June 2024: A 9-Card Tarot Forecast for Growth and Transformation

Hello everyone! I’m excited to share a tarot reading for June 2024! ✨


This month’s forecast isn’t based on zodiac signs, but on a nine-card spread that unveils the overall energy for everyone. We’ll delve deeper into individual signs in weekly posts throughout June, so stay tuned!

This spread, found online (author unknown), offers a fascinating glimpse into June’s influences. It covers various aspects, from our current state to potential obstacles and sources of support.

Consider this a general reading, a springboard for reflecting on your own life and how it aligns with the cards.

Want a personalized reading using this spread for June? Now’s the perfect time to book one with me! Just send me a message.


Let’s explore the spread’s positions:

  • You Now: Your current mindset and what you bring to the month.
  • Theme of the Month: The overall energy or message for June.
  • Most Important Goal: A key focus for the month.
  • Obstacle: A potential challenge to overcome.
  • Accomplishment: A positive outcome to look forward to.
  • Energy to Avoid: An unhelpful influence to steer clear of.
  • Energy to Embrace: A positive opportunity to welcome.
  • Source of Support: People, resources, or situations that will help you.
  • Advice for the Month: Guidance to navigate June with clarity.

For this reading, I’ll be using the Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne.

Let us explore this reading and see what insight it holds for us all.

Position one: You Now

This card reflects our current state of mind and the energy that we bring into the month. It highlights our strengths, concerns, and overall emotional and mental approach as June begins.


The Six of Cups in the “You Now” position paints a beautiful picture of growth through a warm embrace of the past. May 2024 hasn’t just been a month; it’s been a teacher. We’ve encountered experiences that have fostered personal development.

This growth is particularly evident in our emotional connections. We may have reconnected with loved ones, rekindled a passion for a forgotten hobby, or revisited cherished memories. These experiences haven’t just brought back the warm fuzzies, they’ve offered valuable insights into who we are becoming.

There’s a sense of comfort in revisiting the familiar. It’s a time for emotional healing as we see the past with fresh eyes. This is especially true for those who have been working on inner child healing. You might have rediscovered the joy of simple pleasures and a playful spirit.

However, the Six of Cups also whispers a caution. While nostalgia is powerful, it’s important to be honest with ourselves. Are we idealizing the past or clinging to it in a way that hinders our present? Are there any lingering childish behaviors we need to release to fully step into our growth?

In essence, the Six of Cups reminds us that the past is a steppingstone, not a destination. Embrace the lessons learned, but keep your eyes firmly set on the future.


Position Two: Theme of the Month

This card reveals the dominant energy or message for June as a whole. It captures the overarching feeling or experience that might be prevalent throughout the month.

This month, the Three of Swords takes center stage. Yes, it’s a card associated with heartbreak, sadness, and sorrow. But let’s reframe it: This could be a time for powerful healing and personal transformation.

I am not going to sugarcoat the meaning of this card to soften the blow. So yes, a breakup, betrayal, health scare, or financial strain could be on the horizon. Whatever the source of disappointment, we can choose not to wallow, but to acknowledge it head-on.

This month might bring strong emotions like sadness, anger, and grief. Suppressing them won’t help. Allow yourself to grieve, but don’t let these feelings control you.

Misunderstandings with loved ones are possible. Be mindful of your words and prioritize honest, open communication.


Remember, this isn’t a permanent state. By acknowledging your pain, seeking support from loved ones, and prioritizing self-care, you’ll emerge stronger. The Three of Swords reminds us that even after heartbreak, there’s healing and growth waiting on the other side.

Position Three: Most Important Goal

This position focuses on a significant goal or area where your focus should reside during June. It could be a personal development aim, a project you’re determined to complete, or a desire you want to manifest.

This June, the King of Wands strides forward, urging us to ignite our ambition and make our visions reality. A touch of nostalgia may linger, but growth beckons. Challenges might appear as bumps in the road, but the King reminds us to keep the flames of passion burning bright.

Action is the name of the game. This isn’t a month for passive dreaming. The King, a visionary leader, compels us to define our goals with laser focus. What do you crave to achieve? A clear vision paves the path to success.

Don’t wait for opportunities to appear. Be the lion on the King’s card – roar with confidence and actively pursue your desires. Remember, unwavering belief in yourself fuels the fire within. Challenges may arise, but your inner strength will help you conquer them.


Take charge, but with strategic finesse. Impulsive decisions are the enemy of progress. Be a leader, plan your moves, and don’t hesitate to seek wise counsel when needed.

By embodying the King of Wands’ energy this June, you’ll not only conquer your goals but also emerge as a stronger, more confident you. Let this month be your fiery transformation!

Position Four: Obstacle

This card reveals a potential challenge or roadblock that you might encounter in June. It could be an external obstacle, an internal struggle, or a situation requiring careful navigation.

The Eight of Wands charges forward with a burst of energy, but in this reading, it acts as a cautionary sign. We might be so excited about new possibilities that we scatter our efforts in too many directions.

Our eagerness can lead to taking on too much, resulting in feeling overwhelmed and seeing little progress. Rushing through options can cause us to overlook the perfect chance because we weren’t clear on what we truly wanted, resulting in missed opportunities.

The Eight of Wands reinforces the energy of the 6 of Cups and 3 of Swords, suggesting we might be clinging to past experiences or relationships, hindering our ability to embrace new opportunities.


Don’t let the whirlwind steal your focus. Take a deep breath, for these delays are fleeting.

Channel your energy with purpose, choosing one or two goals to truly shine upon. Seek inspiration from those who walk a path you admire, and trust that even with adaptation, the winds of June will carry you forward.

Let go of what no longer serves you and open your arms to the possibilities that await.

