Daily Tarot Message for 12th September, 2020

Beautiful Souls,



Events may transpire in a sudden and unexpected manner, today. We may feel enthusiastic and energized to go after our heart’s desire. Inspiration can move us into chasing after our goals yet there is a warning to not rush into anything simply because we may be feeling overly zealous.


An important journey could take place today or we may have a visitor or a piece of news come to us. The people you may encounter today may bring a lot of promise to the table, yet, they may not be completely dependable. Take your time to build trust and do not be in a rush to make decisions. We may even come across flirtatious people.


Some of us may experience an unfortunate ending of a business or a relationship as well. A contract or deal may not go through as expected. Or, we may fail at a commitment. Communicate carefully as you may stand the risk of saying something that could lead to an unpleasant outcome.


When it comes to our general well-being, we must watch against rushing into anything. This includes speeding or moving too quickly which can result in minor hurts, cuts, and wounds. Anger issues must be dealt with in a mature fashion else it may cost you heavily. Legs (calf region especially) are also the area of concern. It is best to slow down today or take a break.



Also, watch out against people who may try to cross you or pick up unnecessary fights with you. You may find yourself on the receiving end of someone’s aggressive behavior.


May these insights serve to guide you and offer you valuable insights into this day. To book a Tarot reading or a distance healing session, send me a DM or write to [email protected].


Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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