3 Enlightening Paths: July Tarot Pick a Card Reading

Welcome to July, a Month of Joy and Growth!


As we step into the warm embrace of July, the energy around us shifts, bringing with it opportunities for joy, growth, and transformation. This month is a time to bask in the sunlight, celebrate the beauty of the season, and connect deeply with our inner selves.

To guide us through the vibrant energies of July, I have prepared a special Pick-A-Card Tarot reading. Whether you’re seeking clarity, inspiration, or simply a dose of positivity, these cards are here to provide the insights you need.

Take a moment to center yourself, breathe deeply, and tune into your intuition. Choose the card that resonates most with you, and let’s uncover the wisdom and guidance that July has in store.

I have also created a ‘Table of Contents’ on this post to make it easier for you to navigate to your chosen number and its various messages without having to scroll all the way to the bottom or the middle of the page.


If you have not already chosen your number, pile, or Starfish, then go ahead and do it now and then choose the number from the table below.

July Tarot _ The Indian Tarot Lady

May this reading bring you clarity, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose as you navigate the month ahead. Embrace the journey, trust in the process, and let the Tarot illuminate your path.

July Tarot: Red Starfish – Number 1

July Tarot _ The Indian Tarot Lady

Embracing the July Vibes

If you were drawn to the Red Starfish of the July Tarot Pick-a-card Reading, your main card for the month is the 6 of swords.

The 6 of Swords invites us to embrace a period of transition and healing. This card symbolizes a journey away from turbulent waters towards calmer seas. It’s a reminder that leaving behind stress and difficulties is not just possible but necessary for our well-being. Picture yourself on a serene boat ride, leaving behind the chaos and moving towards tranquility. This July, focus on creating a peaceful environment for yourself. Let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the new horizons that await. It’s a time for mental clarity and emotional healing, allowing the summer vibes to wash over you like a gentle, soothing wave.


Key Areas to Focus On

The 7 of Cups brings a message of dreams and choices, highlighting the myriad of possibilities that lie before you. This card is a gentle nudge to focus on clarity and decision-making. With so many options available, it’s easy to get lost in the allure of possibilities. Take time this July to prioritize your goals and discern which dreams align most closely with your true path. Meditation and reflection can help in sifting through the illusions to uncover what truly resonates with your heart. Focus on what brings you genuine joy and fulfillment and allow yourself to dream big while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground.

How to Relax and Rejuvenate

The Lovers card is all about harmony, balance, and meaningful connections. To truly relax and rejuvenate this summer, focus on nurturing your relationships, both with yourself and others. Spend quality time with loved ones, engage in activities that bring you joy, and seek out experiences that foster connection and intimacy. Whether it’s a romantic evening, a deep conversation with a friend, or simply loving self-care, allow the energy of love and harmony to rejuvenate your spirit. Remember, relaxation comes not just from solitude but from meaningful connections that uplift and energize you.


The King of Cups represents emotional maturity, compassion, and stability. In the realm of relationships, this card advises you to approach your connections with a calm and compassionate heart. Be the steady, loving presence for those around you. Show empathy and understanding, and lead with emotional intelligence. This summer, strive to balance your own emotions while being a supportive and nurturing figure for others. Deep, meaningful relationships will flourish when you embody the qualities of the King of Cups, fostering a space of trust, love, and emotional safety.


The 6 of Pentacles speaks to generosity, balance, and reciprocity in the workplace. It’s a reminder that giving and receiving are equally important. This July, focus on creating a balanced dynamic at work. Offer your help and support to colleagues, and be open to receiving assistance and collaboration in return. Generosity, whether it’s sharing knowledge, time, or resources, will create a positive and productive environment. Look for ways to contribute meaningfully, and also recognize the value of what others bring to the table. This balance will lead to a harmonious and rewarding work experience.


The 2 of Swords indicates a need for careful decision-making and finding balance in financial matters. You might be facing some tough financial choices this summer, and it’s important to approach them with a clear and rational mind. Avoid making hasty decisions. Instead, take the time to weigh your options and consider all perspectives. Balance is key; ensure that you are neither overspending nor excessively restricting yourself. Seek advice if needed and trust your intuition to guide you towards the best financial decisions.



The 5 of Wands suggests some inner conflict or competition, indicating that you may face challenges in maintaining your health this summer. It’s important to address any internal struggles or stressors that could be affecting your well-being. Engage in physical activities that help release tension, such as yoga, hiking, or even playful sports. Focus on finding harmony within yourself, and don’t be afraid to try new approaches to health and fitness. Remember, the goal is not to compete but to find a balanced routine that supports your overall well-being.

