Mercury Retrograde Guidance for all zodiac signs

Hello dear readers,


Mercury went retrograde on the 9th of September and will remain so until the 2nd of October, 2022. Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Virgo, where it is both exalted and happy (Mercury rules Virgo). Not just that, Mercury is also opposing (directly looking at) Jupiter, which by the way is also retrograde, in the sign of Pisces. When the planet of intelligence faces the planet of truth, wisdom, and learning, one can expect a lot of clarity and realization to emerge.

In this post, my objective is to share some messages with you with special importance given to your work and finances. These messages are based on Tarot and oracle cards and teeny weeny bit of Astrology. So, I am going to be very honest and direct in sharing what the cards are saying about each zodiac sign during this phase which is often frowned upon given that Mercury retrograde is known to create a lot of chaos and delays in our communication and day to day life.

I also suggest that you focus on your rising sign and Moon sign preferably referring to a sidereal chart used in Vedic astrology. Your rising sign is also called the Ascendant. It may differ from your western chart. Sidereal chart is considered to be more accurate than the tropical chart and I invite you to try it out and see how much sense it makes when reading your horoscopes. Of course, feel free to refer to what feels right to you but remember to read up about both your rising as well as Moon sign.

Here is the link to a free Vedic Astrology app if you would like to check your sidereal app.




Your card is the 8 of swords in reverse, dear Aries. I sense that many Ariens may struggle to break out of their mental limitations and patterns. Mercury will be going retrograde in your 6th house which has to do with your health, co-workers, daily job and your diet. This is considered the house of illness so I would like you to pay special attention to your health, especially your mental health. I am also being shown that some situations that are rooted in your past life may come to surface. It could be a pattern or even a karmic baggage of sorts that you are carrying from a past incarnation that needs healing and handling. Pay attention to your diet. This could be the time where many Ariens may come to realize a new diet that they should adopt or feel the push to pay more attention to their food habits and fitness. You must pay a lot of attention to your work and how you deal with your co-workers. Spirit is showing me that there will be something to celebrate when it comes to your work during this cycle. An unexpected income or pay raise is possible for some of you. Don’t let your head talk you into believing false things about yourself.


Dear Taureans, your card is The Sun. Mercury will be retrograde in your 5th house of children, creativity, and romantic affairs. Miscommunication in relationships is possible so try to be more understanding and do not make any impulsive moves or speak harsh words to keep your connection drama-free. In relationships, I am being shown that either you may not be over someone or someone may not be over you. This is one of those times where it is not uncommon for exes to come back or blast from the past to take place. If you are chasing someone or something, time to pause and reflect. What is making you chase this person? Is it really worth it? This could be the opportunity to put an old relationship wound to grave whether in existing relationships or in connections from the past. The Sun is a card of happiness and joy. The 5th house being the house of children, It feels like this may be a good time for those planning to have children. For those who already have children, this phase could be trying. Nevertheless, your creative juices are flowing and there are blessings coming your way. Spirit is showing me that many Taureans may do well in their businesses or can expect a windfall. Learn to be more optimistic about life and like a child, be carefree and bring playfulness into your life. Get over petty grudges and smile more often. Avoid any immature behaviour.


Gemstars, Mercury will be going retrograde in your 4th house. The 4th house is associate with your home, mother, property and vehicles. Your Tarot card is the High prsietess. Your psychic senses will be all fired up during this cycle, Gemstars. Trust your intuition and be open to listening to what your inner guidance has to say. I also feel that for many, your mother may be the source of guidance. Pay heed to the wise words coming from your mother. At the same time, miscommunication or issues  related to mother are also possible, so take caution. This may not be a great time to invest your money blindly or for financial matters in general. Do not take risks and have your back up plans in place. Things may not be crystal clear therefore, bide your time. In relationships, trust issues may surface. One of your lessons is to work around this. Even those who are single and are failing to find love may need to look within and work on past conditioning, beliefs and patterns to see how they are blocking you from enjoying the fruits of a good partnership. If you have any plans of purchasing vehicles, moving to a new home, or purchasing land, it is best to wait andat prudently.



