Daily Tarot Guidance for 2nd July, 2019



Happy Tuesday, Beloveds!



What a brilliant message on the day of the eclipse! ‘What are you clinging on to?’ Something is coming undone in many of our lives at this time and it is okay. Old beliefs and situations are dissolving so that you can step into new experiences and make a fresh start. This can be a cathartic experience for some or a subtle nudge to do something new and move in a new direction. Question is, how are you moving through this energy?




I can sense that many of you are hesitant and uncertain about what you will find on the other side. But fear not because everything you want is indeed on the other side of fear.


As you move through this day, take a moment to notice where you are feeling stuck. What is stopping you from moving forward in your life? What are you holding onto? Is it a belief? An attachment? What is the basis of this attachment or belief? What have you gained from it so far? Question yourself.




‘The crumbling’ can be an uncomfortable place to be in, no doubt. It can bring up pain, suffering, and can throw you off the track temporarily. It can seem like life is being unfair but you just have to roll with the punches at this time. I want you to have faith that whatever has come crashing down or has fallen apart in your life was divinely orchestrated. This shake-up was necessary for a good reason but you are now free from the old, ready to dive into the new.




The Knight of Pentacles is also reminding us of the importance of staying grounded, today. Whether you are the one feeling frustrated or someone around you is behaving irrationally, keep your anger and immediate reactions in check. Stay balanced and calm. Protect your energy and be slow to react.





Our fortune card of the day is purr-fect! A leg is stepping is shown stepping forward. Today, many of you will be taking the first step towards something new. Many of you are also being encouraged to step into the unknown with trust and a sense of adventure. Let go of the old and whatever is falling apart in your life, make peace with it, share gratitude for the experience and let it go. New beginnings are ahead of you.


May this message serve you well!


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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