Daily Tarot Guidance for 15th August, 2019




Blessed Full Moon to All and Happy Independence day to my Indian friends.




How is this Full Moon in Aquarius treating you all? Apart from experiencing a slight lethargy, I am doing alright. This has been a busy Full Moon cycle for me. Probably because of the recent Capricorn Moon.



Getting to today’s card, we have the 9 of pentacles. Full Moon phases are associated with completion and we definitely see that theme reflected in this card. A cycle is coming to an end and it is not only time for you to reap the rewards of your past hard work but to also savor your success by rewarding yourself. How you choose to gift yourself is up to you. But seriously, do something for yourself today. Become a little selfish.






The 9 of pentacles is a card of being content. There is enough to go around when this card comes through. Even if you are far from feeling content right now, this is a time for you to review and reflect on some of the choices you made in the past and how you can bring a shift in your methods going forward.



Our Angel card today is ‘Seraphina’. This card is telling us that happy changes are ahead and it brings with it a feeling of joie de vivre. There are some positive changes that will be reflected in your personal life soon especially ones concerning your family.







If a situation related to your family life has been stressful lately, things are on the verge of getting better. At the very least, there will come a sigh of relief. This card also bodes well for marriage, partnerships, the birth of a child, or welcoming a new pet home. It may also trigger a change that could help you afford a better quality of life for your loved ones. Some of you may even upgrade your home and make important purchases related to the home. Whatever the case, expect positive tidings where family and loved ones are concerned.



Last but not least, we have the ‘Bow’ card from the Fortune deck, today. Who doesn’t love being appreciated and admired? Even if you don’t know this already, you are highly thought of, beautiful soul. Perhaps by a person close to you or the people in your surrounding. But to me, this card says that the Universe wants us to know that we are all loved and supported. That all our little and big efforts to bring positive changes in our life are not going unrecognized. That we are not walking alone, even when we feel lonely sometimes. There is help, there is Universal love and there are blessings that will continue guiding and supporting us on our paths.

Wishing All a Happy Thursday!



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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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