Pick a Number to Unlock Your Guidance using Shalvik Mantra Healing

Hello Beautiful Souls!


Today, I’m sharing a unique post that can offer you valuable insights about your life.

We’ll be picking a number between 1 and 10 to uncover an issue and receive guidance that is currently impacting our lives.

Please follow the procedure to pick your number with sincerity. By the end of this post, you’ll have a message that applies to your life right now.

Let this message resonate with you. Absorb its guidance and put it into practice to notice positive changes.


Shalvik Mantra Rahasya: A quick intro

Have you ever felt stuck, burdened by unseen forces that hold you back from true well-being? If so, then you’re not alone. Today, we’ll explore a powerful healing modality called Shalvik Mantra Rahasya, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom with the potential to transform your life.

For nearly four years, I’ve witnessed the profound impact of Shalvik Mantra Rahasya on my clients. This practice, developed by Shri SK Saini, founder of Lama Fera, harnesses the potent energy of 450,000 sacred mantras channeled by Maharishi Shalvik for universal well-being.

At its core lies the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, a powerful Vedic chant renowned for its healing properties. Proponents of Shalvik Mantra Rahasya believe it can address a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental challenges. It’s also said to remove negative karmic blockages and balance the influence of planets in your life, bringing about a sense of harmony and wholeness.

Lord Shiva: The Source of Healing Power

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva embodies the cycle of creation and destruction, representing the ever-evolving nature of life. The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, revered as an embodiment of his healing power, is chanted for various reasons:

  • To overcome illness or conquer the fear of death
  • To seek blessings for good health and longevity
  • To remove negativity and promote overall well-being

Unlocking Your Root Cause: A Glimpse into the Practice

Shalvik Mantra Rahasya utilizes a unique system of symbols. Clients intuitively choose specific numbers that correspond to these symbols, each holding a profound meaning and message. Originally, there were 450 symbols, but only 300 are used in the practice, categorized into three sets of 100. The remaining 150, believed to be linked to Tantric rituals, remain veiled in secrecy. Each symbol is said to carry the energetic vibration of a specific mantra, creating a personalized healing experience.

Today, we’ll embark on a brief, intuitive journey to gain a glimpse into your current root cause problem.

Finding Your Guiding Number:

In order to pick the right number, follow the points listed below:

  1. Seek Quietude: Carve out a few minutes in a peaceful environment where you won’t be interrupted.
  2. Invoke Divine Guidance: Take a moment to connect with Lord Shiva. Briefly ask for guidance towards a number that will illuminate your present challenge.
  3. Embrace the Mantra: Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” – 11 times is a good starting point, but feel free to go with 21, 51, or even 108 repetitions if it feels right.
  4. Intuition Over Logic: When finished, pick a number between 1 and 10. Don’t overthink it – the first number that pops into your mind is likely the most significant.
  5. Double Vision? It’s Okay: If two numbers appear simultaneously, that’s alright! However, for the sake of this exercise, choose the one that feels more prominent.

Guidance based on the numbers

Each number corresponds to a specific symbol used during healing. These symbols serve particular purposes, but they also possess predictive and guiding qualities. Here, I am sharing insights with you based on the number you intuitively chose after chanting the mantra.

Number 1


If you chose the number 1, you might find yourself vulnerable to attracting negative energies. It’s essential to establish robust protection mechanisms to shield yourself from negative energy, the evil eye, malevolent spirits, black magic, and similar influences. Currently, dealing with negative energy in its diverse manifestations is a significant concern for you.

Additionally, some of you who chose this number are being guided to complete any unfinished tasks. Seek help to finish these important tasks and bring them to completion.

For some, there is an indication of potential pregnancy-related issues or a need to take extra care of your reproductive health to prevent future childbirth problems.

Your aura needs regular cleansing. Clear your energy field or learn techniques that can help you cleanse your aura daily.

A helpful suggestion that comes with this number is to keep a peacock feather at home.


Number 2

You are surrounded by the blessings of health, wealth, and prosperity. However, there may be minor blockages preventing you from fully experiencing this success.

Consider seeking blessings from Lord Ganesha or any other deity known for removing obstacles to clear your path and enhance your journey.

Embracing a cooperative nature will also work in your favor. Understand the needs and priorities of others and be flexible in your interactions, as the support and collaboration of those around you will play a crucial role in your success.

If you are experiencing pain, whether mental or emotional, it is important to find effective ways to address and manage it swiftly. By doing so, you can maintain your well-being and continue to thrive on your path to success.


Number 3

Addressing relationship issues, particularly with your spouse or romantic partner, is crucial. This applies to your love life, marriage, and interactions with others in general. Strive to cultivate harmony in your relationships and prioritize peace in all your interactions.

Additionally, always aim to be of service to others. Extend your help to those in need, including people who cannot arrange their own food, as well as animals and insects. Help the blind, donate food to the hungry and incapable, and educate someone.

A small tip to enhance your good deeds is to feed black ants or black dogs.

Take care of your appearance and the way you present yourself to the world. Dress well and start paying attention to your physical health. Your life can change significantly depending on the energy you project. Bring beauty into your speech and actions and watch how your world transforms.

Number 4


The symbol of this number represents family unity. Focus on fostering harmony and peace within your family and among all the individuals in your life. This effort will be immensely beneficial for you.

Seek the blessings of your ancestors and strive to maintain harmonious relationships with your family members.

It’s also essential to consider how you present and express yourself to the world. Infuse more beauty into your life—dress well, speak kindly, and take care of your physical and mental well-being. Your outward energy significantly influences your experiences.

Reflect on your life and the mistakes you’ve made. If it’s possible to rectify them, take action now. Past mistakes might be impacting your present life, but by correcting them, you pave the way for future progress and success.