Dear Cancerians, your card is the 7 of cups in reverse and Mercury will be retrograde in your 3rd house. The 3rd house deals with your communication, younger siblings and courage. With the 7 of cups in reverse, you may find it hard to muster your strength during this cycle as your mind can play games with you. Your thoughts need to be kept in check otherwise you may blow your fears and doubts out of proportion and undergo paranoia. Overthinking could lead to unnecessary loss of energy. Re-establish your spiritual connection if it is dimming out. Communicate better especially with your younger siblings. In relationships, it may be worth giving a connection a second or a third try. Even if existing relationships are suffering, focus on rebuilding it as opposed to watching it further deteriorate. Only you know if it is worth it or not. For many Cancerians, this phase may push you towards doing something new in terms of business. Your work experience will come handy and you are receiving the nudge to believe in self whether it is about starting a new enterprise or leading a project.


Dear Leos, your card is the 3 of swords in reverse and Mercury is retrograde in your 2nd house of finances and speech. Leos, you may be internalizing some pain. Clearly, you are not over a situation that is giving you much grief and it is possible that some of you may experience a difficult phase during this retrograde cycle. Pay attention to your finances else there could be losses. Learn from your mistakes and do not let setbacks dampen your spirit. This Mercury retrograde is giving you the opportunity to reevaluate, learn and heal. The way you communicate and the words you speak may have a huge impact on those around you. It is possible that what you say and how you say it could be the cause of much grief and conflict. I also see some family issues cropping up for some Leos where love and relationships are concerned. Take it easy and move with compassion, understanding, and patience during this time, Leos. It is also suggested that you pay attention to the needs of your family and resolve any challenging matter with love and dignity.


Dear Virgos, your card is the 6 of Pentacles and Mercury is retrograde in your first house of self. Mercury rules Virgo and is exalted in this position and with the 6 of pentacles in your house of self, I see material gains and support coming your way. Spirit is telling you that it is worth making meaningful connections and paying attention to your networking skills during this time. Your network may directly lead to your net worth. By increasing your connections, you will be widening your potential to increase your business capabilities and reach new audience. Help may come from unexpected places and people. You are encouraged to become more organized and disciplined. Pay attention to your diet and fitness. To how you look and carry yourself. Change your attitude if you feel it is not helpful. In relationships, someone may seek your forgiveness. This is also a good time for you to seek forgiveness and owe an apology to someone you think you have hurt. Do not hold back from saying ‘sorry’ as this word has a lot of power to fix situations and improve your connections. If you are expecting a loan or awaiting to receive some kind of monetary help, it may happen during this cycle despite the bad rap mercury retrograde gets for delaying such matters.


Dear Librans, your card is the Page of wands in reverse and Mercury is retrograde in your 12th house of subconscious, isolation, foreign lands, and expenses. The Page of wands is giving me a very cocky and brash look in the card in front of me and so I would say, focus on your actions and attitude this retrograde cycle especially when Mercury is sitting in the house of  losses and expenses. Your quick and impulsive actions may lead to losses specially where money is concerned. Try to avoid unnecessary purchases and watch out against unforeseen expenses cropping up.  Avoid meanness when it comes to your every day dealings with the world. In relationships, spirit is guiding you to take control of your life. If you are in a relationship or a situation that seems like imprisonment, it is time to break free. Give more importance to yourself and your happiness. Also, don’t let others influence or dictate your love life. Many Librans are also being encouraged to come out of their talent closet and monetize their natural gifts. Mercury is the house of hidden truth and the timing is ripe to bring your hidden talents to the fore and share them with the world, even if as a side gig. When dealing with matters related to foreign lands, you may want to pay special attention to your communication style and actions.


