Daily Tarot Guidance – 27th June, 2019



Dear readers,



Thank you for joining me on another Tarot/Spiritual post, today. This message is not only applicable for today but also for any other day when Spirit will guide you here.


Okay, so a lot of us have been experiencing this sluggish energy for the past few days. I know friends who are going through an energy drain and finding it hard to stay focused. I, too, have been experiencing this shift and most times, all I want to do is nap (having three cats at home doesn’t help, either).




Despite this sluggish energy floating around in the cosmos, our message today is encouraging us to be brave and avoid putting those important goals on the back burner. It is important to remain focused and work towards fulfilling your commitments. Don’t let these goals and tasks pile up for later. Plan your day and time well and prioritize your work so that you can slowly check off your to-do list.


The other day, I saw a quote on a friend’s DP which read – The trouble is, you think you have time. How true! Can you believe that we are in the middle of 2019 when it seems like January just passed us by yesterday? Time waits for no one. If you have an important goal or task in mind, there is no better time to start than now. Stop telling yourself that you will get to it when the situation is perfect.



Some of you also need to work on widening your perspective and think long-term. Don’t get caught up in small thoughts. The other day I met a woman who was constantly complaining about her life and looking back at all the missed opportunities. While certain things can only be done at certain points in our lives, hey! Life isn’t over yet. As long as you are breathing, you are capable of creating and making changes to your life.  You are capable of dreaming new dreams and working towards them.


And so I encourage you today to at least work on finishing one important task on your to-do list that you have been procrastinating for days now. Set this as your goal and achieve it. And when you do, give yourself a pat on the back for not letting sluggishness win the day.


I hope this message serves you well, beautiful Soul.


Wishing you a happy and productive Wednesday!




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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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