Deck interview – The Everyday Enchantment Tarot by Poppy Palin




The mundane energy of today was positively disrupted when the mailman rang the bell and handed over a package containing something I had been eagerly awaiting – The Everyday Enchantment Tarot (TEET) by the very talented Poppy Palin. Yay!



I have been wanting this deck for a long time now. It was a bit expensive and since I already own more than 60 Tarot and Oracle decks, I have become slightly conscious of my deck purchases off-late. I look back at many of the decks I own today and ask myself, what was I thinking when I clicked on that checkout button? So, I took some time with this one and then couldn’t resist it anymore.


One of the main reasons I was drawn to this deck was it’s modern imagery. I wanted a deck that reflected our life as it is now and was flexible enough to work with. As you will see some of the images below, you will know what I mean by ‘modern-day-imagery’.


Anyway, this is not a deck review but a ‘deck interview’ post. For those wondering what a deck interview means, it is simply a way to bond and connect with your new (or even old) deck by presenting it with various questions. Consider it an ice-breaker. There are many wonderful deck interview spreads that you can use to do this and I have chosen to use the spread designed by Katey Flowers, today.



So, without further ado, let me show you how this works and what TEET had to share with me during our special rendezvous.



After giving it a good shuffle and getting comfortable with its smooth texture, here are the questions I asked:


Question 1 – What can you teach me?

Ace of Wands



”I want you to know that you own the power to create your future through the choices you make in the present. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Each day gives you a blank slate to start over and I am here to help you, if you let me, make the best choices through a fun, free-spirited approach. I hate ‘boring and dull’ and I would love to help you get in touch with your creative instincts. Join me and let’s paint a new picture each day with me by your side.”



Question 2 – Describe yourself

The Magician



”I enjoy my role as a guide and I am full of possibilities and positivity. Most people hate hard work but I can help make hard work look fun, too. I don’t mind digging deep and getting my hands dirty to help you. Sometimes you may not like what you see but together, we can transform everything. I am magic. *wink*”


Question 3 – Describe me




”You are the weird cat lady, aren’t you? (kidding). Well, I think you are pretty flexible with your views, style, and methods. You can understand different perspectives, sympathize with people from all walks of life and help people find a middle ground in the midst of disagreements. You are good at weighing the pros and cons and helping others come to an agreeable and effective conclusion. But do you practice the same with yourself?! Hmm.”


Question 4 – How can we work together?

Seven of coins


”Simple! I dish out good advice to you and it is up to you to accept it or reject it. I will give you plenty of food for thought and put your creative muscles to work.”


Question 5 – What are your strengths?


Knight of coins (reversed)


”I hate being dull and do you see how serious this chap looks in the card? I don’t want to be that dude! Working with me will be fun and you will have to be open to new ways of seeing and perceiving things. I count that as a strength.”


Question 6 – What are your weaknesses?

The Chariot


”I am different and have my own unique voice. Not everyone would agree with me and I can’t help it. I like my freedom so don’t try to constrain me with questions that are sooo black and white. Allow me to flow and tell you a story. You never know what you discover and how many A-ha moments you can have if you catch my drift.”



Question 7 – The outcome of our relationship



”Together we can create some shockwaves. Look! You may not always like or understand the answers I have to offer to you. My guidance can shock you at times. But at the heart of it all, I am only helping you transform. If you are serious about working with me, I will shake up some rigid but useless foundations in your life and help you rebuild yourself (just like the Magician card). You just need to be open-minded.”


Okay, so that my interview with this deck. Phew! Being mainly a claircognizant, answers, sentences, and words just rush to my head and I could feel how free-spirited, freedom loving, fun loving and exotic this deck is. I love it! I will have to spend some time working with it to see how our relationship develops further.


Did you enjoy this post? If you are a reader, then you may like the concept of having a deck interview with your cards. Go ahead and take them for a spin. Feel it’s energy. Understand it’s working style. Feel free to share your experience in the comment section below. I look forward to sharing this deck’s wisdom with you all in the days to come.

Namaste and Blessings


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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