The Magician Tarot Card – An Astrological Analysis

Hey Beautiful Souls! I welcome you to another edition of the Astro-Tarot Series. Today, we will look at The Magician Tarot card.


The Magician is associated with the planet Mercury and in this post, we will try to get to know Mercury a little better and how its association reflects on The Magician card.

Mercury, the planet

In Greek mythology, Mercury, known as Hermes, is often depicted wearing a pair of winged sandals and a magical helmet.

Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and the God of travelers. He was also a thief, a trickster, and an accomplished liar who could talk his way out of any situation.

He was the God of speed, sleep, and speech who escorted dead souls into the underworld.


Positive qualities of Mercury

Planet Mercury in Astrology stands for communication, the intellect, knowledge, mastery over many languages, our reasoning abilities and the wit. It is the fastest moving planet in our Solar system and therefore, indicates speed.

The planet Mercury also makes a person business-oriented in nature and therefore rules the areas of trade, commerce, profit and loss, etc.

Negative qualities of Mercury

The negative/shadow side of Mercury include being overly critical, argumentative, deceitful, mischievous, and sarcastic.

It makes a person inconsistent, a gambler, a liar and a boastful person. Mercury is mentally agile and gets easily bored by slow people or responses.


The Magician

If we are to look at the Magician card in the Tarot, he embodies many of the characteristics mentioned above.

The Magician wears a band around his head that highlights his intelligence and quick-thinking abilities, just like the planet.

He has all the tools he needs to make the magic happen. The skill of quick thinking and being street smart is rendered by Mercury, again.

The Magician possesses the gift of gab. This makes him a good Orator or a Salesman. He is persuasive and charming, often selling ice to an Eskimo.

The Magician card represents messages and communication in all its forms. Like Mercury, the Magician is bestowed with knowledge and skills that help him bring his desired outcome to fruition.


The Magician in a positive light is a quick thinker who can come up with ideas and solutions to fix situations. He works well in the field of media, marketing, advertising, journalism, and public relations and any career path where communication and quick decision-making abilities are a must.

When the Magician is reversed or is negatively aspected, he becomes the trickster and the snake oil salesman who will go to any lengths to mislead others in order to get what he wants.

Think of an actual Magician who showcases parlor tricks to capture our attention. We know it is only hocus-pocus and not real magic. The Magician in the negative sense turns out to be a person who is good at capturing our attention using illusory tricks, false conversations, and gimmicks.

A reversed or negatively aspected Magician can be verbally abusive or an unpleasant person who dishes out Sarcasm and enjoys his ego trip.

While Mercury in its positive light stands for speed, the Magician when negative can become a slow minded person or someone who misuses their knowledge and skills for selfish agendas.

The Magician from The Everyday Witch Tarot

Your Free Download

Mercury, in our birth chart, will give us different experiences based on the zodiac sign and the house it occupies. I have created a Free mini guide to Mercury’s results in different zodiac signs but using Tarot cards as the premise.

The information shared is based on the combination formed by the planet and the zodiac sign but also preserving the meanings of the Tarot cards.

I hope this post has been helpful and that it will offer you some new insights about looking at the Tarot cards from Astrology’s standpoint.

I will see you in the next post where we will examine The High Priestess card at length through the eye of Astrology. If you wish to read the last post on The Fool card, you can click the link here.

If you wish to get a personal reading from me, you can reach out to me through my website, social media, or email – [email protected].


Have a lovely day!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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