Horoscopes for 13th February, 2021

Here are bite-sized horoscopes for the day. I hope these messages will serve you well.


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Aries ~ If you are feeling tired, heavy, or burdened, take a break and rejuvenate yourself. Do not push yourself beyond your limits. Lean on someone or something positive to derive your strength. A period of prosperity surrounds you. News of pregnancy is on the cards for some. The birth of a new idea or project can also take place.

Taurus ~ The Universe brings you a reminder today that your desire is within reach. Things may not be falling into place the way you envisioned it to or extra work could be required from your end. Yet, have faith that you are close to reaching your goal. Your material needs will be fulfilled and you will be offered more. Put more practice and effort to master the skills you seek.

Gemini ~ There may be sorrow or disappointment that you will have to battle, today. Heart healing is needed. This is also a cue to you to move forward in life and stop sticking to situations that are bringing you pain. Today is also the perfect time to take action on a matter. Keep your life in balance and all is well.


Cancer ~ If one door closes, another opens. A wish that does not come true is actually a blessing in disguise. Be positive and adopt a childlike wonder in life. Work on raising your self-esteem and confidence. Do something fun and uplifting. This is the right time to make changes to your career or explore different job roles and responsibilities. A new job offer may also show up.

Leo ~ Take the day out to pamper and indulge yourself. Treat your senses to something special. Express your individuality and do not worry about what others may think. Your uniqueness and even quirkiness are what sets you apart. You may feel like you are on an uphill climb at the moment, however, know that you are on the road to success. Your hard work will pay off.

Virgo ~ Patience is advised today, Virgo. What you have asked for is coming about. Give it some time and trust in divine timing. This is a good day to reassess life, course-correct, release negative patterns, and reboot your life and start afresh. Listen to the calling of your soul. Life may offer you a second chance at something. You may have to face some disappointment in a friend or a lover, today.

Libra ~ Strength and perseverance are needed today. Do not feel threatened by situations, opposition, or life circumstances. Stand strong and fight with all your might. Flowers uplift and heal your energy. Surround yourself with fresh blossoms. Happy news may arrive today. Someone or something from your past may surprise you as well. What you want will come to fruition by Springtime.


Scorpio ~ Opportunities will be presented to you, today. Make the right choice by examining all the details. Do not fall for the surface glamor. You must also stay grounded as you may give in to flights of fancy and daydream a little too much, today. Your connection with children may be of importance, today. Your own inner child may be calling for attention. Pay heed.

Sagittarius ~ Work on strengthening your foundation today Archers as this will help you build something lasting. Connect with nature to feel inspired and rejuvenated. Feel and practice gratitude for all that you have. A matter related to a Son may be of importance to some, today. You may feel drawn to rich and sugary foods today or feel too indulgent. Set limits and do not over-indulge.

Capricorn ~ Flower therapy is recommended today. Connect with the healing energy of flowers or flower essences. Pick up a bunch of favorite blossoms and keep them in your surrounding. This day can bring moments of celebration, fun, and enjoyment. Take the opportunity to enjoy life. Examine your emotions and get to the root cause of what is troubling you.

Aquarius ~ Something or someone is going out of your life and this is a blessing in disguise, Aquarius. Do not mourn the loss of something you held dear as a better part of your life will begin soon. Open yourself to new possibilities. Focus on building stability and structure. You may partake in a celebration today. An event or happening may just be the right place to uplift your energy.

Pisces ~ A short journey is on the cards or, you may have to run too many errands today. Take care of your energy and guard against giving too much of yourself to others. Fill your own cup first before pouring out to others. It may feel hard to find your inner strength today but if you really try, you will find the inspiration and courage within.  A significant birthday holds the answer to your question.


Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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