Daily Tarot Guidance for 12th July, 2019





Good Morning from my part of the world, beautiful souls, and Thank you for being here.



The Universe brings us a reminder and guidance today to live in gratitude. This message is coming up as a theme in my readings for the past few days. Living in gratitude does not only mean being grateful for what you have but to make it more effective, we must get rid of fear, envy, jealousy, and many such low vibrational emotions.


We live in a world of comparisons. The one who has the most receives respect and recognition while the one who doesn’t is treated as a non-existent being. The more we own, the more superior we feel and are made to feel. Having the latest phone model, owning a swanky car, or a splendid apartment is considered a status symbol in our materially driven world. No wonder so many of us function from a base chakra level and never rise over the trappings of this illusory world and experience peace, lasting happiness and liberation.  We have birthed a society that encourages envy, competition, jealousy, insecurity, and having more but guess what? No matter how much you gain, it will never seem enough. In addition to this, sometimes we feel jealous and envious of other people’s success. We want what they have and sometimes, secretly hate those who seem to ‘have it all’.





These are low vibrational emotions and feelings that block our abundance. Living in gratitude means relinquishing these thoughts and living each day and moment in appreciation of what you have. Does this mean you cannot dream of living a better life? Not at all. Of course, you can dream of a better life and set new goals. But do so without nurturing hateful thoughts towards others and most importantly, towards yourself. Don’t be driven by material pleasures alone or give power to an inanimate object to determine your worth, happiness, and peace.


Be happy for those who succeed. Feel joyful for your own success. Bless those who have more and bless those who have less, too. Just don’t get caught up in passing judgments and feeling disappointed because someone has something that you don’t.



Now is a time to restructure our society enriched beliefs on how we perceive abundance so that we can lift the blocks that clog our growth, prosperity, and well-being and in the process, heal our ancestral blocks as well. Now is a time to free our mind of petty and stifling emotions. Are you ready to truly invite abundance into your life?





We also have the Ace of disks as our card of the day. New opportunities, financial blessings, and a fresh start is coming to us. Capitalize on the opportunities that are being presented to you at this time. Accept blessings that come your way today and thank yourself for manifesting it. You attracted this! Your energy, intentions, and thoughts made it happen. And if you can manifest this, you can manifest so much more.



Our fortune card today is ‘Egg’. Nurture your goals. Take care of what you have started through focus and hard work. Use the opportunities and chances you are given with sincerity and the right amount of effort. Your success is assured, beautiful soul.



May this message serve you well.



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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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