seeking the truth. Sometimes, we get so lost in our thoughts that we begin projecting both our desires and fears onto our partners whereas the reality could be entirely different from our fantasy. Get to know the truth and remain practical.


Single Virgos: My dear Single Virgo friends will need some help moving past negative self-talk and poor self-esteem at the start of the month. Around this time, you may feel helpless and hopeless. You may feel stuck when it comes to finding love or finding hope in someone you have met. The guidance here is to not isolate yourself or feel stuck because things are not going the way you wanted them to. Nevertheless, this is only a short-lived phase as the middle of the month brings some exciting times in your life. Some Virgos may meet a new person. This person appears to be charming, charismatic and bold and will make you feel excited about life. One word of caution though – I don’t want you to fall head over heels for this person or develop an emotional cord just yet. This could be a phase where you are still getting to know this person or it may just be the thrill and passion. So tread carefully and know what you are getting into before you do. The end of the month brings you the opportunity to widen your social circle and engage in outdoors-y activities. This is a time where I see your social life thriving. It could be the parties, the meetings, get-togethers, celebratory events, etc. The second half of this month certainly looks busy and full of fun moments.

Intimacy: Virgos, your sexual life can be on an upswing this month provided you adopt a playful and flirtatious attitude. You have the permission to give yourself over to pleasure and enjoy. Sexual encounters are likely to occur during parties, celebratory events, and perhaps with friends as well specially for the single Virgos.

Existing Relationships: My dear Librans, this may be a tough month for you where love relationships are concerned. There is pain and anguish at the start of the month possibly by the behavior of your partner or your own self-sabotaging habits. It is also possible that you have been caught up in a destructive cycle in your relationship that you must break out of. I say this with a heavy heart, but some Librans may experience painful endings during this phase or feel hurt and betrayed by their partner. If there is something that you need to change within yourself in order to make your relationship better, then it is important to do this now. As you enter mid-month, important decisions need to be made as far as your love life is concerned. This is a period where you decide whether to stay or go or change and get better. If you need professional intervention, take it. It is important to release the dead energy engulfing your partnership as well as your life and also understand where you have been going wrong and rectify it. This period can offer you a chance to renew your connection, address and heal from old issues that you have boxed in and prepare for a fresh start. Life is giving you a second chance so choose wisely and do the right thing. The end of the month also poses some challenges as some Librans are likely to face worries and tension. You could be overthinking things and may even experience regrets, guilt, and sadness over a situation. I strongly suggest that you take very good care of your mental health, Librans and get enough rest and treat your body right. Open communication is needed at this time instead of isolating yourself. The grief or sadness that you may experience could stem from an unresolved issue from the past. Surround yourself with the right support system and know that this is only a phase and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Single Librans: Single Librans, you seem to be under the spotlight at the start of the month. You are being recognized and maybe the accomplishment of a personal goal has made people notice you. Bask in the glory and notice the opportunities that could come your way at this time. Some Librans also need to raise their self-esteem and put themselves out in front of the world. I see more than one love interest showing up in your lives this month. Make your choices carefully. The middle of the month asks you to stand your ground and not take any BS from others. If there is someone present in your life at this time whose energy is not aligning with yours, then you have the choice to cut this connection away. Choose healthy connections and people. Draw your boundaries and be very clear about what you will and will not tolerate. If you have a love interest, they may act cold and distant around this time. As you approach the second half of the month, I see passion and energetic interactions. You could be dealing with someone who is confident, playful, adventurous and full of sex appeal. Or, maybe you need to showcase these qualities and exude some charm. Sexual energies could also run high during this period, and you could get a lot of attention. There is a message to Librans here to not lower your standards and expect and choose only the best for yourself. Overall, this is a month where you are encouraged to work on your confidence levels, put yourself out there, not settle for anything less, make the right choices and draw health boundaries where necessary and bask in the attention that will be coming your way.

Intimacy: Sexual energy runs high this month for Librans. You may have strong urges and your sex life could be very rewarding if you run into the right opportunities at the right time. If your relationship is going through a lull phase, then you must work on rekindling the spark and igniting the passion again. Be spontaneous and initiate. Break away from ruts and routines and make time for play.

