How Teachable Are You?


The other day, the message of ‘How teachable are you?’ showed up and it has offered me plenty of food for the soul. I think this is a question that almost all of us need to ask ourselves from time to time.




When we send out an S.O.S to the cosmos and ask for divine guidance, assistance shows up in various forms. Sometimes, a repetitive message keeps coming at us. You may have observed this more closely if you are a reader yourself. Even if you are not a reader, I am sure many a time you have found patterns and synchronicities guiding you towards your answers. It is that gentle nudge that keeps directing you towards your best course of action. But the question is, how many times have you heeded the advice?


Sometimes we conveniently ignore the steps that we are being asked to take. We overlook the messages perhaps because the need to push out of complacency seems a little too much. Not all of us like leaving our comfort zones (yet, we crave change). At other times, maybe we fear change or choose to procrastinate.


My dear friends, I want you to take a moment to ask yourself what constant guidance have you ignored in your life lately. Spirit is always there to assist us and sometimes, what we are being guided to do can seem a lot. But if you are not willing to do what it takes to get where you desire to be, then there comes a time when your stubbornness will act as your biggest block and the messages will stop coming. Would you like it if someone keeps seeking your advice repeatedly only to not follow it? You will not waste your energy on this person after a point, right? It is also said, God helps those who help themselves.


The next time you are desperately seeking assistance from the cosmos, get in touch with the answers that are already within you and have been given to you. Or, when the answers come, take that leap of faith and act. Put the advice into practice. Show the Universe that you are willing to take guided action and co-create. Build your connection with the Universe. Even if you fail at first, keep practicing what you wish to master. There are no shortcuts.



We must learn to be teachable if we want to manifest and create magic in our lives. A divinely guided step is rendered useless if we don’t act upon it.


I hope this message inspires you to not only pay heed to what you are being guided to do right now but to also take action.


Love and Blessings



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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