Angel Guidance – 21st to 27th December, 2020

Hey Beauties! This weekend, I received the beautiful ‘The Angel Guide’ oracle deck by Kyle Gray. I have been looking for a simple and connected Angel deck for a while and this seemed like a good pick. Let us get acquainted with the energy of this gorgeous deck with a Pick a card reading. What messages are the Angels sharing with you at this time?


To get insights on this question, pick a card from the three shown below. Choose a pile that draws you close and scroll down the page to read the message. Also pay attention to what the cards may be telling you, in addition to what you read here.

Before we get to the core of the reading, I wanted to share a reminder that all readings are currently available under the discounted rate for this holiday season (check out my Services section). If you feel divinely guided or inspired to get a reading from me, feel free to get in touch. I am mostly active during the weekdays and slower to respond during the weekends.

Ready? Let us get to your message.

If you chose the first card, your message is Romance and Connection. The extended message Tarot card is Ten of cups.

There is a very strong focus on relationships, emotional ties, heart-healing, family, and companionship in these cards. This week, you are being guided to look into this aspect of your life. If you are single and have been waiting to manifest a love relationship or are wondering if you will find that special person any time soon, the answer is Yes. You may have to heal your heart chakra first and refine your emotions while cutting the cords of fear that stem from past experiences.

If you are already in a relationship, then this week is about deepening the bond you share with your partner and what you call family and home. Make more time for your loved ones and plan a special date with your partner. Bring in more intimacy, understanding, and love in your connection. Respond and not react. If marriage is on your mind then you are very close to manifesting it and may see some relevant unfold this week. If creating a family is on your mind then that too is possible and will occur in the near future.

Some of you simply need to let the energy of love flow into your hearts. Do not be afraid to start all over again and trust life in helping you find the true mate that you are seeking. Yes, you can have it all as long as you are willing to take the bold step forward and be ready to experience love again with all honesty and openness.


If you chose the second card, your message is Signs and Reminders and Eight of Pentacles.

Energies surround you and are in absolute touch with you all the time. You have Angels, Guardians, or Ancestral souls present on your radar and working more closely with you than you can imagine, at this time. They communicate through signs and reminders. They lovingly show you the way and nudge you towards the right path. If you have been seeing a loved one in your dreams lately or have felt a calming presence of something around that you cannot quite put a finger on, this itself is a sign of the presence of your guardians.

This upcoming week, pay attention to more signs and reminders that will be revealed to you. Repetitive number patterns, seeing certain animals and birds, finding feathers, having vivid and purposeful dreams are all signs put on your path to guide you ahead. Some signs or insights may be revealed to you when you are at work or in the middle of a very detailed task.

This week, if you feel a strong urge to do something and if your intuition is whispering something important, simply listen and pay heed. If you need help, ask. If you need reassurance, ask. If you want to be shown the way, ask. Ask and you will see, feel, and receive. Some of you may receive guidance related to what you should be doing with respect to your career, jobs, and creativity. Take note.

If you were drawn to the last card, your message is Expect Miracles and Knight of Pentacles.

Now that’s a card I would love to see every day. Wouldn’t you? This week, expect positive changes and divine intervention. The impossible can become possible and you are very likely to experience a shift that can put you on the path of progress and creation. Financial blocks may be lifted and new opportunities may show up. The slow-moving pace of life may turn exciting and adventurous and you are very much likely to receive some form of support that will put a big smile on your face and strengthen your faith.

In order to receive from the abundant Universe/Source, we must have an attitude of Surrender, Faith, and Positive expectation. If you are not happy with where you are in life or if a situation is giving you an undue amount of stress, instead of complaining and feeling helpless, connect with the Divine power that governs us all. You may choose a form such as stating affirmations, saying a prayer, visiting a holy place, or any way that resonates with you and helps you connecting with The Source that we also refer to as God.

Progress may have seemed slow in your life lately but trust that you are on a path of succession. Do not let negative emotions from the past hold you hostage. Bring stability to your emotions and look ahead. It is one step at a time and as you take each step, you will move closer to your goals and new opportunities will be revealed to you.


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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