A Message From The Divine Feminine

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Today, I felt drawn to work with the Divine Feminine energy that we call ‘Shakti’ to channel messages for us all. If you have landed on this page, then trust that the Divine Feminine has a message for you right now. Feminine force can be subtle but never weak. While the Masculine energy assists us with more of action-oriented tasks, the feminine energy is focused on channeling our inner power. Without transforming our inner world or deriving inspiration and strength from it, how can we radiate our will and power in the outside world?



Take a few moments to breathe and relax. When you feel ready, pick a number between 1 to 3 or take a look at the image above and see what card you feel drawn to. This is an intuitive (feminine) process and it doesn’t require too much thinking. Just go with a card or number that draws your attention or pops in your mind’s eye.


Once you are done choosing a number, scroll down to your chosen number for the message. Oh and this reading is not bound by time. So even if you have landed on this page say after 5 months or several weeks or years from the time this post was published, you can still follow the process above and will receive a message you most need to hear at that particular time in your life.

Though these are general messages, if you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website. Or you can even write to me at [email protected].





If you chose card 1, your message comes from Goddess Bast. The message is of independence. It is about celebrating who you are and liberating yourself from situations that are holding you back and restricting your growth. It is about taking back your power from needy, toxic situations and knowing that you are enough. You don’t need someone’s validation to feel complete or capable. It is about being confident in your skin. Some of you may be caught up in situations and relationships that are draining your energy. Connections that are not good for you. Some of you, perhaps, maybe afraid of being alone and losing people. Goddess Bast is here to help you embrace yourself and know that your beauty and strength lies in your independence. That you are an individual capable of achieving great things in life and you don’t need to play it small anymore. Feel her energy empower you. Love yourself more and don’t settle. Don’t compromise your happiness just to please others. Do not fear to be alone for in your aloneness lies your beauty, power, and strength. Some of you may suddenly see cats or feel drawn to cats. Cats are symbolic of independence and self-reliance. Use their example to lead your life with grace, embrace your freedom and don’t take shit from anyone.





If you chose card 2, your message comes from Goddess Hathor and reads ‘Receptivity’. You shiny being of light and love, it is time to stop giving and over-extending yourself, for some time, and start receiving. You may be someone who is a giver by nature. Perhaps, you have been giving a lot of yourself lately to friends, family, partner, and people. You may be busy meeting everyone else’s demands without caring much about your own needs. It is time to stop doing this for now. Your well is running dry. Your energy is emptying out. It is now time for you to replenish and allow yourself to receive. Receive from the Universe and also from chosen people in your life who are or will turn up to help you. It is now time to focus on self-care and nourish yourself by eating nutritious food and engaging in activities that promote your well-being. It is time you looked after yourself. Take a break from demanding situations and focus on nurturing yourself. State it out loud to the Universe that you are ready to receive and watch how synchronicity brings you supportive situations, ideas, and people.





If you chose card 3, your message comes from Dana and reads ‘High Priestess’. Beautiful Soul, your sensitivity is increasing. With this sensitivity, you are also becoming more aware of the truth. Truth about situations in your life. Truth about life itself. Your inner wisdom is surfacing up and is more accessible to you now than ever.  You are being guided by the Goddess to trust your intuition and wisdom to lead your way and the ways of those who you are guided to assist. You are being asked to take actions that come from a place of mindfulness. Some of you may feel drawn to start new spiritual practices, delve deeper into a subject, explore mystical texts, or to take on the role of a teacher/trainer/mentor. Honor this guidance. Know that you are equipped to handle the duties of a leader and guide others. Meditation will lead to new insights and epiphanies so schedule more time for quiet contemplation in your everyday life. As you learn to still the mental chatter, you will gain profound wisdom which will help you determine what is the best way forward for you. You will no longer find yourself in a dilemma or in a perplexed state about your life and your purpose.

Love and Light,


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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