Daily Tarot Guidance – 28th June, 2019


Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here!


Our card of the day starts with the message – Be positive. We all know how our energy, thoughts, and moods can affect our overall day and experiences. When we are angry or depressed, life can appear bleak. Hope vanquishes and before we know it, we are falling down the rabbit hole.



Being positive doesn’t mean you ignore the real-life crisis and live inside a bubble of illusory thinking. It means choosing to not lose hope in the face of challenging circumstances and marching forward into the future with courage and optimism. It means not cursing or blaming life, destiny, or other people but accepting the situation for what it is while working towards a resolution. It also means counting your blessings to motivate you and using your existing resources, skills, and fresh ideas to shape your future to your liking.


As you move through this day, don’t end up giving your power to negative thoughts. Don’t encourage other people’s defeating beliefs to take root in your minds and hearts. Do not be led by fear. Choose faith, courage, and determination instead.



With the Knight of wands, I think the sluggish energy of the past few days is finally making it’s way out. We may feel motivated and inspired to take action and get more work done. We may feel like moving in a new direction. New information and discussions could lead to something positive. We may feel the fire in our belly grow and, on that note, it will help to cleanse, heal, and balance your solar plexus chakra today to give you more confidence and eliminate fear and anxiety.


We also have a rainbow and a shooting star in the background of the ‘Knight of Wands’. The rainbow is telling us that a stormy phase is coming to an end and with the shooting star, your wishes, thoughts, and intentions will determine how your life will progress in the coming days so once again, choose positive and joyful thoughts only and don’t overpower the negative mental chatter.


Fortune card message for today: older man + wreath.




If you are dealing with an older man (or even a woman, today), do your best to maintain harmony and peace in your interactions or a situation could escalate. Some of you, not all, may have to deal with challenges concerning an older person in your life. Show courage, respect, and maintain peace where necessary.



Wishing All a blessed Fri-Yay!


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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