Daily Tarot Guidance – 1st July, 2019


Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Happy July to All!


As we start a new month, our Oracle card today speaks of ‘Balanced friendships’. This message serves as a reminder today to examine our friendships and connections in life.




Let’s be honest! No one likes a friend who only remembers you when they need something. The other day, a friend and I were talking about how some people ring you up after days and months and start the conversation with ‘Hey, how are you?’ and then immediately switch to, ‘Listen! I need a favor’. As a Tarot card reader, I encounter these ‘friends’ quite a lot and it is not a pleasant feeling to be remembered and recalled only when someone needs help.


Today, it is possible that some of you may come across such needy, clingy people. While it is okay to help friends and support them, you need to pay attention if people are always trying to take undue advantage of your kindness. You can either have an honest conversation with them expressing how you feel or cut them loose for good. Nurturing such unbalanced connections will only deprive you of your energy, time and resources.



So as we start this month, let’s focus on detoxing our social connections and examining our personal relationships where one person is giving too much while the other has grown complacent of receiving all the time. Nurture healthy bonds. Surround yourself with people who are genuinely interested in your well-being and are not just friends with you for a season. Similarly, if you have been taking your close friendships and relationships for granted, it’s time to do something nice for those loving souls in your life and nurture these bonds. Ring up an old, good friend and ask them how their life is moving. Maybe, take them out for lunch or catch up over a cuppa.


Our Tarot card of the day is the 9 of pentacles. My first thought when I saw this card was – It’s salary day for many people out there. Yay! This is the time when many of you are rewarded for your hard work and reap the fruits of your labor. Don’t be tempted to splurge all the money on buying items that are not even a necessity. Use your hard-earned income to support you in healthy ways and save (if you aren’t already). The message I am receiving from this card today is to respect your hard-earned money and use it in ways that support your well-being not destroys it.


Fortune card of the day: Jug





Adding to the above messages, I think many of us deserve a break from the intense energies we have just survived over the past few weeks. Schedule some fun time, today. Come up with ways which allow you to unwind and de-stress. Connect with genuine friends and do something fun which won’t cost you your peace of mind, contribute to poor health and lead to more stress.



May this message serve you well!


(Thank you for your voting to get the Eclipse reading. I will work on it right away and will come up with a new post, today.)



To book a private reading, check out the Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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