Dear Scorpios, your card is The Heirophant and Mercury is retrograde in your 11th house of gains, profits, and friendships. I am being shown that things may be a little unsteady where business and finances are concerned for you. Your lack of proper decision-making could be the culprit. The Heirophant is a guide, a teacher, and an expert. It is suggested that you act under the guidance of an expert and fallback on tried and tested methods during this retrograde as opposed to trying out unconventional methods and taking unwarranted risks. Let someone wise and knowledgeable guide you in your decision-making process. Where matters of the heart are concerned, I see the beginning of a new bond on the cards for many Scorpios. Love is in the air for those seeking love. Those in existing relationships mjust grab the opportunity to rekindle romance. If your relationship needs help in becoming better, then seek help in the form of couple counseling and therapy. This retrograde is here to help you review and heal.



Dear Archers, your card is the knight of cups in reverse and Mercury is retrograde in your 10th house of occupation. your guidance during this period is to strike a balance between your work and personal life. I wonder if you are overdoing or overgiving where work is concerned at the cost of disappointing your partnership or lover. Ignoring your private affairs now can lead to unpleasant consequences. Strong work ethics and honesty should be practiced where all work dealing are concerned. The Knight of cups does not bode well for your emotional life and your capacity to give, feel, and love. There could be some disappointments in the affairs of the heart. Too much or too little emotions may create blockages in your life. Appreciate what you have and  have more compassion and mercy when it comes to your emotional affairs. To some of my Archer friends, spirit sends a message to be very clear with your expectations. Do not compromise and be clear about what you want, whether in business or personal matters. The Universe will bring you what you feel you deserve. Raise your frequency and do not settle for anything less. If someone is taking you for granted and is not appreciative of your efforts, it may be time to cut them loose or set your expectations clear.


Dear Capricorns, your card is The Star and Mercury is retrograde in your 9th house of religion and beliefs, higher education, and long travels. This is a time of cleansing and healing for you. Spirit wants you to shed all those things that are holding you back in life and empty your heart of emotions that you have bottled up. This could be a great time to practice healing or to learn healing techniques. Invest in learning and pay attention to educating your mind. Release pain and let go of bitterness and grudge. Father healing could be of significance for many or you may have to look at healing your divine masculine. In relationships, patience is advised. Develop more patience and compassion towards those important people in your life and do not be quick to judge. Re-establish your connection with Spirit and feel more hope and optimism in life. Many Capricorns may be struggling to find their light in the dark and this is a period to heal and find your balance. When it come to work and business, it is important to shift your perspective. Look at the bigger picture and figure out new ways to grow your worth and your finances. Build a healthy relationship with money.


Dear Aquarians, your card is the Wheel of fortune and Mercury is retrograde in your 8th house of mystery, secrets, research, and psychic experiences. You can use this period positively to understand your purpose and dig deeper into matters. Luck is on your side and it will support you as long as your intention is sincere. Major shifts await you and you may even have some deep psychic, out-of-the-world experiences that will change the way you view life. In career and business, your past has much to offer. Sharpening an old skill, using old techniques or even going back to an old career and exploring your potential there could benefit many. If you have met someone new, there is potential with this person. You may even feel a sense of Deja Vu with someone you have met. Believe in the potential that your relationships can stand to offer before you write them off. Mercury in your 8th house right now is here to help you emerge out of a dark and downward spiral. Use this energy to its fullest. Many of you may be drawn towards the occult and will notice that your instincts are growing sharper. Use these instincts to make beneficial decisions.


Dear Pisceans, your card is the 4 of pentacles and Mercury is retrograde in your 7th house of partnerships. I sense many secrets coming out in the open where relationships and partnerships are concerned for you, Pisceans. There could be more than meets the eye to situations and this retrograde cycle may acquaint you with stuff that will pop out like a revelation. When it comes to your business and finances, communication is the key. Speak your truth and make sure that you are clear in your expression. Speak up! In addition to this, many Pisceans can excel in jobs and projects that have to do with direct communication. Jobs in the media, being a spokesperson, writing content, delivering an important speech are all areas where you are likely to find success. The 4 of pentacles ensures that your material needs will be met and that there is money to be made. You are likely to experience security and overcome any sense of lack. Stability is promised in the cards where work and finances are concerned. Just pay attention to your partnerships and relationships.



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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