Unleashing Transformation: The Powerful Cleansing of a 7-Day Candle Healing Ritual

Yesterday, I conducted a 7-day candle healing ritual for three of my clients. The intention behind this ritual was to remove deeply embedded negative energies and influences such as psychic attacks, the evil eye, and more.


After anointing the candles, adding herbs, and carving intentions into them, I lit them up. One candle suddenly started burning quickly. A split occurred on the side, and a chunk of wax from the first knob melted away, creating a pour-out on the side. The candle split open and started flowering outwards.

When I sent photos of day 1 to my client, informing her what happened, she responded stating that she experienced a terrible migraine around her temple region, which she says was unusual for her. This occurred around the same time the candle healing was done.

Candle Healing - The Indian Tarot Lady

Understanding the Phenomenon

Candle Healing is a powerful practice that taps into the spiritual and elemental realms. When performing a healing ritual, several phenomena can occur:

  1. Energy Release: The rapid burning and splitting of the candle often indicate the release of significant amounts of negative energy. The wax pouring out could symbolize the expulsion of these energies from the client’s aura.
  2. Physical Manifestations: The client’s migraine could be a physical manifestation of the negative energy being uprooted and removed. This is a common occurrence during intense healing sessions, as the body and spirit undergo a purification process.
  3. Symbolic Messages: The candle flowering outwards may symbolize a breakthrough, with the energy clearing creating space for positive influences to enter.
Candle Healing - The Indian Tarot Lady

Coping with Healing Symptoms

Experiencing physical symptoms during a healing ritual can be unsettling, but it’s essential to understand that these are signs of deep cleansing. Here are a few ways to cope with these symptoms:

Candle Healing - The Indian Tarot Lady
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins and support your body’s natural healing processes.
  • Rest: Ensure you get adequate rest, as your body needs time to recuperate and integrate the healing energies.
  • Grounding: Engage in grounding activities such as walking barefoot on grass, meditating, or spending time in nature to stabilize your energy.

Post-Healing Transformation

Once the negative energy is removed, clients often report feeling lighter, more energized, and emotionally balanced. The removal of these energy blockages can lead to improved mental clarity, enhanced intuition, and a greater sense of inner peace. It’s like a weight has been lifted, allowing you to move forward with renewed vigor and positivity.

The Power of Intentions in candle healing

Candle Healing - The Indian Tarot Lady

During my candle rituals, I enchant the herbs, oils, and powders I create with special intentions. I talk to my herbs and make my intentions known very clearly. These herbs and oils, when anointed to my candles carved with symbols, sigils, and intentions, create a powerful healing effect. Our intentions are incredibly potent, and the elemental and spiritual worlds deliver alongside.

Healing rituals like the 7-day candle ritual are profound experiences that bring about significant transformation. If you’re interested in learning more about my candle spells or would like to experience this healing process, check out my healing services page using the links below:

Candle Healing if you are in India
Candle Healing if you are outside India

May your journey to healing and transformation be filled with light and positive energy.


Blessings, Sonya

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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