Runic Guidance for July

Drawing the Perthro rune adds a layer of mystical guidance to your July journey. This rune is associated with mystery, fate, and the hidden aspects of life. It suggests that there are unseen forces at play, guiding you towards your destiny. Trust in the flow of life and remain open to the unexpected. Sometimes, the best opportunities come from the unknown. Embrace the mystery and allow the universe to guide you. Be open to surprises and trust that you are being led to where you need to be.

This is a general reading that could touch upon the main themes of your life this month. To book a personal reading, check out my services on my website based on your location or write to [email protected].

July Tarot: White Starfish – Number 2

July Tarot _ The Indian Tarot Lady

Embracing the July Vibes

If you were drawn to the White Starfish of the July Tarot Pick-a-card Reading, your main card for the month is the King of Cups.

The King of Cups invites you to embrace the season with emotional maturity and compassion. This card encourages you to cultivate a calm and balanced state of mind, allowing you to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace. Embrace the summer vibes by nurturing your emotional well-being. Practice mindfulness, connect with your inner self, and extend kindness to those around you. The King of Cups reminds us that true strength lies in emotional intelligence and the ability to remain serene amidst the chaos. This month, let your heart lead the way, and find joy in the simple, heartfelt moments.


Key Areas to Focus On

The 6 of Pentacles highlights the importance of balance and generosity in your life this summer. This card suggests focusing on the give-and-take dynamics in your relationships and daily interactions. It’s a reminder to be generous with your time, resources, and kindness, but also to be open to receiving support when needed. Whether it’s helping a friend, volunteering, or simply being there for someone in need, these acts of kindness will bring harmony and fulfillment. Similarly, don’t hesitate to ask for help or accept assistance; reciprocity is key. By maintaining a balance between giving and receiving, you will create a harmonious and rewarding summer experience.

How to Relax and Rejuvenate

The Page of Pentacles encourages you to approach relaxation and rejuvenation with curiosity and a willingness to learn. This July, explore new hobbies or activities that bring you joy and stimulate your mind. Whether it’s gardening, cooking, or picking up a new book, engage in activities that ground you and bring you closer to nature. The Page of Pentacles is all about planting seeds for future growth, so take this time to invest in yourself and your well-being. Set small, achievable goals that bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Remember, relaxation can be productive and rewarding when you approach it with a fresh perspective.


The 4 of Swords signals a need for rest and reflection in your relationships. This card suggests taking a step back to recharge and evaluate your connections. It’s a time for introspection and healing, both for yourself and your relationships. If there have been conflicts or misunderstandings, allow space for resolution through calm and thoughtful communication. Use this period to strengthen your bond with loved ones by prioritizing quality time and meaningful conversations. The 4 of Swords reminds us that sometimes, the best way to nurture our relationships is to give ourselves and others the time and space to heal and grow.


The High Priestess calls for introspection and trusting your intuition in your work life. This summer, focus on listening to your inner voice and tapping into your subconscious wisdom. The High Priestess suggests that there may be hidden opportunities or insights waiting to be discovered. Take time for quiet reflection and trust your instincts when making decisions. Whether it’s a creative project or a strategic move, rely on your intuition to guide you. This is also a great time to seek knowledge and deepen your understanding of your field. Embrace the mysteries and allow your inner wisdom to illuminate your path.


The 7 of Wands indicates a period of perseverance and standing your ground in financial matters. This card suggests that you may face challenges or competition, but with determination and resilience, you can overcome them. Be prepared to defend your financial decisions and stay focused on your goals. It’s important to stay vigilant and proactive in managing your finances. This month, take a strategic approach to budgeting and saving, and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe is right. Your perseverance will pay off, leading to financial stability and success.



The 10 of Pentacles brings a message of overall well-being and stability in health. This card suggests a time of enjoying the fruits of your labor and focusing on long-term health goals. It’s a great reminder to prioritize family and community support in maintaining your health. Engage in activities that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Spend time with loved ones, enjoy family traditions, and create lasting memories. The 10 of Pentacles emphasizes the importance of a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, ensuring that you take care of yourself and those around you. Pay attention to the health of your family or family members.

