Cancer – What is Tarot telling you about March 2022?

Happy March 2022, dear Cancerians. Welcome to my space! I am hoping that the Tarot insights mentioned below will be of help to you as you navigate through the month of March. There are loads of guidance included in this post for your sign ranging from the energy of this month, the opportunities being made available to you, the challenges that you may encounter, your self-care message and what the Universe wants you to surrender. There are also some insights included on relationships and career. Read on and leave me a feedback or a comment if you found this post helpful. Better yet, you can help me by sharing this post and recommending your friends or family members who may find these posts helpful as well. Let’s get started.



Cancerians, your emotions are coming into focus this month and it seems like you are setting off on a journey. This journey is mostly about you trying to figure things out. It is about finding your space to retreat and rejuvenate. Frankly, this time and space will do you a whole world of good. It can help you gain perspective and reevaluate some important aspects of your life.



I also see some Cancerians walking away from things that have turned meaningless and dissatisfying. You are on a quest for something more fulfilling. A spiritual awakening is taking place and you are in the process of shedding your old skin. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to go on a meditative retreat or a single’s trip to clear your mind and find yourself again. You will heal and revive in solitude. Also, look out for some sage advise coming from a good friend.


Relationships can seem confusing this month. Hidden fears may crop up. Uncertainties about the future could play on your mind heavily. Some of you may find it hard to trust the people in your life and unfortunately, people around you may give you reasons to do so as well. You could fall victim to situations marked by arguments, trouble, misunderstandings and even accusations in some cases so tread carefully. If relationships are getting too difficult or confusing to handle, step away from the situation, even if for a little while. This will give you the time to think and gather yourself so that better solutions can emerge.


This month is about going through an emotional cleansing, Cancerians. Clear your heart of fear, stagnant emotions, and any heavy feelings that are weighing you down. Prepare yourself for new experiences and opportunities that life is waiting to share with you. The sojourn that you will feel called to take this month can open the door to something new and satisfying.



Your material world, on the other hand, can bring some pleasant surprises. I see some golden opportunities and an increase in your wealth this month. An important news or event could come your way that can offer benefits. You may feel more driven towards something. You may sign some new documents and deal with paperwork as well but I do recommend shrewdness and resourcefulness when it comes to business and work. Here is where you must set aside your emotions and be smart or someone could end up taking advantage of you. The Universe is reminding you to stay focused and committed to your goals and not give up. Travel opportunities may also be available to you in March.



Cancerians, sometimes taking risk is important. Look at every risk as an opportunity for growth and learning and you will not worry about making mistakes. Be open to learning and take a chance on something.


There are some addictions that you are being guided to overcome this month. Addictions are negative habits that you do repeatedly that can lead to your downfall, sooner or later. What are you addicted to, Cancerians, that needs to be eliminated at this point? This can be your addiction to certain things, people, food, habits, sex, etc. Face your shadow and move towards the path of healing, now. Look for healthier alternatives in life.



To sum it all up, find space to rejuvenate yourself in March and learn to walk away from things that are no longer bringing you fulfillment or aiding your growth. Embrace the new you and be gentle with yourself while you do so. Be careful of getting into troublesome situations and overcome your addictions. Learn to manage tough emotions and display shrewdness in business. Be open to new opportunities and cleanse your heart of old emotional patterns. Welcome an increase in both your material and spiritual world and pay heed to the sage wisdom shared by someone close to you who is trustworthy. Take healthy risks.


With that, we come to the end of this post. I am hoping my insights from the cards will prove useful to you as you navigate through March.


I also offer personal Tarot readings as part of my services and if the Universe guides you to get a reading from me, hit me up with a message.


I will see you soon!


Have a blessed March.


Sonniyaa Singh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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