Existing Relationships: Dear Scorpios, certain negative patterns in your relationships could create challenges for you as the month begins. It is time to honestly examine the destructive triggers that are impacting your connection and work on fixing them instead of avoiding them. Are there addictions that are affecting the quality of your relationship with your partner? There is a possibility that some Scorpios could be dealing with addictions themselves or a partner who is caught up in addictive habits and behavior. Take the appropriate help necessary to tackle the issues before it leads to further toxicity and dissatisfaction in your love life. As you approach mid-month, there could be hurt and disappointments shadowing your relationship. Either there is a loss that one of you is dealing with that is creating tension in the relationship or you could simply be stuck in an unfulfilling marriage or relationship. One of you is stuck in the past and is using a past event to feel hurt and sorry. Around this time, Scorpios need to take care especially if you are prone to resorting to substances like alcohol, smoking or drugs to repress the pain. Again, seek help if the situation is going beyond you. Depressive tendencies can also be heightened around this time. Towards the end of the month, I see that many Scorpios may be in need of a break and feeling emotionally cut off. If you are dealing with a very challenging relationship situation, then it makes sense to take some time off to heal and balance yourself. However, if you are in a situation where one partner is putting in the effort while the other is not receptive or appreciative of the effort, then it may be time to look at practical solutions. Overall, I am sorry that this reading looks so bleak but for those of you who are dealing with relationship challenges, do not give up on yourself and take good care of your health (mental, emotional, and physical). Problems only show us that something needs addressing in order to heal so that you can move beyond the trauma and pain and find a way to live a better life.


Single Scorpios: Dear Single Scorpios, be guided by your intuition and wisdom where matters of the heart are concerned. You may feel as though you are stuck in a limbo, but this phase is here to teach you something. Learn to honor your feelings and emotions and trust your hunches. There is a very good chance of someone making a comeback from your past to pursue you again or to simply get in touch. At the same time, I urge you to reexamine your attachments to someone from the past. This could be blocking you from moving forward and inviting the energy of love into your life. Cord-cutting rituals may come in handy if you are finding it hard to let go of the past. I do see a very strong, charismatic person coming into your life this month. This could be someone from the past or a new person. Explore this connection and enjoy the good moments without getting too attached to the outcome at least for the time being. Your own mysterious nature is bound to draw people into your life. You may also feel emotionally uncertain at times. Take good care of your well-being and avoid getting too drowned in emotions.

Intimacy: Sexual chemistry requires an equal give and take in your connections this month, Scorpios. Try not to live in your head too much and try to let loose and allow your body to feel the sensations. If your current sex life is out of the kilter, it will benefit you to take some advice from a third-party source such as a marriage counselor or a therapist.

Existing Relationships: Dear Sagittarians, the month starts off on an emotional tone. This is a time when you will be indulging yourself in a bit of a fantasy. Your feelings are going to ebb and flow like the tides and on a positive note, this can create a sense of mystery and enchantment in your connections but on a negative note, you could easily slip into illusory thinking and emotional highs and lows. There is a warning to couples to keep an eye out for repeating destructive cycles in the relationship. I also see some Sagittarians dealing with a great deal of stress, moodiness, and anxiety specially at the start of the month which could impact your reactions and responses towards your partner. Look to the past to seek answers to the present situation. Unresolved issues or attachments to something from your past could be hindering or creating challenges in your current situation. If your partnership is missing the spark, it may help to rekindle the fire by revisiting the things that you both enjoyed as a couple once upon a time. This could mean visiting old places such as restaurants, vacation spots and getaway destinations, and nooks and corners of the city where you both have shared good memories. Towards the end of the month, some turbulent times could create dismay in your partnerships. Keep your anger at bay and avoid fiery confrontations and impulsive actions. Overall, this month can be a roller coaster for many Sagittarians. It will help to take better care of your emotional well-being and to pull yourself out of illusory thinking.