Number 5


Obstacles may be present in various aspects of your life, whether in your physical well-being, romantic relationships, career, or elsewhere. To overcome these blockages and advance, it’s essential to undergo healing. The symbol associated with this number is specifically designed to help remove such obstacles and pave the way for your progress.

Always strive to act ethically and never cause harm to others for personal gain. Seek what is genuinely good for you by employing thoughtful methods, conducting thorough research, or seeking guidance to understand the right path to follow.

During a healing session, the symbol associated with this number is projected onto your body, guiding you towards the best possible way forward.

Additionally, take care of your neck, as neck and throat-related issues could arise in the future if neglected.


Ensure your words are always pleasant and not hurtful. Infuse more beauty and gentleness into your speech, and watch how it transforms your interactions and relationships.

Number 6

You’re experiencing physical or emotional pain that needs healing, possibly stemming from a past incident that inflicted significant hurt. This lingering wound continues to affect your life, inhibiting your ability to progress. It’s crucial to address and heal this pain.

The symbol linked to this number is not only used for healing insect bites but also carries deep symbolic significance. It may indicate that someone you trusted caused you pain, hindering your forward movement. By healing this pain, you can regain the momentum to move forward.

Work on overcoming jealousy, as it can be a major obstacle to your happiness and success.

The symbol associated with this number in Shalvik Mantra is used to heal colitis.Take care of your intestines, as intestinal or digestive issues could arise in the future if you neglect your health now.

Though it may sound blunt, the number suggests you have enemies who wish to see you fail. These adversaries can go to great lengths to harm you. Protect yourself against both energetic and human enemies.

By addressing these areas, you can clear the path for a more prosperous and harmonious life.

Number 7

Past life karmic influences are impacting your present existence. Patterns from previous lifetimes are recurring in your current life and must be disrupted. It’s imperative to break free from these repetitive cycles.

Remove toxic relationships and break addictive patterns and behaviors from your life. Taking action to bring peace to your ancestors can also help you move forward in life.

Restore your faith in God. By God, I mean the Universal energy, not any particular religion or faith. Just have faith in the Creator and engage in a spiritual practice that helps you stay connected to Divine energy.

Naturopathy may offer you some relief.

This number also indicates issues with constipation. Figuratively speaking, it’s a reminder to let go of old experiences and memories that are no longer serving you and are eating away at your well-being.

Release the past that is no longer relevant to your present. Heal from past trauma and open yourself to new possibilities.

Number 8

Physically, the symbol associated with this number may indicate the presence of cough or pus within your body that needs to be addressed. On a deeper level, it signifies the necessity of releasing old conversations, memories, and past events that have become lodged within you, blocking the flow of energy and hindering your progress.

Let go of self-hatred, low self-esteem, and other low vibrational emotions to facilitate your growth.

Pay attention to your liver health. Neglecting it now could lead to issues in the future.

It’s also essential to ensure your financial management is well-planned. Save money and take care of your finances.

Work on finding your inspiration again. Whatever task you undertake, do it with full focus and passion. Rediscover what excites you in life.

If you’re experiencing sexual problems, address them and strive to bring more passion into your life. Embracing this advice can lead to a more vibrant and fulfilling existence.

Number 9 – Hossana

Much like the energy of number 7, this number is deeply tied to past life karmic issues, urging you to address and resolve their lingering effects. It also prompts you to take action for the benefit of your ancestors. Both past life karmic healing and ancestral healing are vital aspects to consider. Recognize and confront the hurdles and obstacles in your life that need your attention and resolution.

Your present situation calls for you to be strategic, persuasive, and a bit diplomatic to turn things in your favor. Use sweet words and gentle persuasion to achieve your goals.

Remember to save money. Building a strong financial foundation now will be incredibly beneficial in the future.

Additionally, keep an eye on your hemoglobin levels and overall blood health. Incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet to maintain optimal health.

By addressing these areas, you can pave the way for a more balanced and prosperous life, free from past burdens and full of potential.

Number 10

This number indicates potential back issues, so take special care of your spine. It also symbolizes the burdens we carry, often from the struggles of our loved ones. We may take on their burdens, becoming too reliant on them and absorbing their energy or pain. It’s crucial to sever these negative cords.

Be mindful of what you eat, especially when dining out. If you’re careless with your food habits now, the likelihood of digestive issues in the future is strong.

Another important message is to be bold. Don’t choose to remain a silent sufferer. Speak up against what is unfair and believe in your right to be treated well.

Your body may have a low presence of life force energy (Prana), which can leave you feeling frequently low and tired. To combat this, increase the flow of pranic energy through your body.

Physical movement and exercise are crucial to your well-being. Engage in activities that keep your body active and your energy flowing. By addressing these areas, you can enhance your physical health and overall vitality, leading to a more vibrant and empowered life.

Closing Thoughts

In a consultation, two additional numbers are chosen alongside the initial one to provide deeper insights and guidance on an individual’s life. During a healing session, the symbols associated with these numbers are applied, accompanied by the chanting of mantras to facilitate healing.

Shalvik Mantra Healing operates on all levels—physical, emotional, and mental. It clears negativity, removes roadblocks, and helps manifest abundance. We often accumulate low vibrational energies, making us vulnerable to attacks from lower beings in the spirit world. Sometimes, people send bad energy with malevolent intentions. Shalvik Mantra Healing effectively removes these negative influences from your life.

If you’re interested in exploring this transformative healing modality with me, please reach out for more details. When you sign up for a session of Shalvik Mantra Healing, we’ll have a brief chat to help you choose the right numbers for your healing journey. Embrace the opportunity to cleanse, rejuvenate, and empower yourself through the ancient art of Shalvik Mantra Healing.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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