Horoscopes for 8th February, 2021

Here are bite-sized horoscopes for the day. I hope these messages will serve you well.


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Aries ~ Focus and discipline is important, today. A legal situation may need more time and effort to work move forward. Do not get on the wrong side of the law or the bad books of your boss or seniors. Someone could exert too much control over you, today. Keep your temper at bay and get your life back in order.

Taurus ~ Things are beginning to move forward swiftly and you are likely to feel more energized today. You must take a tad bit of caution when interacting with the world as misunderstandings can occur quite easily. Smooth travel is on the cards. A piece of interesting news may reach you as well.

Gemini ~ Do not let your emotions dictate your expenses, today. You may feel moody, overly sentimental, or emotionally high strung. Instead of bottling up your feelings, find a way to express them freely. Money needs to be handled with care, today. Lead with kindness, compassion, and care.

Cancer ~ It may be hard to make up your mind on something today and indecisiveness could stop you in the tracks. Find the clarity you seek and make intelligent decisions. You may also need to watch against someone tyrannical or manipulative in nature who may try to exert control over you.

Leo ~ A day of praise, appreciation, and admiration for the Lions and Lionesses. People may look up to you for advice or direction. You too may need to seek some guidance today from an experienced source. Official matters could be important. Play by the book and avoid a rebellious attitude.

Virgo ~ Increase your efforts to reach your goal faster, today, Virgo. Let generosity lead the way, today. Share what you can with the world and be of assistance to others. A loan may come through or you may receive monetary help. Inspect what you ingest when it comes to food and beverages.


Libra ~ This day demands more inner strength and effort from your end. Aggression or anger may not be the way. Practice understanding, gentleness, and compassion, instead. A woman with blonde, gray or white hair may be of importance in some matter, today. Control your impulses and tame the inner beast.

Scorpio ~ A good day for financial gains. You may reap the reward for something from your past. Careful though! There may be selfish and manipulative individuals around you. Pick your battles wisely and avoid conflict. Petty quarrels and ego clashes can be avoided when you choose to be the bigger person.

Sagittarius ~ Teamwork pays off, today. The most difficult part of a situation is over. You may receive appreciation for your work. Put your best work in front of the world. A good day to attend interviews and sort out any paperwork. New clients or business proposals may arrive.

Capricorn ~ You are like fire today, Capricorns – You can either bring warmth or burn something to ashes. Handle your emotional reactions with care. Practice gratitude and count your blessings. There is much to be content for in your life. Pay attention to your diet. Dental issues may trouble a few of you.

Aquarius ~ Your effort is going to pay off today, Aquarius, and a dream is likely to come true. Family bonding and harmony are on the cards, today. Make time for your loved ones and attend to their needs. A good day for strengthening commitments and forging new bonds.

Pisces ~ You may feel tied down and frustrated today, Pisceans. Step back and take a break from situations. If the result you seek keeps eluding you, take time to reassess and regroup. Patience and perseverance are needed today. Take care of your neck.

Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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