Daily Tarot Guidance for 21st August, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls! Thank you for being here!




Our Tarot card today is the Knight of Pentacles from the Triple Goddess Tarot. This card has an investigative feel to it, doesn’t it? As guidance, it will really help us to carefully examine the details today. The Knight of Pentacles doesn’t rush into things. He/She takes slow and steady steps because it was slow and steady that made that tortoise win against the hare. We are being guided to move through our life situations today in a thoughtful manner especially where money and investments of any nature are concerned. There is much to discover in the details so be sure to go through any contracts and fine prints carefully.



Our Angel guidance today comes from Archangel Chamuel with the message of ‘Career Transition’. For those of you who are seeking a change in your career or are wondering if a job switch would help, this card brings the message to explore your options. Work should make you feel happy and appreciated. If this is not the case right now, do not hesitate from looking out for a better option.




Some of you may be feeling like moving in a completely new direction in life. You may not be resonating with your current job and a passion may be calling out to you. Yes, the Universe wants you to chase your dreams, but this is not the time to jump to immediate action. Remember our Knight of pentacles earlier who is still in the investigative mode. Carefully examine your options and take slow but concrete steps towards your dream career.




Sometimes, a career transition doesn’t necessarily mean changing a job. It can mean that you may be feeling inspired to do things differently at work or introduce new techniques and methods. You may be feeling motivated to add new products to your biz. You may be feeling guided to take new steps to help yourself advance in your professional life. Listen to this guidance and if you feel like it, ask Archangel Chamuel to guide you.







Finally, we come to our fortune card of the day which is ‘Flag‘. Flags have been symbols of victory and identity. Today, this card brings us the message to not lower our standards. When we are out of hope, we give up on our heart’s true desire and settle for whatever comes our way. Sometimes, we end up settling for people who are not a good match for our energy just because finding the right partner is taking way too long. Sometimes, we end up settling for a dead-end job because we lack the courage and patience to wait and take the necessary risks and wait for the right opportunities. Whatever your situation at this time, do not settle. Do not put yourself down just because a ray of hope is not visible. Stay true to yourself and keep your integrity intact. Improvements are underway.




I hope today’s message brings you guidance and insight.

If you would like to book a private reading with me, check your options from the  Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form.

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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