Hey Beautiful Souls, Today I bring to you a Timeless reading to determine your Abundance blocks.


It is ‘Timeless’ because you can come back to this reading whenever you want to in the future as well as it is not limited to a time frame.

Through this reading, it is my hope that you will receive a message that will point you in the right direction and get into the flow of Abundance.

Here’s how you can decipher your message. I want you to get serious and centered. You can even say a small prayer in your mind and ask the Divine to lead you to the right number between 1 to 9.

You can certainly choose more than one number if required or if you are confused between two numbers, then read the messages for both.


One of my favorite methods is to write down the numbers in small chits of paper and then shuffle them and randomly pick one. You can try any method that is comfortable for you.

Once you have determined the number, scroll down to the read the corresponding message.

Do bear in mind that these are general readings, however, there must be something in here for you that can inspire or caution you. If something does not resonate immediately, park it in your mind and come back to the message later, maybe even after a few days.

I offer personal consultations through email and live Zoom calls. If you want to book a reading, you can send me a message using the ‘Contact’ form on my website or write to me at [email protected]


So, I am hoping that you have chosen your numbers wisely. Go on! Read your message and be sure to leave me a comment if you found this post helpful.

If you chose the number 1, Spirit is guiding you to Stop Complaining. Our complaining nature serves as an affirmation of victimhood, and it lowers our vibration and further blocks us from attracting abundance or money into our life. When you complain about your finances or the economy, you manifest more worries surrounding money. Starting today, go for an hour without complaining or blaming anyone or anything about your money worries and notice how to feel. Slowly, increase this time.

If you chose the number 2, you are being guided to make some Changes in your life in order to attract abundance and increase your potential of earning. You must get out of your comfort zone and leave the familiar and venture out into new territories. Staying where you currently are is reducing your potential. Although this will involve some risk, sometimes, healthy risks must be taken if we are to grow. What divinely guided change are you being inspired to take at this time? Take the risks.

If you chose number 3, Spirit is showing that your social circle or your relationships are affecting the flow of abundance into your life. The people in your life can influence your energy, outlook, and manifestation abilities. It is also possible that you are hooked to some drama in your life and your feelings are creating a distraction and dimming your ability to do your best. Trust your intuition when it comes to knowing who these people are or how your association to some people is negatively impacting you and your energy. You need a friendship detox.

If you chose the number 4, Spirit is showing me that you are due for a raise or a promotion soon. An increase in abundance awaits you and your own positive focus and actions are to be applauded. Some of you are being nudged to ask for a raise at work, especially if you feel you deserve it. If you are self-employed, then it will help to increase the costs of your services (to a healthy number) and to give yourself the gift of a raise. This raise can even come to you in the form of a bonus or some extra money coming your way.


If you chose number 5, your potential to attract abundance depends on the words you use to describe your financial situation. Words carry the power to manifest. This is how affirmation works and chanting and mantras do too. Notice if your speech is often laced with negative or discouraging words when you speak of money, your business, or your financial situation. Use positive words and bring more sweetness into your speech when speaking of money or the economic conditions. Remain optimistic and you will unlock the doors to abundance. Use money affirmations regularly.

If you chose number 6, Spirit is guiding you to examine your diet. Certain types of food lower our energy levels, limit our ability to focus and bring down our vibration while some foods elevate our energy, equipping us to accomplish a lot more. The type of food you are eating could be dimming your aura, making you feel tired, unfocused, or lazy more often. Switch to clean and fresh food and eliminate processed or stale food. Talk to a dietician if you need help figuring out what type of foods will best suit your body type.

If you chose number 7, Spirit is guiding you to pull up your socks and put in the work. Simply dreaming or ideating is not enough. Your ideas and dreams must be backed by action and even if you take small steps towards making things happen, you are doing the work. Notice if you have been putting the necessary work from your side. If you are already working hard, then it may be time to examine what is and isn’t working for you or maybe push a little more effort towards your goals. Consistently work towards your priorities and you will reap the rewards.

If you chose number 8, Spirit brings you a reminder that what is yours is yours and no one can take it from you. Let go of insecurities and the need to aggressively compete in order to excel. Do not be upset or jealous when you look at others progressing while your own progress may have taken a slow pace. Know that you are unique and your skills and way of doing things are unique to you. Learn to work in tandem with others let go of the need to compete. Stay focused on your work/business and what you can do and deliver and your dedication and focus will lead you towards success.

If you chose number 9, you must let go of resentments surrounding money or the economy. Do not look at money as the evil in the society but simply look at it as a means through which you get to afford things and live a comfortable life. Do not bear resentments towards those in a financial elevated positions and do not be disheartened by the corruption that sometimes takes place in society when dealing with money. Align your money beliefs in the right direction and think of all the good that can be accomplished in the world with the help of money and abundance. Align your own actions in that direction.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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