Intuitive Reading for the week of 13th to 19th May, 2019



Hey Gorgeous People,



Welcome to the Weekly Guidance Message post.


How was last week for you? Boy, I sure experienced that 5 of wands energy from last week’s reading, towards the end of last week. I hope your week was not as chaotic, though.


Moving on, let’s take a look at the upcoming week’s energy. Keep in mind though that this is a general reading for the collective and I am mainly focusing on the predominant theme/energy for the week. If you would like to receive a more personalized reading for a situation specific to you, I will be happy to do a reading for you. You can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.




We have the sparkly Star card representing the energy of the week ahead. This week is about allowing yourself to heal and recuperate from the stress that last week’s ‘5 of wands’ energy may have brought in. I sense that a lot of us need to connect with our higher self this week to find peace, direction, healing, and renewal. We need to work on releasing those negative emotions that are holding us back and keeping us stuck in a rut. Take some time this week to rest and rejuvenate. Go for that massage, hit a spa, surround yourself with people who have calming energy around them, lie under the stars or meditate during the night in the open (if that is an option), get close to the ocean, get a foot soak or prepare a special saltwater bath with your choice of essential oils and flowers. The idea here is to allow the Universe and the healing forces to refill your energetic batteries and help you let go of things that are done and dusted.



Some of you may have experienced a recent setback or your faith in the process and in life itself may not be as strong as it once used to. We all fall down from time to time. We all need a ‘pick-me-up’ from time to time as well. Allow the Universe to offer this help to you. In addition to this, direct your attention towards people and sources that can help uplift your energy and resuscitate your optimism. Do not get sucked into the energy of fear, violence, and negativity that mostly comes from social media.


Our advice card is the 6 of wands. Your confidence, dedication, hard work and good will put you in the spotlight. A random act of kindness could go a long way so be willing to support, help, and uplift those in need and those you can. Set good examples for those around you and learn from others success instead of envying them.


Our oracle card for the week is ‘Honesty’. This card tells me that some illusions and lies will fade away this month and you will become more aware of the reality of a situation. The reality is not always pleasant and sometimes, it can shatter our expectations. But better to know now than to keep living in illusions, isn’t it? Seek truth and be accepting of the truth. In your own interactions and dealings with others, be honest to avoid misunderstandings later and to also keep your moral compass clean. To some of you, this means expressing and sharing your true feelings with others even if this can shake things up a little.


So that’s it for this week, folks! I hope this message serves you all well as you move through this week. I am wishing you all a happy and healthy week ahead.



Until next time!


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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