Position Five: Accomplishment

This position brings positive news! It highlights a success or positive outcome you can look forward to in June. It serves as a reminder of your potential achievements and motivates you to stay focused.

This month, the Two of Pentacles shows we’re mastering the art of balance! We’ve faced challenges, but we’re becoming adept at juggling priorities and adapting to change. Hard work is becoming a familiar friend, and we’re gracefully navigating the ebbs and flows that come with any pursuit.


Balance is key with the Two of Pentacles. It signifies we’re on the right track, but reaching our goals is an ongoing journey. The good news? We’re resourceful and adaptable! We’re making the most of what we have and finding creative solutions to keep moving forward.

This card isn’t about reaching the finish line just yet, but celebrating the strong foundation we’ve built. We’ve put in the effort, and that effort is recognized. Keep at it, and success is definitely within reach!

Overall, the Two of Pentacles is a powerful card for accomplishment. It acknowledges our hard work, assures us we’re on the right path, and reminds us of the importance of flexibility. Stay focused, maintain balance, and adapt as needed, and those goals will be ours!

Position Six: Energy to Avoid

This card warns you about an unhelpful influence or situation that might hold you back in June. It could be a negative mindset, a draining relationship, or a source of stress. Recognizing it allows you to steer clear.


The Knight of Pentacles rides into this position! This card is all about using your resources wisely. Think of it like a piggy bank – you don’t want to smash it open and lose all your savings!

Now, sometimes the Knight can get a little too careful. He might get stuck in the same old routine, day in and day out. This can be great for stability, but it can also snuff out your creativity and make things feel a bit…well…boring. If that sounds familiar, it’s a sign to shake things up a bit! Don’t be afraid to try new things, even if they seem a little scary at first.

We must also watch out against workaholism. The Knight of Pentacles might be so focused on getting things done that he forgets to have any fun or spend time with loved ones. Remember, all work and no play makes for a pretty grumpy Knight (and probably everyone around him too!).

Finally, we may get a little obsessed with material things. Money and possessions are great, but they shouldn’t be the only things that matter. There’s more to life than your bank account!

The Knight of Pentacles is a great reminder to be responsible, but also to loosen up and enjoy the ride. Find a balance between hard work and fun, be open to new experiences, and remember that true success comes in many forms, not just your wallet size.

Position Seven: Energy to Embrace

This position offers a ray of hope! It highlights a positive energy or opportunity that you should welcome in June. It could be a new chance, a supportive person entering your life, or a surge of inspiration.

The Star shines brightly this month as the energy for us all to embrace! It’s a card overflowing with good vibes, urging you to open your arms to hope, faith, and a renewed sense of self.

Think of The Star as your own personal guiding light. Even when things seem tough, it whispers that brighter days are ahead. So hold onto that optimism and trust that the universe has your back.

The Star also reminds you to believe in yourself. You are strong and capable, and you have the power to navigate any challenge that comes your way. Embrace the lessons learned along the way, knowing they make you even stronger.

This card is also a nudge to connect with your inner peace. Take some time for yourself, reflect, and connect with those who matter most. By embracing The Star’s energy, you’re setting yourself up for growth, healing, and making your dreams a reality. Trust the journey and move forward with a heart full of wonder!

Position Eight: Source of Support

This card reveals people, resources, or situations that will provide help and strength in June. It highlights your support system, reminding you who or what you can rely on during the month.

In a time of need, the Queen of Pentacles appears, a beacon of stability and care. Imagine a generous friend, someone who offers a warm hug, a listening ear, and maybe even a bit of help with a bill. That’s the Queen’s energy – practical support, wrapped in kindness.

Think of the people in your life who remind you of this Queen. Reach out and let them know how much their support means to you.

The Queen whispers that security comes from within too. You are strong and resourceful, capable of taking care of yourself. This doesn’t mean going it alone, but it reminds you that you are whole on your own.

The Queen inspires you to build your own safety nets. Maybe it’s saving some money, learning a new skill, or simply spending time in nature. By taking charge of your well-being, you become a rock for yourself and those around you.

And don’t forget to nourish yourself! Just like the earth sustains us, fill your plate with fresh, healthy foods. It’s all about feeling good, inside and out.

Position Nine: Advice for the Month

This final position offers guidance on how to navigate June with clarity and purpose. It provides a helpful tip or direction to ensure you make the most of the month’s energy.

June’s got a delightful vibe as our Advice for the Month picture the Three of Cups tarot card coming to life!

Feeling a little low? Don’t bottle it up! Reach out to your awesome friends, family, or that supportive group you love. You’ve got a cheering section in your corner, so lean on them.

This month is also perfect for making new connections. Be open to meeting fresh faces and expanding your social circle – you never know who might become your next best friend.

Whether you’re facing challenges or just want to celebrate life, embrace your loved ones! Plan get-togethers, attend parties, or simply have quality time together. It’s a win-win for strengthening existing bonds and building new ones.

But June isn’t just about deep talks – it’s also about having fun! Don’t be afraid to let loose, play games, get creative, or just enjoy lighthearted activities with your favorite people. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.

Just remember, balance is key. While you’re celebrating, don’t forget your responsibilities entirely. The Three of Cups winks and says you can have your cake and enjoy it too, just be sure to take care of your stuff as well.

As we turn the page to June, let the insights from this spread illuminate your path. I trust these interpretations empower you to navigate the month with confidence and a touch of magic.

Feeling the Call for Deeper Guidance?

For those who seek a more personalized exploration of June’s whispers, I’m offering private readings using this very spread via email. Gain a deeper understanding of what the month holds for you for you.

Let the Tarot Guide Your Journey

If you’re curious to delve deeper, feel free to send me a direct message to connect and schedule your personalized reading.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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