Daily Tarot Guidance for 11th July, 2019




Hello Lovely Souls,



Thank you for joining me on today’s Tarot/Oracle guidance message.


We have ‘The Tower’ as our card of the day. The Tower brings intense, Martian energy into our lives which is capable of creating chaos, aggression, and anger. On the plus side, we also get the courage, drive, and passion to go after what we want and express ourselves more forcefully. This is why care should be taken to ensure you are not rubbing people the wrong way or making decisions in a rush that can lead to regrets and unpleasant consequences. Be in control of your emotions and don’t let your emotions control you. Use the push and motivation to propel you forward but do so only after carefully thinking your decision through.





I hate to repeat this but with Mercury in retrograde, extra care needs to be taken when it comes to what we say, do and how we react. Most importantly, remember to act from a place of compassion and understanding. You will find many people going back and forth on their decisions, having sudden outbursts, and reacting in a way that can piss you off. Stay calm. All of us as a collective are being impacted right now so practice tolerance and be willing to forgive and move on.


This is where our Oracle card today comes into picture. Release. Don’t take things too personally. If you are an empath or a highly sensitive person, you may get all worked up and anxious over situations that don’t unfold as per your plan. You may take people’s casual statements to heart and hurt easily. Practice breathwork, stay zen and keep releasing with the knowledge that most times people don’t mean what they say and they must be dealing with difficult situations in their own lives which could be triggering them.  Give others the benefit of the doubt. Everyone goes through bad moods.






If something comes to an abrupt end today or things suddenly go out of control, take a deep breath and let it go. Stay centered and don’t get sucked into drama. Give people space and surrender your situation to the almighty.


Now, possibilities of minor accidents and injuries are high during this time so do take extra care and precautions.


Feeling somber already? Relax. These are just insights for the day. Don’t let the fear of something bad happening to you take root in your minds. Just be more mindful and aware and you can easily dodge most of the bad juju away. Besides, not everything looks dull and dreary, today. Our Fortune card of the day is a saving grace.




‘’You will receive a gift’’. Some of you could literally receive a present or pleasant surprise, today. But what I am also strongly sensing in my bones is that sometimes, what appears to be a stroke of bad luck actually turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Surrender all control to the almighty/Universe/Source and accept what comes your way as a gift knowing that all events, whether bad or good on the surface, are rigged in your favor. Everything that happens to you is a gift (sometimes a gift in disguise).



May this message serve you well, lovelies!


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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