Horoscopes for 16th February, 2021

Here are bite-sized horoscopes for the day. I hope these messages will serve you well.


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Aries ~ A day where you must seek expert opinion or guidance. Do not rush into things and avoid making decisions on a whim. Some Ariens may be battling a challenging situation at this time and seeking help will bring you clarity and perspective. Do not put blind faith in others especially when they seem too good to be true.

Taurus ~ Like Aries, you too must avoid taking risks today that can jeopardize your long-term security and stability. Family situations may need attention. There may even be losses incurred in an area associated with family, today. Make time to invest in your personal growth and well-being, today. Nurture yourself.

Gemini ~ You may have to pause from taking action today and keenly observe the situation ahead of you before you proceed. Certain risks are not worth taking. Disappointment and sorrow could be felt deeply in your heart today. Take the time and rest you need to pull yourself together and heal. More efforts need to go in from your end in order to succeed at something, today.

Cancer ~ A day to express your feelings and speak with love. Do something romantic for that special person in your life or for your loved ones. Keep your speech gentle and kind. You may have a lot on your plate today and if you do not manage your priorities well, you could come undone. Perseverance is the key to resolving a problem.

Leo ~ Follow your heart and your passion today, Leos. Be honest in your communication. This is a positive day for love and romance. Work on communicating effectively with those you love in order to clear any misunderstanding and melt the distance. Laughter therapy works wonders for you. The path you are on may seem tough but it will lead to success.

Virgo ~ A day where you must put others needs before yours. Practice selflessness. ou may have to deal with legal situations or paperwork, today. Read the fine print carefully. A positive outcome is seen where legal matters are concerned. Someone with a kind and generous heart may offer their support to you. Emotional maturity is needed.


Libra ~ You are climbing towards success, Librans. Take it one rung of the ladder at a time. New opportunities are likely to come your way and past efforts may finally begin showing results now. You are encouraged to explore your options and full potential where work, business, and collaborations are concerned. Surrender what is beyond you and give it to the Universe. Learn to let go.

Scorpio ~ A day where you are urged to say ‘No’ to something, Scorpios. You will be given the opportunity to put an unhealthy or unfruitful situation to an end. Accept change and begin fresh rather than play the same old tune over and over again. There may be a sense of lack in some area of life. A new beginning is on the horizon. Stay emotionally strong.

Sagittarius ~ You may feel detached and disconnected today, Archers. Your mood could use upliftment. Treat yourself to something that your heart is craving and in all manners, give yourself the best. Do not brush away opportunities coming to you without taking a close look. The most difficult part of a situation is over. Let go of worries. Do not sit for too long. Move.

Capricorn ~ Lower your expectations from others else you may feel disappointed. Someone could upset you today. You may experience fatigue and feel less motivated, today. Bank on your inner reserves of strength to pull through. Take small steps for now and do not beat yourself up if you are not moving at the same pace as others around you. Stop comparing.

Aquarius ~ Pick up an old hobby or a practice that you were good at. It may also be time to brush up on old skills and put them to good use, today. Reassess and reevaluate your own role in co-creating your life thus far. Do you need to make healthy changes somewhere? It is never too late to start again and life is giving you a second chance. Finances need careful handling.

Pisces ~ If you are feeling confused or lost, all you have to do is to get back to where you start and make a different choice this time. Do not entangle yourself in situations that are unnecessarily complicating your life. More effort and discipline may be needed at work today. Else, you stand to displease those in authoritative power. Better planning is needed to make your goals come to fruition.

Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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