April’s Pink Moon Guidance Message



We have a Pink Moon or Growing Moon coming up on the 19th of April and I was curious to check on the energy it is bringing for us. According to Diane Ahlquist, author of the book ‘’Moon Spells’’, it is called a ‘Pink moon’ because the Spring fills up the meadows with the Pink heads of wildflowers and new grasses.




This reading is not based on the astrological alignments but on what Spirit wants to share with us through the cards.


For those of you who would prefer a video version of this same reading, here’s the link to a short 10 minute Youtube video that I recorded.




Bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. So take what resonates. If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.


The Energy at play during this Full Moon




We are transitioning. A lot of us are feeling like the fly in the ‘Transition’ card, caught in a web. We don’t know what our current situation/circumstance has got to teach us and how long this period is going to last. But remember, even if it doesn’t seem apparent, you are healing. Your heart is mending. Your heart center is clearing and opening more. I get this feeling that a huge emotional cleansing is taking place for many of us at this time and we must be ready to let go of control and go with the flow. This will not be time wasted. This is sort of like a hibernation period, where you are getting acquainted with your inner power. Some of you may be discovering the strength that you never thought you possessed. You may be getting clearer about your goals and receiving more clarity on situations that previously confused you. You may be ready to shed the old ways because it no longer resonates with you. Whatever this energy is feeling like at the moment for you, know that this is taking you one step closer to identifying who you truly are, what you truly desire, and what you no longer should be taking with you on your journey ahead. So respect this feeling of being stuck and take the time to let healing miracles unfold.



Our Advice on how to navigate this Full Moon cycle


These lovely cards speak to me of the need to choose love and embrace your inner power. Keep your eyes focused on the future. Keep moving with grace like the beautiful swan pictured in the ‘Confirmation’ card, trusting that you are being led towards a better path.





Some of you have been seeing signs. Your intuition may be all fired up, laying more synchronicities on your path and nudging you to take some action steps necessary for your good. Whatever you are feeling or not feeling, take it as a sign. There are no co-incidences during this time. The Universe is sending you big confirmations about your path ahead and the choices to make. Pay heed.



I also feel that for some of you, relationships are the central theme during this Moon cycle. If you are seeking the right relationships, then the Universe is guiding you towards it. But sometimes, to accomplish this goal, the Universe also guides us to be free from the clutches of toxic relationships and people who act like energy sucking parasites in our life. Some of your relationships may be crumbling and thought it is painful now, this is happening because this relationship is no longer conducive to your soul’s growth. It is diminishing your inner power. It is robbing you of your vital life force and making you weak. Let it go.


Stay strong rooted in absolute faith as you pass through this transitional cycle. You are coming into your true power through your current tests. You are being led towards something beautiful, sacred, and loving. The Universe is rigged in your favor, always, and sends you signs and synchronicities to show you the way forward. Be in touch with your own intuition and keep releasing that which no longer vibes with you.


You are very close to discovering your true potential and getting acquainted with your inner power. You will be awakening to your true power which will help you see why the past has been difficult and why certain things didn’t go as per your plan. It was never meant for you.


I will be posting a ‘Pick a card’ reading for this Full Moon for you. Stay tuned and look out for the next post, soon.

Have a Blessed Full Moon Lovelies!


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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