Runic Guidance for July

The Mannaz rune, representing humanity and community, complements the insights from the tarot spread. This rune encourages you to focus on self-awareness and your role within the community. Embrace the interconnectedness of life and the support system you have. Mannaz reminds you that your personal growth and well-being are intertwined with the well-being of others. This month, foster a sense of community, engage in collective activities, and support each other’s growth. By doing so, you will enhance your own journey and contribute to the greater good.

This is a general reading that could touch upon the main themes of your life this month. To book a personal reading, check out my services on my website based on your location or write to [email protected].

July Tarot: Blue Starfish – Number 3

July Tarot _ The Indian Tarot Lady

Embracing the July Vibes

If you were drawn to the Blue Starfish of the July Tarot Pick-a-card Reading, your main card for the month is the King of Wands.

The King of Wands beckons you to embrace this month with passion and leadership. This card embodies the energy of inspiration, vision, and bold action. July is the perfect time to step into your power and pursue your goals with confidence and enthusiasm. Whether it’s starting a new project, leading a group, or simply taking charge of your life, let the fiery energy of the King of Wands guide you. Embrace creativity, take bold steps, and inspire others with your dynamic presence. This month, be the leader of your own journey, and watch how your passion ignites the world around you.

Key Area to Focus On

The 6 of Pentacles highlights the importance of balance and generosity in your life this summer. This card encourages you to focus on the give-and-take dynamics in your relationships and daily interactions. It’s a reminder to be generous with your time, resources, and kindness, but also to be open to receiving support when needed. Acts of kindness and generosity will create harmony and fulfillment. Similarly, don’t hesitate to ask for help or accept assistance; reciprocity is key. By maintaining a balance between giving and receiving, you will create a harmonious and rewarding summer experience.


How to Relax and Rejuvenate

The Strength card offers a powerful message about inner resilience and self-compassion as the keys to relaxation and rejuvenation this summer. It’s about finding peace through inner strength and gentleness. Engage in activities that empower you and boost your confidence. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or creative pursuits, focus on nurturing your inner lion. Take time to rest and recharge, knowing that true strength comes from a balanced mind and body. This month, embrace your inner fortitude and practice self-love, allowing yourself to relax and rejuvenate fully.


The King of Pentacles represents stability, reliability, and abundance in relationships. This summer, focus on building solid foundations and nurturing the bonds that matter most. Be a dependable and supportive presence for your loved ones. Show your care through practical gestures and thoughtful actions. The King of Pentacles encourages you to create a nurturing and prosperous environment for your relationships to thrive. Whether it’s planning special activities, providing support, or simply being there for each other, let the energy of stability and abundance strengthen your connections.


The Ace of Pentacles brings exciting prospects and new beginnings in your work life this month. This card signals opportunities for growth, prosperity, and new ventures. Be open to fresh ideas and take advantage of any new opportunities that come your way. It’s a great time to start new projects, invest in your skills, or even explore new career paths. The seeds you plant now will lead to future success and abundance. Embrace this period of potential and make the most of the opportunities that present themselves.


The Knight of Pentacles advises a steady and methodical approach to your finances this month. This card emphasizes hard work, diligence, and careful planning. Stay focused on your financial goals and be consistent in your efforts. It’s a time to make prudent investments, save wisely, and avoid risky ventures. The Knight of Pentacles assures you that with patience and persistence, your financial stability and growth are assured. Keep your eyes on the long-term benefits, and stay committed to your financial plans.


The Page of Cups brings a message of emotional renewal and creativity in the realm of health. This card encourages you to listen to your intuition and nurture your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring joy and allow your creative energy to flow. Whether it’s through art, music, journaling, or spending time in nature, find ways to express your feelings and connect with your inner self. The Page of Cups also suggests being open to new approaches to health and wellness. Embrace a playful and curious attitude towards your well-being and let your heart guide you towards healing and balance.


Runic Guidance for July

The Jera rune symbolizes cycles, harvest, and reward for efforts. This rune complements the tarot guidance by reminding you that the seeds you plant now will yield results in due time. Be patient and trust the natural cycles of growth and change. Your hard work and perseverance will lead to a fruitful harvest. Jera encourages you to stay committed to your goals, knowing that each effort contributes to your overall progress. Embrace the flow of time and celebrate the small victories along the way. The rewards of your dedication will manifest in their own perfect timing.

This is a general reading that could touch upon the main themes of your life this month. To book a personal reading, check out my services on my website based on your location or write to [email protected].

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 238

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