Single Sagittarians: The single archers start the month off with elevated energy and passion. Exciting times and experiences could sweep you off your feet. In fact, a close encounter with someone may set the fire in motion. This person very well could be a charmer and a sweet talker so do not go investing too much emotional energy and time into this person just yet. If you are looking for something serious, then this may not be your person but if you are open to something casual and some uninhibited fun, then take your chances. I see many Sagittarians feeling stuck and caught up in a web of thoughts possibly because of an AWOL lover or a situation in their own life that is giving rise to hopelessness. Do not limit yourself or give yourself too much mental grief over someone who is not returning your phone call or has chosen to distance themselves from you. You could be shutting yourself off from potential love interests and most importantly, the chance to be happy. I am not getting the sign that this is your month for finding love, Sagittarians. Don’t let this disappoint you. Timing is everything and you better not waste it waiting and wishing on someone who is not worthy of your affection.

Intimacy: It is time to let your sensuality speak, Archers. Although there is a great deal of sexual energy present this month, my advice to you would be to tend to your body and practice self-care first. Yes, you need to get out of your head and into your body. A massage, beauty rituals, soaking in a hot bath, or any personal regimen could add to your sex appeal and most importantly, uplift and strengthen your relationship with yourself. This is a good month for pregnancy related matters too. Issues around body image may crop up for some Archers and you must find a healthy way of dealing with it.


Existing Relationships: Dear Capricorns, it’s going to be a fire and ice kind of month for you. There are going to be moments of passion, celebration, chemistry, and good times and then there are times when you and your mate could be at loggerheads with each other. I see Capricorns celebrating life with their partners and perhaps even hosting events or throwing a bash. However, you may also succumb to some negative emotions and engage in sabotaging behavior with each other. Try to avoid toxic situations and being the toxic person. If there are issues that you and your partner need to address and work on, then seek professional help or find a practical way to resolve them. Despite the hot and cold foreplay in your relationships, this month is oozing with passion and the fulfillment of sensual desires. You may find plenty of opportunities to enjoy pleasurable moments with your mate so make sure you grab them and live life to the fullest. Travel may also be a big theme this month for you, Capris. You and your sweetheart may come up with sudden, unplanned trips to some place exotic. Go with the flow. If communication was an issue between you two, then things will become smoother specially during the second half of the month. There is a strong possibility of some Capricorns finding themselves attracted towards another besides their partner and may engage in flirtatious and surreptitious acts. If you find yourself straying from your current relationship, then think hard about the consequences and make the right judgement call. Like I was saying earlier, there can be issues in your partnership that need addressing and sweeping them under the rug may not work in the long run. Addictive behaviors also need monitoring and curing this month.

Single Capricorns: Dear Single Capricorns, seeking love! The world is a big place and far bigger than the bubble that you have been living in. It’s time to get out into the world and explore all the possibilities. Travel, meet new people, explore new opportunities to grow and be successful. Do not limit yourself in any manner. Some single Capricorns are likely to be interested in a person who lives in a distant place. I also sense that many of you are still guarded and have your walls up. You could be too critical on potential dates or may even have lofty expectations that could scare people away. While it is good to draw healthy boundaries and not settle for less, you don’t want to appear intimidating to your potential suitors. Tone down on the attitude a little. Single Capris must also make sure that they find the time to rest, relax, and enjoy life a little and not get too caught up in the busy-ness of life. You also need to shift your perspectives a little and see life through a fresh pair of eyes. This will help you get out of your single status soon.

Intimacy: Capricorns, this month no doubt brings you the opportunity to enjoy intimacy and your intimate connections. However, you must stop judging your own self or your body through the lens of your past. Accept yourself the way you look now and do not get preoccupied with how you used to be or used to look in the past. You must learn to enjoy the present moment and not get too fixated on the past. Sexual encounters with someone from your past is likely for some Capricorns.

