Full Moon Tarotscopes for 8th – 9th February, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls! We have a Full Moon happening around the 8th and 9th of February in the zodiac sign of Cancer (sidereal astrology). Since writing Tarotscopes is something I am taking very seriously these days (I hope you enjoy reading them and are finding them useful), I wanted to share some messages exclusive to this Full Moon for all the signs.




Full Moon cycles are powerful cosmic phases where everything is charged up. How this energy affects us depends on various factors and one of them, of course, is your zodiac sign. So let’s get started.



Do bear in mind that these are general messages written for us as a collective. Some parts of it may resonate, some may not, and sometimes, nothing may resonate at all. Take what is meant for you and leave the rest. Maybe, wait until the Full Moon cycle to see how they fit in.



I do offer private readings via e-mail, phone, and video calling sessions and if you are interested in booking these services, hit me up at [email protected] or send me a message on any of my official social media profiles.

Blessed Moon Cycle, Soul Fam!





Ariens, this full moon, be of service in some way. Offer whatever assistance you can to someone or something in need, without overextending yourself. Yes, the message is a bit conflicting because you are being asked to offer your support yet draw healthy boundaries. Speaking of boundaries, you must take very good care of your energy right now. It may feel like everyone wants a piece of you, or situations around you could be turning a bit overwhelming. Say ‘No’ to unrealistic and inappropriate demands and work on aligning your energy. Consider donating to and supporting causes you believe in.




Taureans, trust the niggle! What is your inner compass telling you? Listen carefully and act accordingly. The wisdom that lives inside you knows the way forward. Sometimes, we doubt our strong sense of knowing and end up in places and situations that don’t support our well-being. Pay heed to the signs. This Full Moon for you is also about practicing acts of self-care and self-love. How can you care for yourself at this time? What gift will your body appreciate right now? How can you show yourself kindness, compassion and oodles of love? Take action.





Gemstars, rest and relaxation are important for you this Full Moon. Allow yourself to be lazy and know that it is okay to do nothing. Even tuning out is an act of self-care. Something inside you is bursting with life and wants to manifest in the outer world, Gemstars. This Full Moon phase is pushing you to build your confidence and realize your power. You are being called to stop playing small and step up. Allow yourself to rise and bloom. Release the fears and doubts and work on expressing your gifts and talents in a beneficial way. An energy healing session will do you a world of good, too.




Cancerians, level up your protection game this full moon and prepare to call back your power. You have distributed your energy in too many places and perhaps even given away your power to low vibrational situations and people. Cut the cords with anything that is bringing you down and squeezing you dry. Take back the control of your life and put on an extra layer of protection around you. Be a better listener this Full Moon Cancerians for there is much power in listening. Your wise self wants to deliver pearls of wisdom to you and you can only access it once you have quietened the mind.





Leos, some of you may be undergoing a cathartic experience right now. Certain situations may be pushing you beyond your known limits and cracking you open. Whether this is the case with you or not at the moment, this Full Moon, you are being asked to embrace your full power and open yourself to growth and ascension. You can do this by practicing acceptance and knowing that every event occurring in your life right now is happening for your best, even if it seems otherwise on the surface. Remember, every storm brings a fresh and new beginning.




Virgos, know your priorities well. Do not extend your energy in too many unimportant things which could distract you from the real goal. You must organize for success by eliminating all the clutter. This is quite an important time for your zodiac as many of you are on the verge of releasing some deep-rooted patterns and non-beneficial energies. Many of you are about to end a soul contract and wave goodbye to an important life lesson. Make space for this healing. Do intention-based work and be clear about what it is that you are ready to let go of from your life once and for all. Whatever isn’t serving you well, know that you have the power to extract it from your life this Moon cycle. Do the work!




Librans, many of you may be experiencing doubts and losing faith on your path. Perhaps you are wondering if you will be supported on your path ahead? Or maybe if you are on the right path? Your divine guidance this moon cycle is to trust your path, Librans. You will be supported and all your needs will be met. However, this manifestation calls for trust. It takes two to tango, after all (you + Universe co-creating together). No matter how confusing the journey ahead, know that you will be okay. This Full Moon, make time to connect with the Divine energy and seek guidance and support on your path. Rest assured that your faith will be met with answers and solutions soon.





Scorpios, this Full Moon cycle is insisting you to pause and say ‘No’. Whatever it is that you feel the urge to enact impulsively, can wait. Give spontaneity a break and bide your time. This may not be the right time to launch that project or break the news. It may not be the best time to start a new relationship or even end one. Take a break and silence your mind. Mental rest is highly recommended and silence will be golden. Get plenty of rest and take as many naps as you feel like.




Archers, what have you been feeling passionate about lately? Is there a childhood dream that you are feeling drawn to fulfill now? Or, is there something that your soul is craving to do for a while? This Full Moon cycle, take note of all those dreams that are bubbling within you and work on making them happen, no matter how silly it may seem at first. Follow your passion by listening to the calling of your heart. Notice what light you up and do more of that. The more you listen to and follow up with your passion, the happier and successful you will be. That is where your blessings lie.





Oh you hard working, Capricorns! This Full Moon, make time to celebrate and have fun, will ya? Make a sacred date with yourself and do something that lights up your soul. Take a break from all the work that you have been doing and cut back on the serious attitude. Smile, laugh, play, rejuvenate. Make life more interesting and know that you deserve to have fun, too. Speaking of time, it is also important to utilize your time wisely. Choose to do meaningful things that benefit and uplift you. This also means valuing your time enough to say ‘No’ to all the incessant demands from outside. Time is precious, after all.




Aquashines, Peace of mind to you will be worth more than gold this moon cycle. Your guidance is to seek peace, consciously. Make peace with things that you cannot change and that are gnawing at you. Do not overthink things or spend time living in regret or lost in an unfulfilled fantasy. Sometimes, it is okay to not know all the answers. Create a gentle atmosphere around you and avoid anything harsh or cacophonous to your soul. Many of you may experience a sense of longing and loneliness this Full Moon. You may feel as though you want to go home but not know where this home is. Embrace your purpose on this planet and know that we are all here for our soul’s evolution. Your empathic nature will be highly activated so take care and protect your energy.




Pisceans, this Moon cycle is a phase of release for you folks and the process of releasing is not always calm and pleasant. You may experience a burst of highly charged emotions this full moon which can find its way out through tears or anger. If you feel the need to just have a good cry, do it. Let those bottled emotions flow so that you can empty yourself of all the heavy energy inside. Many of you are being called to work through grief as well. You don’t have to do this alone, though, Pisceans. Call in your tribe, your soul family, those kindred souls who form an important part of your life and support system. Spend time in the company of those who light up your soul. I am also sensing that many of you will be welcoming soul connections soon.


written with love and faith in Shiv Shambhu
Om Namah Shivaya


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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