Existing Relationships: Dear Aquarians, you may be running after a goal this month with your partner and practical matters could be of importance to you. Do not end up living in your head too much and make room for passion, pleasure, and play. Other priorities in life could occupy you and while it is good to stay focused towards your goals, do not undermine your relationships and its needs. An event or situation could create some emotional lows in your relationship, but I don’t see this phase lasting for too long. If you are hurt or disappointed over your partner’s actions, talk things out instead of holding a grudge. Communication will help resolve things. Despite the minor lull phase, good times are certainly in store for you. You may engage in some fun social activities as well and the energy of laughter, joy, and togetherness will uplift your relationships mostly towards the end of the month. Overall, this is a positive month for Aquarians in love with some minor lows which you will be able to bounce back from provided you make time to go out and let your hair down with your beloved.


Single Aquarians: Dear Aquashines who are single and seeking love! Many of you could be facing some internal conflict where matters of the heart are concerned. It is possible that you may be feeling angry and upset over someone from your past or their actions. Some Aquarians may be dealing with other stressful situations in life which could leave you with no time to seek a love interest. Whatever this internal conflict, you better resolve it before it becomes too overwhelming. This month, communication may not be at its best when it comes to your love life. If you have met someone or are hoping to get to know a person better, communication could pose a challenge. The person in question may be giving you mixed signals, and this could create frustrations. Your own verbal style could be laced with confusion, angry words, and maybe even the inability to express what you have to say clearly. I strongly believe that you have some work to do with yourself before you feel ready for love or your next relationship, Aquashines. You have been wounded in the past in a significant relationship and this has made you raise your barriers around others and creates a sense of fear when it comes to matters of the heart. Work on healing these fears and conflicts and let go of this energy so that you can move forward and make space for a new beginning.

Intimacy: The fiery energy of intimacy and passion could be dampened by emotions, sadness, and hurt. It is also possible that your own sexual needs may not be met fully, and this could lead to an emotional impasse and dissatisfaction. Some Aquarians may be dealing with insecurities probably involving their physical appearance and this may also water down your fire. Communication is key here again and also the need to move on from the past in order to see some improvements in your sensual life.

Existing Relationships: Dear Pisceans, communication is going to play a key role in determining your relationship experiences with your mate this month. Good communication also requires you to be a good listener as you and your partner both benefit when your ideas are truly heard and respected. Your relationship is likely to struggle when there is confusion, disrespect, rude speech, overly defensive attitude and a cold demeanor. Make sure you avoid these in order to maintain the harmony and balance in your partnerships. You can make significant breakthrough in your relationships when you and/or your partner can both admit when you are wrong and what needs to change. I also see emotions missing in your chemistry this month. There is too much emphasis on being right or taking verbal swipes at each other. Physical intimacy is also seen neglected as one or both of you may detach from physical pleasures. You manifest the quality of your connection through your words and actions this month, Pisceans, therefore, make sure that you are doing your due diligence in creating the kind of experience you seek. Resolve misunderstandings and let go of grudges that can accomplish nothing but only dismay.

Single Pisceans: Dear Single Pisceans, your chances of finding true love are closer than you think. This month, I encourage you to put yourself out there and explore your options carefully. Speaking of options, there can be more than one person vying for your attention and it is important that you make the right choice after carefully weighing the pros and cons. Travel is coming up as a major theme this month so it is possible that you could end up meeting this special someone during a trip. It is also possible that this person may be a traveler and could be paying a visit to the city or place you live in. Possibilities can always be many but what I want you to know is that your chances of meeting that special someone are very very high this month. Look for the one who feels like a soul-mate. The one who makes you feel comfortable being open and vulnerable. The one you are able to relate to and feel this magnetic pull towards. Also make sure that you don’t box yourself in and give yourself the permission to flirt, play, and make the extra effort. Adorn yourself with beautiful clothes and highlight your attractiveness.

Intimacy: This month brings pleasurable indulgences and a fertile time. Pisceans already in a relationship must make the effort to enjoy physical pleasures while those of you who are single may also have many opportunities to enjoy bodily pleasures. It is also important that you take that extra time this month to pay attention to your own body and self-care practices, Pisceans. Luxuriate a little and create an aura of attractiveness. Let your natural beauty shine. Remember that this is a fertile time for many Pisceans, therefore, take precautions if you must or the timing is ripe to plan a family.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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